


I view my characters as the following set of people but if you choose,you could imagine them whichever way you can,in different race and colours.

But the strengths and weaknesses remain. As the story unfolds,I would edit other characters.

Kristin Kleuk as Regina Worth

Protagonist and female lead. Short with an accommodating aura. Brunette with greyish green eyes.

Strengths:Fast thinker,sociable,business oriented and determined

Weakness:Impulsive and clumsy

Aramis Knight as Chase Hilton

Male main lead and CEO of Hilton Enterprises. Tall brunette with brown eyes.

Strengths:Handsome and physically fit. London's most powerful businessman and a gazillionaire (young billionaire). Good at taking favourable impulsive choices. Ambidextrous.

Weakness:The women's man. Cocky,narcissistic and control freak.

Brittany Snow as Deborah Gaskell

Best friend of Regina. Average heighted and sneaky. Sees everyone as a threat which turns out to be both a strength and a weakness. Blonde with blue eyes.

Strengths:Carefulness and wisdom. Speaks Spanish,French and a bit of German. A chef.

Weakness:Sucker for toys. Always choosing the wrong guys.

Madelaine Petsch as Erin Blair

Tall and supermodel. Friend of Regina and Deborah. Red haired and black eyed.

Strengths:Mischievous,carefree and loves making friends. Beautiful and knows how to get through to people. Can keep secrets

Weakness:Secretive and doesn't believe in herself.

*These are for the characters planned out already. As time goes on,I would add other characters. Don't expect a description of Nana. You would love her,that's all I can say. Other weaknesses and strengths would be added also.

Once more,thanks for checking P.A.P out. I promise to make it worth it!

So I decided to use Joanna Lumley as Nana.

Nana is younger however.

Keep reading!

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