

What will you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and find a man, dressed in a black suit, black shoes, and black leather gloves looking at you with a professional smile? Scream? You can try. Call Police? Many tried before, but none survived. Pray to your God? He will pray with you for your survival before gouging out that pink tongue and gulping it down in one swift move. This is the story of a man with a twisted personality, who is searching for the meaning of his life. He lives for the thrill and goes to any lengths to get some excitement. In his fury, he impulsively kills a girl whose death was never reported in the news. Is she still alive and if yes, why didn't she report him to the police? What will he do when a mysterious part of his past is uncovered due to this event? What happened to him that he became a monster? What will happen to him in the future? P.S. He never loses his professional smile during working hours.

SilentMan · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs

A Concieted Individual.

(Charlotte POV)

As Axiom left, My breathing turned haggard.

Why did I not refuse him?

What the hell was I thinking?

My heart started beating at a rate of knots as I imagined him 'buying' me. Axiom puts a collar around my neck, while I kneel before him, servicing him.

What the fuck is happening to me? Why can I not get these absurd images out of my head?

I thought I have started having some affection for Nye as we have been dating for more than a year and he has been talking about marriage but what is this feeling burning in my head?

I thought I would settle with Nye, a professional fighter who has been earning a good income recently. He is also planning to buy a better apartment near the center of the city and wanted us to marry after that.

But as I sniffed the lingering body scent of Axiom, I felt a strange sense of euphoria.

My heart is still rational enough to not get away with this feeling and surrender to Axiom but my mind is fluttering...

With a sigh, I undressed and switched to a nightgown. Laying myself beside Nye, I pulled up the sheets and sagged on the bed.

I tried to sleep but those weird images don't plan to leave my head.

I need to do something about this... I looked towards Nye, if he was awake we could do it. I shook him slightly, hoping he was awake but no response.

I bit my lip in frustration as I slid my delicate fingers towards my crotch.

When my libido subsided, I had tears welling up in the corner of my eyes.

Guilt and regret.

I imagined Axiom instead of Nye. And not only that, I imagined things that would be unacceptable by society, and even those who have weird fetishes.

Did he drug me with something weird? What kind of hallucinations did I just go through?

I need to stay away from him. He is weird. What kind of person asks to buy someone out of blue?

The look on his face, with absolute confidence as if he was the center of the planet.

The look that sees everything with contempt.

The look is mysterious yet terrifying for some reason.


(MC/Axiom POV)

After a few hours of sleep, it was again time for my shift.

Yes, it is hard to earn money. Cash was replaced by digital currency, otherwise, I'd be rich if I could steal money from my clients.

Right now, I am staring at my reflection in the mirror as my clothes switched to my uniform.

A black suit with a red tie and black shoes.

My neatly combed black hair, a well-trimmed beard, and a nice mustache give me the persona of a professional.

My matching black gloves and black eyes as mysterious as the universe shots my self-conceited mind through the roof.

I smile at the reflection and the reflection smiles back.


"You think I am the most handsome man, right?" I asked the reflection.

"Yes." He replied with absolute certainty as if it was the most natural truth.

I am the most handsome guy with an aura of a polished expert.


This world doesn't understand how difficult it is to nurture talents like me and the fact that they keep trying to hunt me down is even sadder.

I still need to earn money, thus I reluctantly stop staring at the most handsome guy in the world and left my apartment to go to my office.

I look up at the rectangular sky and it is still dark.

I know what you are thinking...

Unlike many other planets that rotate on their axis while revolving around a star, my planet neither rotates nor revolves. Thus, half of the planet is dark all the time, and the other half is bright. This half is known as NightAxis and the other half BrightAxis.

Unfortunately, commoners like me can't even think about visiting the other half.

By the time I was thinking about night and day, I reached a very tall building near the center of the city. I don't even know how many floors it has since elevators only reach 2/3rd of the building. The other parts are accessed by high-level executives who enter the building with flying cars up in the sky.

I smile at the receptionist upon entering the lobby, she thinly smiled back. And that's it. If it was up to me to discipline employees in this company, I would have already broken her teeth by now. What's the use of those white teeth if you don't show it while smiling?

--She is so unprofessional.

I take the elevator, exit on the 26th floor, and find my way to my cubicle where nothing but a headset and a device used to connect calls lay on the desk.

On my way here, I saw many employees wearing casual clothes.


We don't have a strict uniform code since we have ID cards that include everything but these uncultured swine will never understand professionalism.

