
Profane Queen Of Damnation

In a realm where bloodlines reign supreme as the currency of power and the bedrock of society, Yvonne finds herself bereft of this coveted lineage. Stripped of family, pride, honor as a woman and ultimately life, she plunges into the depths of despair. However, when the Sovereign of Hell takes notice of her, Yvonne is bestowed with a mysterious system that alters the course of her existence. Empowered by the insidious Damnation System, her destiny transforms, setting her on a path of unrivaled supremacy and unfathomable damnation. Author - This book contains depictions of scenes that may be upsetting for some readers.

KJaguar · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

The Path To Domination

Yvonne's journey of cultivation surged onward until she finally attained the second step of the Qi Condensation Realm. With a profound sense of achievement, she slowly opened her eyes, greeted by a world that seemed to shimmer with newfound clarity and vibrancy. Every detail around her appeared sharper, more vivid, as if she had unlocked a hidden layer of perception that had long eluded her.

The aura emanating from Yvonne was utterly transformed, pulsating with a potent energy that seemed to ripple through the very fabric of reality. As she flexed her fingers and balled her hand into a tight fist, a surge of power coursed through her veins, filling her with a heady sense of strength and purpose. A dark smile crept across her face, a mixture of satisfaction and determination gleaming in her eyes.

In that moment, a crimson screen materialized before her eyes, its glow illuminating her face as she read the information displayed.

<Host: Yvonne>

<Age: Nineteen>

<Cultivation: 2nd step of Qi Condensation realm>

<Bloodline: Eldritch Entities>

<Physique: Mortal>

<Exp: 80>

Yvonne furrowed her brow, puzzled by the unfamiliar term "Eldritch Entities." The details presented to her were both intriguing and confounding, prompting her to voice her confusion. "Eldritch Entities? What does that even mean?" she questioned aloud.

Despite her recent entry onto the cultivation path, Yvonne possessed a basic knowledge of various cultivation ranks and bloodlines. Yet, amidst all the lineages she had encountered in her studies—some legendary and others shrouded in myth—there had been no mention of Eldritch Entities.

<Eldritch Entities- descendants of ancient and incomprehensible Eldritch beings from beyond the realm reality. The origins bloodline entities trace back to primordial that exist confines reality, on a cosmic scale embody unfathomable concepts powers. These are enigmatic predate known universe, existing in realms human comprehension>

Yvonne's breath caught in her throat as she absorbed the profound knowledge of her ancestry as an Eldritch Entity, a descendant of ancient and incomprehensible beings from beyond the realm of reality. The realization that her lineage traced back to primordial entities existing on a cosmic scale, embodying unfathomable powers and concepts, made it evident that her background wasn't as plain as her grandmother had said.

Shaking off the initial shock, Yvonne shifted her gaze to the array of intriguing shops before her, each promising unique and extraordinary offerings.

<Cultivation method shop>

<Artifact shop>

<Bloodline shop>

<Physique shop>

Each of the shop displayed an exquisite number of things and their exp requirements that as Yvonne looked at the exp that was going to be requirement for even the cheapest of thing there, her mouth opened wide seemingly shocked.

<Infinite 1000000000 void physique- exp>

<Golden 4000000000 body of immortality- exp>

<Soul 400000000 stealer physique- exp>

Every item displayed on the board loomed above Yvonne like unattainable treasures from a distant realm, each piece mocking her. The longer she gazed upon them, the more her astonishment grew. "Must I erase every trace of existence in this world before I can even dream of affording such treasures?" she mused, a chill running down her spine at the mere thought.

<The path to Damnation is not solely paved with bloodshed; there exist other, more outlandish means exact your will. The world canvas; wield creativity abandon.>

"Very well." She murmured in response.

As she pivoted to depart the house , a piercing cry shattered the silence.


Confusion etched into disbelief on Yvonne's countenance, freezing her in place as the haunting cry reverberated through the air—transforming gradually into a voice she never dreamt she would hear.

Recalling Craig's cryptic words, Yvonne's eyes flickered for a moment, a brief hesitation gripping her before she resolved to follow the voice.

Pushing the heavy wooden door open with a trembling hand, Yvonne stepped into the dimly lit room. Her gaze swept across the room until it landed on the bed, where a small figure lay nestled among the blankets - a baby, innocent and unaware of the turmoil that surrounded her.

Yvonne's heart clenched in her chest, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The weight of the situation bore down on her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile composure. With legs like jelly, she felt as if she were floating in mid-air, suspended between duty and compassion.

As her gaze locked with the baby's, a spark of recognition flickered in the child's eyes. In an instant, the baby's face lit up with a radiant smile, pure and untainted by the darkness that loomed outside. The cries that had filled the room fell silent, replaced by a sense of peace and serenity.

