
Problem creating system: SSS Rank Problem to Start

Liang Wei mattered to himself, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!," Liang Wei is a young cultivator from a family of cultivators who has been admitted to a prestigious sect as an outer sect disciple with the help of spirit stones. However, his poor cultivation attitude makes him the target of ridicule and bullying by his fellow disciples. One day, he wakes up to find himself in possession of a new system called the Problem-Creating System (PCS). With the Problem-Creating System (PCS), Liang Wei can receive randomly generated problems that offer valuable rewards upon completion. Through this system, Liang learns important lessons in determination, creativity, and problem-solving that he applies to his cultivation, impressing his fellow disciples and improving his skills. With the PCS by his side, Liang is ready to face any challenge and become the most powerful cultivator. Liang Wei proudly declares, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!, bring it on, I can tackle any problems that come my way and grow stronger with each obstacle I overcome."

Topu_Mojumdar · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

looking for sprite stones.

Zhou Jian laughed, "Well, you're wasting your time. You're never going to amount to anything with that pitiful talent of yours."

Chen Xia scolded Zhou Jian, "That's not true! Liang Wei is our friend, and we should help him."

Zhou Jian shrugged, "Fine, do what you want, but don't come crying to me when he can't pay you back."

Chen Xia apologized to Liang Wei for her boyfriend's behavior, but she didn't have any spirit stones to lend him.

Chen Xia said, "I have a few spirit stones, but I need them for my own cultivation. I can't just give them away."

Zhou Jian interjected, "Yeah, you can't just give away your resources to anyone who asks. It's not like he's even part of our family."

Liang Wei felt a bit hurt by her words, but he knew that he couldn't do anything about it. He thanked Chen Xia for her time and was about to leave when he heard Chen Xia whisper something to Zhou Jian.

After a moment of hushed conversation, Chen Xia turned back to Liang Wei and said, "I'm sorry, I can't give you my spirit stones, but I can introduce you to some people who might be able to help you." Chen Xia gave him an address to a loan shark company.

Chen Xia gave him the address of the loan shark shop and warned him to be careful. She told him that the shop owner was a powerful cultivator who was known to be ruthless.

Liang Wei was hesitant to accept Chen Xia's offer to go to a loan shark shop. He knew the dangers of getting involved with loan sharks, but he was desperate to complete his mission. With no other options, he decided to take the risk.

Liang Wei left Chen Xia's house feeling disappointed that he couldn't get any spirit stones from her. He knew that her boyfriend Zhou Jian didn't like him and probably influenced her decision. As he walked down the street, he thought about Chen Xia.

Chen Xia's family had always placed a high value on cultivation and social status. Her parents were both successful cultivators and had achieved a high rank in their town. However, Chen Xia had always felt that her family's status was not high enough and was determined to climb even higher.

In pursuit of her goals, Chen Xia was willing to do whatever it took, even if it meant leaving her friends behind. She was fiercely competitive and often looked down on others who she deemed as not being on her level.

"Maybe she thinks, I am not worthy enough to be her friend anymore," Liang thought," she probably thinks she has risen above our social standing with Zhou Jian"

Despite her flaws, Chen Xia was still a talented cultivator, and her family's resources allowed her to progress quickly leaving behind Liang Wei and Liu Yang, now with Zhou Jian she is really above them.

Liang Wei, desperate to obtain the spirit stones, followed the address given by Chen Xia and arrived at a dimly lit alleyway where a sign with the words "Cube Loan Shark" hung overhead.

As he stepped into the shop, the pungent smell of herbs and incense filled his nostrils, and he was met with the sight of a bald, burly man behind a counter.

"Welcome, young cultivator," the man said with a grin. "I can tell by the look on your face that you're in need of some spirit stones."

Liang Wei nodded, feeling a sense of unease in the man's presence.

"Well, I can lend you some, but it'll cost you," the man continued.

Liang Wei hesitated, but the thought of failing his mission and losing the Qam reward pushed him to speak up. "How much will it cost?"

"Depends on how much you need," the man said, leaning forward on the counter.

"I need enough to cultivate for 36 hours," Liang Wei said, his voice low.

The man raised an eyebrow. "That's a lot. I can lend you 30 low-grade spirit stones, but it'll cost you interest of 3 sprite stones per week."

Liang Wei swallowed hard, knowing he didn't have much of a choice. "Okay, I'll take it."

