
Quick-Transmigration: Into The Hentaiverse

A quick-transmigration story: Akira, After dying didn't expect be chosen by the space-time bureau to become a tasker and have the chance to transmigrate into fictional worlds to complete missions and have a second chance in life and inside the tales he once enjoyed. However, these worlds are not the whimsical fantasies he anticipated; they are realms plagued by the most vile and reprehensible scum imaginable. Note: I Edited the title to something more direct and to the point, and I thought about Changing the cover for every Arc. Ps: All credits for the novel Cover goes to "Sasha Belkin"

KraVenOff · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs


[A/N: Sorry for the late chapter, Was quite busy the past few days, anyway here's the chapter]

As Saki entered her home, a mix of nervousness and excitement danced in her eyes.

"I'm home" She said.

Her mother, who was cutting vegetables in the kitchen, sensed the change in her daughter's demeanor and stopped and looked up at her, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"Welcome home, Saki, you're home a little late today. How was your day?" her mother asked.

Saki blushed, trying to act casual. "Oh, it was okay, Mom. Nothing special."

Her mother chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Hmm, nothing special, you say? Your face tells a different story."

Saki's hands fidgeted as she mumbled, "Well, I, uh, went out with a friend."

"A friend?" her mother raised an eyebrow. "Anyone I know?"

Saki hesitated for a moment before uttering, "Akira Kurogane."

Recognition sparked in her mother's eyes. "Ah, the young man who escorted you home that day. How is he?"

"He's... he's nice," Saki stammered, her cheeks growing warmer.

Her mother leaned forward, a mischievous smile on her face. "Nice, huh? The blush on your face suggests there might be more than 'nice.' Did something interesting happen today?"

Trying to evade her mother's keen observations, Saki looked away. "Well, we just hung out, that's all."

The teasing tone persisted. "Just hung out? I see. Did he treat you to something special?"

Saki shifted on her feet, her eyes avoiding direct contact. "He, um, surprised me with a little date, and we had fun."

The room seemed to brighten with her mother's smile. "A date, huh? It did seem like he had a liking for you and I feel like he is a nice young man. So, what did you two do?"

Saki's words tumbled out in a rush. "We went to this charming bookstore café and talked, we then had a delightful meal in a restaurant and then we walked around the park. It was really nice."

Her mother's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Sounds like more than 'just nice.' Did anything else happen, my dear?"

Saki felt her face burning, unable to contain the secret any longer. "We, um, officially became a couple. He asked, and I said yes."

Her mother's expression shifted from teasing to sheer delight. "Oh, Saki, that's wonderful news! I was a little worried before but you seem to be doing fine, I'm so happy for you!"

As her mother enveloped her in a warm embrace, Saki couldn't help but feel a mix of joy and embarrassment. However, her mother, being her closest confidante, couldn't resist adding one final playful tease.

"Looks like my little girl is growing up. Be sure to tell me all the juicy details next time," she whispered with a wink.

Saki's face turned even redder, and with an embarrassed giggle, she hastily made her way to her room, leaving her mother chuckling in the living room. The warmth of the moment lingered in the air, marking the beginning of a new chapter in Saki's life.




In a room illuminated by light of the moon.

"Huf... Huff... Damn... Huff..." Akira was on the ground panting and trying to regain his breath.

'It didn't seem so hard in the anime and manga' He mused.

White steam was going out of his body.

After stabilizing himself, Akira got of the ground.

Inspecting his body, he found that there was no wound or scar on his abdomen.

"The stand arrow is gone, Absorbed into my body I guess" He muttered.

He only felt a little exhausted and heating like he was running a marathon in the desert.

"Haha... I almost look like 2nd Gear Luffy" He chuckled in amusement.

Akira then lifted his head to the full body mirror beside the wardrobe and froze.


He looked behind him with wide eyes and what greeted him was a small boy.

With emerald green eyes and Golden lines that decorated his face.

Wearing a long overcoat, closed to the end of its torso, and a bow tie.

Its face has an outline that connects to lines emanating around its eyes.

It also wears a transparent top hat with a checkered pattern at the bottom.

His outfit in general has a beautiful combination of gold and white.

"HEAVEN's DOOR!!!!" He shouted in surprise.

"Damn that's so cool!!" He exclaimed in excitement.

Heaven's Door floating beside him smiled back.

"OOHHH NOICE!!!" Akira instinctively knew how to use his new stand's abilities, though he already knows a lot from his the anime.

"Heheh...HA.HA....HAHAHA, I now have STANDO POWAH!!!" He laughed like a certain time stopping vampire.

"There's a bunch a stuff I can do with this!!"

'Even some crazy shit, almost or essentially reality warping'

[A/N: Heaven's Door or HD for short can write logic-defying commands which can essentially alter reality, that's how I believe HD's ability works since it's limits haven't been told.]

After a few more minutes of checking his stand out.

'Let's try out my new abilities' He thought as he took a piece of paper and left the bedroom.

Entering the kitchen, Akira let heaven's door on touch the surface of the paper.

Suddenly pages started unfurling from where it touched like book pages blowing in the wind.

Most pages were blank with the exception of a few, Akira grabbed the pages gently and started to read the content written inside.

None of the information was of any importance, it only detailed the materials it was composed of, the date it was made, when it was sold, the price, etc...

"I see, so this is how the ability works" Akira spoke softly as he continued reading.

After a couple more seconds, he was done reading and turned the page to the blank side.

'How do I edit the information written? I wonder if I can think of the information I wish to add or erase and it would be automatically done or should I do it manually? what if I end up in a situation where I don't have something to write with?' He wondered while closing his eyes and placing his hand on his chin.

As he was deep in thought he failed to notice the white and gold fountain pen materializing in front of him.

Opening his eyes he was a little taken aback by the floating pen but soon figured out what it was for.

"Haha, I guess that answers my question" Akira said while chuckling lightly.

Grasping the pen in his hand, he looked down on the blank page before placing the pen tip on the page and started writing his idea.

'let's see, As solid and sharp as a steel knife, oh yeah take the shape of knife as well'.

Putting the pen down, Akira smiled slightly.

He watched as the piece of paper changed it's shape to look like a knife.

Akira picked it up and examined it.

"Ho~, It's not bending, quite hard and it seems sharp, let's try it" He said before taking an apple and cutting it in half, before he started peeling it.

"It actually works, so cool!!" He couldn't help grinning.

'Hmm, how about letting Heaven's Door use the pen and write? So many things to try' He mused before getting immersed in his little experiments with his stand ability which lasted all night.