

"I'm so glad you're back!" Yoongi said hugging Jimin to his chest.

Everyone in the clan (except Jungkook) went and hugged him saying that they missed him and that they loved him.

The clan (except for Jungkook and Jimin) went to watch tv and that's when Jimin noticed the chocolate chip pancakes which were his favorite pancake. He snatched one only for Jungkook to slap him so hard his ears started ringing and his cheek was red. He started crying loudly with the entire clan rushing in in shock. Jimin ran until Jungkook grabbed his wrist twisting it until it fractured, he hissed at Jimin before taking a chunk out of his neck. That's when Jimin blacked out completely. Jimin awoke on a bed with a body next to him and instantly flinched.

"Hey what's wrong?" Yoongi asked.

"What happened?" Jimin squeaked.

Yoongi eyes turned dark red until he calmed down and Yoongi explained.

"Jungkook slapped you and took a chunk out of your neck. He's been banned from the clan."


"For what?"

"For not telling you."

"What did he do to you?" Yoongi asked.

"He threatened me saying if I told you what he was doing he would kill me." Jimin sniffled.

"He wouldn't let me eat anything saying I didn't belong in the clan and that it was for his mates, he also said I messed everything up by coming to the clan and that I was faking being a little for attention."

Yoongi's eyes turned dark red and let out a noise that sounded like a growl. 

"Baby promise me something. If anyone and I mean anyone is treating you like that or threatening you tell me. I'm supposed to protect you and love you. I always want you to feel safe and loved."

"Okay daddy."

"Do you want to slip for daddy?"

Jimin nodded eagerly.

"Where's my Jiminie at?" Yoongi asked.

"Wight hwere daddy!" Jimin said instantly slipping.

"Does Jiminie want something for breakfast?"

"Chwocolate Chwip pwancakes!"

"Okay baby let me carry you."

"Yay! Jiminie woves two bwe cwarried by Yoonie!"

Yoongi carried Jimin to see Namjoon, Jin, and Taehyung in the kitchen with what appeared to be chocolate chip pancakes. Yoongi put Jimin down and he ran to get some pancakes and saw they were shaped into unicorns.

"Wowww! Who dwid thwis?" Jimin asked.

"We all did for our little Jiminie." Namjoon said.

"Thwank ywou!" Jimin squealed before digging into the delicious pancakes in front of him.

"Jiminie woves his daddies!" Jimin said while eating.

"Does Jiminie want to go to the park with his daddies?" Namjoon asked.

Jimin eagerly nodded.

"Okay Yoongi will help you get ready. We also need to get ready since we're still in our pjs." Jin said.

"Okway." Jimin said.

When Jimin was finished Yoongi hoisted Jimin into his arms and carried him upstairs to change him.

"What do you want to wear Jiminie?" Yoongi asked.

"Twhis!" Jimin said.

Yoongi changed him and couldn't get over how cute he looked! He looked so small and adorable to Yoongi.

Yoongi got into his outfit also with Jimin staring wide eyed.

"Wow daddy wooks gwood!" Jimin said.

"You look good too Jiminie. You look so little and adorable." Yoongi said.

Jimin squealed slipping further into his headspace and lifted his arms for Yoongi to hold him.

"Does Jiminie want daddy to hold him?"


Yoongi chuckled as he picked Jimin up and brought him downstairs to the rest of the clan.

"Is our Jiminie ready to go to the park?" Taehyung asked.


"Okay let's go!"


"What is it baby?"

"Jiminie wan' paci!"

"Okay Jiminie which one would you like?" Jin asked.

"Thwat one!!" Jimin squealed pointing to the spongebob one.

"Okay baby." Yoongi said handing him the paci.

"Thwank ou daddy."

"Anything for you baby." Yoongi said.

'I love you daddy.'

'Daddy loves you too baby.'

Jimin snuggled closer to Yoongi happily, he was so happy that he had his daddy and that his daddy loved him so much. He could feel his daddy's emotions a little now and loved it. He should ask his daddy why he could feel it but he loved it regardless. Yoongi used the bond to relax Jimin even further and send comforting waves to him. Ever since Jimin told Yoongi what happened he was pissed off because he should've seen it. It was so obvious and he got mad at Jimin for not talking to him. He felt guilty for doing that but he planned to make it up to his little.

'Jiminie still loves you Yoonie.'

'You can hear me?'

'Yeah I hear your thoughts all the time. It makes me feel closer to you.'

'I love you so much Jiminie. I'm so sorry I didn't see it.'

'It's okay. I'm safe now and with you and my other daddies. It's okay. I'm not mad.'

'You really mean that?'

'Yes silly.'

'How does ice cream sound after the park?'

'Ice cream! Yes I want ice cream!'

'Anything for you.'

'Can you call me baby and Jiminie? I love it when you call me baby. It makes me feel so small and helps me slip easier.'

'Okay baby. I love you so much.'

'Jiminie loves you too.'

"Woah I can see the bond between you two!" Namjoon said seeing the light between Jimin and Yoongi.

"Yeah. He hears my thoughts now."

"Wow that's so awesome!" Namjoon said.

Yoongi laughed.

"He said to hurry up."

"Awww Jiminie is so cute." Namjoon said.

"Yeah he is." Yoongi said.