The man pulled out a ledger and began filling out a loan contract. Liang Wei couldn't help but notice the exorbitant interest rates and the harsh penalties for late payments.

"sigh!" Liang Wei sighted, As he signed the contract and took the spirit stones, the man gave him a knowing grin. "you also need to stamp it with your outer sect badge"

Liang Wei took out his outer sect badge and stamped the contact with it as well. What he really wanted to do, as he look at baldly is stamp the badge on his head, but he didn't have the courage or strength to do so.

"Remember, if you can't pay the interest back per week, I'll have to take something else from you."

Liang Wei shuddered at the implications and quickly made his way out of the shop, eager to begin his cultivation.

When he returned to his house, he felt a sense of relief as he placed the spirit stones on the ground in front of him. However, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of his mind.

"That baldy really greased me out," Liang Wei thought.

As he began to cultivate, he couldn't help but wonder if the cost of these spirit stones was worth it. He made a mental note to never get involved with loan sharks again.

. . . . . .

Liang Wei sat cross-legged in his room, his eyes closed in deep concentration. In front of him was a pile of low-grade spirit stones that he had managed to obtain from the loan shark shop using the address Chen Xia had given him.

He had prepared himself mentally and physically for the task ahead of him. He knew that he had to absorb the spirit stones continuously for 36 hours straight to complete the mission given to him by the system. He took a deep breath and started absorbing the first spirit stone.

As he absorbed the spirit stone, he could feel the energy flowing into his body, filling him with power. He continued to absorb the spirit stones one by one, focusing on his breathing and keeping his mind clear of any distractions.

Hours passed, and Liang Wei felt his mind is becoming increasingly fatigued. He knew that he had to keep going, no matter how exhausted he felt. He took a short break to drink some water and eat some food to replenish his energy, then continued with the absorption process.

There is a cultivation time limit for how long the cultivator can cultivate straight for, the Qi refining realm the normal limit is 12-16 hours, but as the cultivation realm increases the time for cultivation session increases greatly.

As the hours went by, Liang Wei's body started to ache, and he could feel his muscles trembling with fatigue. But he gritted his teeth and continued to absorb the spirit stones, determined to complete the mission.

"I must overcome my limit and solve this problem, only then can become stronger and no one will look down on me", Liang Wei thought to himself. He remembered Zhou Jian, Zhang Hong and this fellow dispels from the outer sect.

Finally, after 36 long hours, Liang Wei completed the task. He felt a rush of energy flow through his body, and he knew that his cultivation talent had increased significantly. He opened his eyes, feeling a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

"Congratulations, Host, for Solving the second continuous problem to absorb Qi from spirit stones for 36 hours straight. Your cultivation talent has increased by 0.5 Qam"

"Current cultivation talent: 1.7 Qam"

"Next continuous Problem: Gather and consume the Spirit Grass herb for 48 hours. Reward: +1.3 Qam and stage+1 pill."

"Eh? ", Liang Wei was confused by the mission so he decided to check the mission details.

Continuous Problem: 3

Mission Objective: Gather and consume the Spirit Grass herb for 48 hours.

Mission Details:

You must gather a total of 48 Spirit Grass herbs and consume one every hour for 48 hours straight. Each herb will increase your qi by 5 points. Failure to consume a herb every hour will result in the mission's failure. The herbs can be found in the black mountain range but there are beasts in the mountain. Be cautious and prepare accordingly.

Mission Rewards:

reward: 1.3 Qam, stage+1 pill

. . . .

"Black Mountain range?" Liang Wei heard about it and also saw missions in the mission hall with black mountains mention in them.

Black Mountain is a large, rocky mountain range located on the outskirts of the Havenly sword sect. It is a dangerous and treacherous place, filled with various kinds of beasts and monsters that roam the area. The mountain is notorious for being a place where only the strong and most experienced cultivators venture.

The mountain itself is shrouded in a thick mist that makes it difficult to navigate without a guide. The rocks and boulders on the mountain are jagged and sharp, making it easy to trip and fall if one is not careful. The vegetation on the mountain is scarce, with only a few hardy plants and trees able to survive in the harsh environment.

Many legends surround the Black Mountain, with some saying that it is home to a powerful demon or evil spirit that preys on unsuspecting travelers. Others claim that the mountain is cursed and that those who enter its boundaries are doomed to never return.

Despite the dangers, there are many valuable resources to be found on the mountain. Rare herbs and minerals can be harvested, and the beasts that roam the area can provide valuable cultivation resources. However, it is a risky endeavor