
Chapter 14

Tony Ogum greeted the security man at the gates and rolled up his window again as he sped up the driveway to the Kedem residence.

As he parked in front of the house, he noticed that the hood of Eyram's Mercedes XL was up, and he wondered if the car was faulty. He parked beside Effe's car and waited a moment behind the wheel.

He sometimes came to the Kedem residence early in the mornings for three reasons: his house was near, the residence was on the way to the office, and finally, he drove through if he had missed Effe for a considerable period.

On those mornings, he usually had breakfast with them.

He killed the engine and got out of the car. Dressed in a resplendent white shirt, dark-hued tie, dark trousers and beautiful shoes, he cut an elegant figure as he crossed over the magnificent courtyard to the main door.

He rang the doorbell.

A minute later, Mr Ken Kedem opened the door. He was wearing a white smock over baggy shorts, and he smiled in welcome.

"Tony, my boy, do come in, come in!" he said enthusiastically. "How're you doing? Hope your birthday was a good one yesterday."

Tony smiled and shook the man's hand.

"Blessed to be a year older, sir," he said. "But it's never complete without your daughter, the woman I love and adore. So, it was a rather frustrating birthday for me yesterday."

"Ah, Effe, Effe!" Ken said as he shook his head. "You need to marry that girl and tie her down, my boy. She came in this dawn, can you imagine? At dawn, crikey, when I was fast asleep, you know, old age. But she has some explanations to give if you ask me, and we're not going to spare her."

Both of them laughed at that.

Tony followed him through to the luxurious living room where Mrs Ivy Kedem, looking resplendent in a long, flowered, dress, was keenly listening to a newspaper review programme on the television. She looked up at Tony with a smile.

"Oh, Tony, welcome," she said brightly. "Good you passed through! I have your birthday present right here! Was planning to give it to you after church yesterday, but that Women's Movement meeting came on and I forgot all about it. Today, don't let me forget it, do you hear?"

"Oh, Ma, you shouldn't have bothered," he said with a chuckle. "But thank you for your thoughtfulness. It is always touching."

"We are just about to have breakfast, Tony," Ken said. "Do join us. Eyram went to wake up Effe. They'll be down soon so come grab a seat."

Making light conversation, the three of them crossed to the beautiful dining-hall and drew out chairs. Breakfast was Quaker Oats and delicious toasted bread which had mouth-watering filling; it was a speciality of the Kedem women and Tony really loved them.

He was served breakfast by Ivy Kedem. He was enjoying his first toast bread and a scoop of oats when the sisters arrived.

Eyram was dressed for the office in a beautiful cream skirt suit and her hair held back in a pony, exposing her beautiful facial structure. She had mild make-up and looked lovely indeed.

She looked at Tony briefly with a smile.

"Tony, welcome," she said in a rush as she pulled back a chair near her mother. "Hope your birthday was swell yesterday."

"I was abandoned," Tony said meaningfully as he looked at Effe.

She was wearing track shorts and an oversized sweatshirt, her hair held in a huge white towel. She had obviously just woken up, washed her face and brushed her teeth, but she was so beautiful and so sexy that it took his breath away. Yes, they were twins, but there was always that air around Effe, an alluring depth that seemed to set her on a different plane, like a rare gem difficult to touch.

It occurred to him that it had always been like that. No matter how close he got to her, no matter how intimate they got, she always had that air that made her unattainable. There was a subtle barrier that always seemed to keep him at bay, unlike the fluid camaraderie he shared with Eyram.

Effe smiled wanly at him, linked her arms around his neck from behind and kissed his cheek fondly.

"Oh, my love, so sorry for yesterday, okay? Promise I'll make it up to you this week. Happy belated birthday, darling."

Tony closed his eyes and relished the feel and smell of her, amazed at the power she had over him. With Effe, he was always out of control, breathless and always chasing her, waiting on her. She did excite him so much.

And he wondered, especially after that poignant moment with Eyram, if he would ever really catch Effe if her heart could really melt for him, and make her docile in her craving for him. There was a sliver of ice around her, a wall that he wondered if any man would ever be able to break down.

"It's okay, love," he said with a relieved laugh. "I know whatever it is, it must have been pretty important."

Eyram watched them for a moment and forced herself to scoop her breakfast. She was suddenly horrified at the unease she felt seeing her sister and Tony share that affectionate moment.

It scared her!

She had never felt that way before, and she knew it was because of the craziness that had happened the previous night between them. Suddenly, she did not even feel like breakfast, and that was sheer madness, something she could not even contemplate.

Why was this madness happening to her anyway?

She had fought it through the night and resolved not to think about it even for a second of a second, but here she was; feeling uneasy and a strange queerness about their closeness, a feeling that – if she were to be frank with herself – almost bordered on jealousy!

No, Lord, no! 

She screamed to herself and shut her eyes tightly, hoping no one could hear the sudden thudding of her frantic heart. This was insane! Almost angrily, she bit into a slice of toasted bread and filled her mouth with too much of it, and began to cough suddenly.

"Eyram!" Tony said with sudden concern and got to his feet, his expression tender. "Are you alright? What happened to you?"

There was an awkward moment just then when everybody just stared at Tony with varying levels of surprise. But not Effe. She did not even appear to notice the strange emotions that Tony had just exhibited.