"Daddy!" Jimin whined.

"What is it baby?"

"Jiminie wan' two gwo two the pwark." Jimin said.

"Okay let's go." Yoongi said disappearing to the park with Jimin.

"Yay!" Jimin cheered.

"Awww is baby excited?"

"Ywes!" Jimin squealed.

Little did they know, Jungkook was stalking them angrily in his invisible form.

Namjoon, Jin, and Taehyung appeared which made Jimin clap and cheer.

"Aww he's so cute." Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jin said.

"Yeah he is." Yoongi said.

"Wat is thwat shadwow daddy?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi looked where Jimin was pointing and was definitely pissed because he could see Jungkook in his shadow form watching them.

"It's nothing lovely. Go back to playing." Yoongi said.

'Jungkook is here.' Yoongi told Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jin. They all looked pissed and disappeared to where the shadow was and disappeared again.

"Daddy whwere dwid thwey gwo?"

"They went back to the clan to get some stuff for Jiminie. They'll be right back."

"Ohkway." Jimin said running to the swing.

"Do you want daddy to push you?"

"Ywes daddy."

Yoongi pushed Jimin gently so he wouldn't fall and he squealed eagerly.

1 hour later, Yoongi was starting to get worried since the others haven't showed up yet. He decided to take Jimin to the ice cream shop by the park.

"Wow!" Jimin said at the pastel pink inside the ice cream shop.

Yoongi bought Jimin some fun ice cream shaped like a snowman.

"Wow it's shwaped wike a snowman!"

"Awww he's so cute! Is he a little?" The woman asked.

"Yes he is. You know about littles?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes! I'm a caregiver to a little. He's about his age. His real name is Taegi but we call him Tae Tae."

"Wow. I call him Jiminie and baby. I've ran into so many assholes who don't understand littles and called him a freak and much worse. I almost lost my shit."

To his surprise she laughed,

"I totally understand Taegi and I are in a MDLB relationship. Do you know about that?"

"No can you tell me more?" Yoongi asked.

"It stands for mommy dominant little boy. It basically just means I'm his caregiver and he's my little. Yours would probably be DDLB which is daddy dominant little boy. You're the caregiver and he's the little."

"Wow. Do you think we could set up a play date? Would Tae Tae like that?"

"Good idea!! I'll call him now. He's with Hobi right now, he's such a great caregiver. He looks out for all his littles."

"No way! He was Jiminie's caregiver too."

"Wow! What are the odds?! Let me call him."

"Hey Beatrice what's up?

"How's Tae Tae doing?"

"He definitely misses his mommy but he's doing good."

"I just ran into a man who has a little named Jiminie. Do you think we could do a play date?"

"Wow I've met Jiminie's caregiver and used to be his full time caregiver. Yoongi's pretty good with him. A play date would be a great idea! When do you want to do it?"

"Tomorrow at 12?" She asked.

"Works for me."

"Okay thanks bye."

"Tomorrow at 12? Does that sound good?" The lady asked.

"Yes it's perfect. Can I get your number?"

"Sure! It's **********."

"Okay thanks so much!"

"Thanks. Come on Jiminie we need to go home now."

"Ohkway." Jimin said as they walked out of the ice cream shop disappearing to the clan.

Yoongi arrived to the cops outside the mansion which really confused Yoongi until he teleported inside to find Jungkook in handcuffs.

"What are the charges?" The cop asked.

"Physical assault and trespassing." Namjoon said.

"Okay thanks for the information. We'll be going now." The cop said before they all disappeared.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked.

"He attacked us so Namjoon called the cops." Jin said.

"How long is he going to be in jail?" Yoongi asked.

"Not long but we filed a restraining order against him in our names and Jimin's."

"Thank fuck." Yoongi said.

"Oh yeah guys! Guess what?"

"What?" They all asked.

"I ran into another caregiver and scheduled a play date with her little and Jiminie."

"Wow that's so awesome!" Taehyung said.

"Yeah! Who is the caregiver?" Namjoon asked.

"I just got her first name. Her name is Beatrice." Yoongi said.

"Oh I know her! She works for me at our company and her side job is the ice cream shop by the park we went to." Jin said.

"Yeah that's her. She was really good with Jimin. She gave him ice cream that was shaped and decorated like a snowman. Jimin loved that." Yoongi said.

"That's good. We're all coming because we want to see Jimin with his play date." Namjoon said.

"Yeah! Can I hold him Yoongi?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah here." Yoongi said carefully transferring him to Taehyung's arms.

"Hey Jiminie!"

"Hwi Tae Tae." Jimin said with droopy eyes.

"Is baby getting sleepy?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin nodded still deep in little space.

"Is Jiminie deep in little space?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin nodded instantly cuddling with Taehyung more and started nuzzling his neck.

Jimin wasn't thinking and started sucking on Taehyung's neck until he fell asleep. Taehyung rubbed Jimin's back soothingly as Jimin sighed peacefully in his sleep.

"He's so cute!" Taehyung said.

"Shhh you'll wake him up!" Yoongi said.

"Let's put him to bed." Namjoon said taking Jimin from Taehyung, who woke up slightly to suckle on Namjoon's neck completely tired. Jimin smiled when he felt Namjoon rub his back lovingly and fell back asleep in his arms.

Chapitre suivant