And why are they talking in the middle of working hours? We should do our work instead of lazing around and gossiping about the latest serial killings.

Anyways, I should focus on my job for now.

I put the headsets on my ears, and stare at the device intently with full concentration.

My job is to take requests from clients all over the city, and after I get a reasonable amount of requests, I am supposed to go to the clients' houses and finish my task.

I keep staring at the device with a big professional smile on my face.

I keep staring... and staring... and staring...

My professional smile never falters.

I don't know how much time has passed, but I don't move at all...

After all, this is my job. I will only potter around when my shift ends, until then I am on duty and will not take a rest.


Ah! Finally.

I picked up the call by pressing a button, noting down the request on my phone, and cutting the call.

A few more hours passed by, and two more calls came and I responded cheerfully to all of them.

Finally, it was time to go on the field.

My first visit was uneventful and the same goes for my second visit.

But on the third visit, my impulsive nature almost took away my reasoning...

I managed to control it as I am not suicidal.

"We recently moved in." Said the woman as I followed her through her apartment.

"My husband says CCTVs are useless if the phantom comes for us. And 'he' is faster than the police so emergency alarms are also nothing but a waste of money."

I glance at the wedding photo on the wall of the living room...

It's the same police officer who questioned me last night...

He was a pain in the ass.

I want to punish him but I can't kill anyone as I am under surveillance for now.


A small distorted smile crept up my face.

"But I believe it is still reassuring to have something rather than nothing."

"Well said, ma'am." She turns around, her long black hair swaying behind her back, her eyes met mine, and my confident smile never falters. "So, where would you like me to install CCTVs?" I gestured with my eyes towards the big wedding photo on the wall, "Couples generally tend to avoid putting CCTVs in their bedrooms..." I coughed a little and turn my gaze back to her, "And some even avoid putting emergency alarms..."

"Huh? I can understand about CCTV but why emergency alarms?" All three of her black eyes twinkled with curiosity, disbelief, and confusion.

The third horizontal eye in the middle of her forehead makes her a unique kind of species and using hypnosis on her would backfire on me. But this challenge is what excites me...

I pretended to smile embarrassedly and took out my phone. I open a particular site, raise the volume to the maximum, and start the video.

I showed her the video...

{Ahhh~ Help~ No!! I can't. You are too naughty!!!}

...and soon her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.

"Alarms can be triggered even if you don't mean it." To ease the awkward atmosphere, I decided to switch the topic, "Anyways, you can discuss it with your husband and call us later. In the meantime, I'll set up the rest of the security devices."

"N-No. It's fine. You can install the emergency alarm in the bedroom." She crosses her arms under her well-developed bosom.

The pink satin nightgown suits you miss and you are tempting me to use hypnosis if you show me your cleavage like this. But as a professional, I cannot be careless.

"Oh," I nodded in understanding, and muttered under my breath, just audible enough for her to hear but also enough for her to misunderstand that I was talking to myself, "An incompetent one, I guess..." while tapping a few times on my phone.

A sharp glint flashed through my eyes.

She narrowed her eyes and I could feel her anger rising. I didn't look at her but instead at the balcony, where a drone arrived with all the devices I needed for the installation.

"Oh, by the way, we also upgrade the security of the entrance door. Erm, Miss, if you have any special requests then please tell me." With that, I started installing all the devices where she told me to but I also adjusted them according to the layout of the apartment in such a way that every corner gets covered in a network of security.

After I did what she asked for, she asked me to upgrade the security of the doors, both the balcony and entrance door of the apartment and I happily obliged. It is my job and I am more than happy to do so.

Naturally, I asked her again, whether she is sure about the emergency alarm in her bedroom before leaving. Her eyelids twitched but she said, it's fine.

I don't need to worry about payment for the services. All I have to do is report back to the office and they will automatically cut the required amount after checking the resources I used on each visit from the bank accounts of each person. It is scary for the general public but at the same time convenient.

If there is any discrepancy, naturally a small probe into the matter will reveal everything.

The government ensures that nobody will steal from their accounts and each citizen receives messages for every time their account is debited or credited so there are hardly any problems with this kind of payment method.

Just before leaving, I dropped my wallet, with various personal cards near the kitchen, and left with a grin on my face.

Now, when she sees it, she will have two options. Either tell her husband to deliver it to me, which he would as a Police officer...


Search through my wallet, get my number, and call me...

I chuckled as I know she would go for the latter.

With this, I booked another meeting with her, and soon my revenge shall be served.

I am smart and handsome.

Now the only thing I am missing in my life is exhilaration and...