Eyram reached for a jug and poured a little water into a glass and took a sip. Her hand trembled, and Ken looked at her hand then at her cold face.

"Just choked on bread, Tony," Eyram said without looking at him.

Tony smiled nervously and sat down again. He hurriedly reached for an empty bowl and reached for a ladle to serve Effe, but Ken looked at him with stern eyes.

"Hey, young man!" he said with mock severity. "She can take her food after gallivanting through the night like a ferret! Give her the bowl to fetch her own breakfast!"

They all laughed, and Effe put an affectionate arm on Tony's shoulder.

"Don't mind this old man, darling," she said with a charming smile. "Please pamper me!" 

Tony smiled and served her with a plate.

"Pamper you after you abandoned him on his birthday? Young lady, maybe you need diapers, I can tell," Ken said, and once again they all laughed.

Effe reached for a loaf of toasted bread.

"Sorry about yesterday, really sorry. But what happened was complicated. I'm no longer with BKI," she said mildly. "Yesterday, I got offered a position at SPF as an assistant forensics officer. I took it."

"Yeah!" Tony shouted and dropped his bread, turned around and wrapped his arms around Effe. "Congratulations, darling! Oh, yes! I knew you were going to get there sooner than later!"

It was pleasant news for all of them, and Eyram momentarily forgot her disconsolate mood and smiled with genuine pleasure; she was aware of how badly Susan Biko had been treating her sister.

"Oh, thank God!" Ivy Kedem exclaimed. "Congrats, darling!"

"Is Susan Biko aware yet?" Eyram asked as she bit into a toasted bread.

"Happened right in front of her!" Effe said with a happy laugh. "You should have seen her face, Rammy, as Sir Lancelot Agyei laid into her! Oh, it was so priceless! Lady was in a vegetable mode!"

"Like a zombie dying again!" Eyram said, and she and her sister burst into peals of laughter.

"Meaning a raise in salary and working conditions?" Ken Kedem asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, Daddy," Effe said with a happy smile. "The whole works. Job satisfaction guaranteed!"

"I hope they don't drive you too insanely like the BKI was doing," Ken continued. "Tony has waited enough, Effe. I usually try to stay out of these things, you know, my kids' love lives and all. But he has been a mighty patient and loving guy. Plus, he's down to earth and respectful, a great guy. You should tie this down, lady. Marry this poor guy and put him out of his misery! He pines for you!"

There was a moment of sudden silence.

"Ei, K.K. and his lack of tact!" Ivy said as she shook her head. "Legendary!"

"Actually, it is the sweetest words I've heard in a while," Tony said, and this made all of them laugh again.

"I hear you, Daddy," Effe said gently and smiled at Tony. "Yes, he's a great guy, and I know I've been a horrible girlfriend. But I promise to make you the happiest man after we catch Chris Bawa."

You don't even know how to kiss…

The words, unwittingly, crashed into her head, and she almost screamed this time around! It had been playing in her mind through the night like a silly earworm, driving her crazy! And it was as if she could still feel the arms of that despicable man around her, his lips on hers, his tongue probing, gently, blazing down her throat, her ear.

Damn you, Chris Bawa, you damn, bastard… demon!

"Who's he really?" Ivy asked suddenly, breaking into Effe's reveries. "He's all over the news this morning, everywhere! A manhunt has started already for him. A very cute and handsome young man, though, and I found myself asking why he chose to walk the road of a criminal. They say he's an escaped convict, armed and dangerous."

Effe sighed, and her face went cold as she slowly set her bread down.

"He's the guy that bombed Train Five-Five-Nine approximately seven years ago."

Only Eyram was unaffected much, but she saw the look of sudden sorrow on the faces of their parents. Ken sat back and began to cough. Eyram rushed to him with a cup of water.

Tears came to Ivy's eyes as she stared at Effe with horror.

"He killed Jeffy?" she asked in a voice that was filled with sorrow. "That beast murdered my boy?" 

Effe nodded softly, and she had tears in her eyes.

"Yes, Mom, and one hundred and seventy other innocent passengers!" she said darkly. "And not only that, he is responsible for a lot of terrorist acts on the Kingdom of Eden. He was caught when he tried to assassinate His Royal Highness, King Henry Okraku of Eden."

"Jesus Christ!" Ken said with horror. "He's a beast! A monster! That bastard!"

"Yes, Daddy," Effe said grimly. "He was given a secret trial and sentenced to life imprisonment. It took him five years to escape from prison. But I'm now on the case, and I'll make sure he goes back to jail where he belongs!"

"He doesn't deserve to live!" Ivy screamed and covered her mouth with a napkin as sorrow filled her heart. "That boy must die! Find him, Effe, find that monster!"

And tears fell suddenly down her cheeks.

"Let's have breakfast, please," Tony said gently. "I know you have been reminded harshly of a horrible past. But let's eat, and thank God that Effe is on this case. This detestable man, Chris whatever, will get what he deserves, that I know. Jeff will have justice!"

They all nodded, and then his eyes finally met Eyram's fully.

For a moment, a very brief moment, they were locked in that startled look which no one noticed, staring deeply into their souls and unable to break the sudden connection that sprung up between them.

"Thank you, my boy," Ken said solemnly. "Yes, yes, let's have some breakfast. Jeffy will be at rest again when that beast is behind bars!"