
12. Blue Ville Inn...

When I entered the guild, the same receptionist who was there before smiled at me. As I walk towards her, she starts speaking.

"So, have you experience why that quest was outed?"

"Huh? No, not really. I mean, the location was only beside the lake, so the chance of seeing a mythical beast would be rare. Plus, the only thing I had to fight was a boar."

I then pull out the flower that I kept behind me. Her eyes widen as she sees the flower.

"Y-you completed the quest?! No, wait! What was that about a boar!?"

I decided to tell her about my adventurer and what happened at the gate. Her eyes are now almost bulged out.

"W-wow... Anyway, please give me the flower to complete the quest."

It seems like she has given up, easier on me. I hand her the flower. She grabs it and leaves with it. After about 5 minutes, she returns with a small bag.

"The quest has been confirmed and completed. Congratulated on your first quest! Due to the difficulty of the quest and the guild's master recommendation, you will be promoted E. Please hand me your guild card, and I'll update it."

I hand her my guild card and receive the bag. Inside the bag is ten gold coins. A moment later, she hands my guild card back to me. The card looks mostly the same, but the material it is made of and some information is different. My old card was made of wood, while this one is made of stone. As you go up through the ranks, the material probably gets better.

With the money, I have 17 gold coins. That should be enough for everything, hopefully. I bowed to the receptionist and thanked her. Then I started to leave, but a question popped into my mind.

"Oh, do you happen to know where an inn is?"

"There are many inns within this town. The closest one is called 'Blue Ville,' but it is almost expensive for some people. Though, with the number of travelers and adventurers, it is the best inn in this town."

"Okay, thanks!"

She then gave me directions to the inn. I left the guild and followed her instructions until I came across a large eight-story building with the sign 'Blue Ville' attached to the door. 'Must be the place.' I enter the building.

Upon entering, I was greeted with a sweet aroma and a 'Welcome!'

A young girl with short light brown hair was sitting behind a desk and greeted me.

"Welcome to Blue Ville Inn! Oh my, what a little fellow. Are you here for someone, or are you perhaps lost?"

"Hmm? Oh, neither. I'm here to book a room at this inn."

"Huh, wouldn't it be better to sleep in your family's house?"

"Well, I don't have one anymore. I just arrived in this town alone, so I was hoping I could buy a room for a while."

The girl looks at me, shocked. I gave her my full explanation and story. Afterward, small tears could be seen in the girl's eyes.

"Oh my! What a sad story... I'm sorry for questioning you. Well, I can't let you stay for free, but how about a small discount? I'll even give you the best room available within your budget."

"Huh, what does that last part mean?"

"Ah, let me explain how this Inn works. There are eight stories in this building. Six of the floors have 20 mid-size rooms and 5 larger rooms. The top floor has 10 rooms, but they are extra-large. The higher the floor, the more expensive the room will be because of the view. Technically, the rooms, other than the top floor, are the same.

"Here are the pricing for rooms... Each night, a regular size room is one silver, while large size rooms are three silver. The 2nd floor doesn't have any new cost, but the higher floors have a 5 copper fee. For example, a 7th-floor regular room would cost 550 zen or 2 silver and 5 copper. A room on the top floor cost 1 gold.

"Additionally, this floor has a cafeteria and serves breakfast and dinner. Board includes both times and costs, 10 copper. Though, if you pay for board, you must be there to eat. There is a 1 silver fee if you don't show up. You'll have to sign a sheet proving you were there to eat up here. Understood?"

"Yeah... Thanks for the explanation."

"Your welcome. Now then, which floor and room would you like?"


I don't know the value of money, but I think these are cheap. Using her example, I can tell that 25 coppers are 1 silver. Using math, 25 silver must be 1 gold making 1 silver 250 zen.

I have 17 gold to afford the top room, but I don't see why I should. I need a basic room, so I guess a room on the 2nd floor will do. Space doesn't matter, but I would like a decent room.

"I'll take a large room on the 2nd floor."

There is no floor fee so that I can live there for 8 days with 1 gold coin. It is a little expensive actually, but if I find a stable income, I might okay. I mean, I just got 17 gold yesterday, so gold coins must be the norm.

"Okay, that would be 3 silver, but I'll reduce it to 1 silver for you for tonight."

"Does this discount include payment in advance for future nights?"

"Uh... Sure?"

"Okay, I would like to stay 25 nights with no board."

I hand her a gold coin and smile.

She smiles and accepts my money. Then, she hands me a key to my room. I could have paid for the board, but I saw many stalls outside. I am hungry, but I think it is better to buy from them instead of the board tomorrow and today.

With this, I now have a place to stay. One step closer to my goal! Now, before going to his Highness, I need to find a merchant for my plan... But I'll wait for tomorrow morning to worry about that. I enable my console and program a tiny alarm clock to wake me at 6 A.M.

Hopefully, 16 gold coins are enough for that item...

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