Yvonne stood frozen, caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She watched as the baby's chubby fingers reached out towards her, a silent plea for comfort and reassurance. Unable to resist the pull of the child's innocence, Yvonne took a faltering step forward, her outstretched arms trembling with uncertainty.

"Ehhh, ehhh," the baby cooed, a musical sound that filled the room with a sense of warmth and joy. Yvonne's heart ached at the sight of the baby's infectious smile.

Just as a sense of calm began to settle over the room, a chilling voice shattered the silence. "What are you still waiting for? Kill her," the voice commanded, its tone cold and devoid of emotion.

The hairs on Yvonne's body stood on end as she heard the voice, sending a shiver down her spine. There had been no prior presence she had felt, but the voice was undeniably familiar. As she turned her gaze in the direction of the sound, Yvonne's eyes locked with Vlad's.

Clad in a black embroidered robe adorned with intricate dragons, Vlad stood tall and imposing, his figure casting a long shadow over Yvonne. His piercing blue eyes seemed to sparkle as they fixated on the child before him.

Extending a finger towards the child, the little one eagerly grasped it with her tiny hand, her face lighting up with a joyful smile. In response, a faint smile tugged at the corners of Vlad's lips. "I would prefer if you refrain from choosing this cliche path. You know well the consequences if you leave this child alone," Vlad's voice was icy, yet there was a hint of amusement as he observed the child.

"One day, she will learn of the truth: of you taking the lives of her parents. Even if it was justified in your eyes, she will not see it the same way. She will vow to avenge them, and it's not hard to predict the outcome for either of you," Vlad continued, his smile only growing as he spoke, his gaze never leaving the child.

Biting her lip hard, Yvonne's eyes darted back and forth between Vlad and the child nestled on the bed. She was at a loss for words, but after a moment of inner turmoil, her voice found strength. "I will never bring harm to a child," she declared, her resolve firm and unwavering.

There was an immediate shift in Vlad's demeanor as he processed Yvonne's words. A sneer twisted his lips as he abruptly withdrew his hand from the child, fixing a piercing gaze on Yvonne.

"Really?" He uttered, his voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and disdain.

Taken aback by the intensity of Vlad's reaction, Yvonne instinctively took a step back, her expression hardening into a defiant glare. Furrowing her brows in resolute disagreement, she shot back, "I'm no child killer. You can do as you please, but I refuse to harm her," before pointedly distancing herself from Vlad with measured steps.

A sly smirk played on Vlad's lips as he absorbed Yvonne's unwavering stance. With a subtle shake of his head, he spoke, "Very well. If you choose to spare her, then so be it." Folding his arms across his chest, he inquired, "What is your next move, then?"

Yvonne's response was swift and resolute, her voice tinged with determination as she declared, "I plan to enhance my strength and then pursue that man."

"Are you not the least bit curious about your lineage?" Vlad prodded, a hint of amusement evident in his tone.

"I am not," Yvonne asserted firmly, meeting Vlad's skeptical gaze head-on. Sensing his doubts, she continued, her voice unwavering, "Perhaps one day I may seek to uncover my origins, but for now, my sole focus is on destroying that man."

Vlad's amusement shone through his unwavering smile as he spoke. "If that's the case, then I must tell you, to bring down that man, it's not as simple as merely enhancing your own strength. He is the king, after all; you'll need to delve deeper."

"Do you have any suggestions for me, then?" Yvonne asked.

A mischievous spark danced in Vlad's eyes as he replied, "Ah, that would spoil the excitement, wouldn't it? But I will offer you this morsel of advice: Do not perceive my father as an individual, nor your adversary as a solitary man. Instead, envision him as a nation unto himself, for that is his essence. Every aspect of him – his crown, his heart, arms, legs, his very being – is shielded by forces beyond your wildest imagination. To get to him..."

Before Vlad could conclude his thought, Yvonne interjected with a steely resolve, "I must tear him apart, limb from limb, before I can truly bring about his downfall."

Vlad's expression softened slightly, a nod of acknowledgment. "Now, leave," he commanded.

Yvonne's expression darkened as her gaze shifted from Vlad to the child lying on the bed. A wave of unease gripped her, compelling her to voice her concerns. "What do you plan to do with her?" Her voice quivered slightly, betraying her inner turmoil.

Vlad's features contorted into a malicious grin as he met Yvonne's gaze, his words dripping with menace, "Groom her," he declared, reaching out to lift the child from the bed. As he held the girl close, his tone turned chillingly casual, "I see potential in her as a future bodyguard."

Despite the whirlwind of protests and emotions raging within her, Yvonne found herself rendered speechless by the gravity of the situation. With a heavy heart and a steely resolve, she managed to murmur, "I will leave now." Turning around, she swiftly exited the room, her footsteps echoing her inner turmoil.

"It's time to bring you to your new residence, Elsa," Vlad murmured to the child, his tone filled with warmth