

√Copyright © 2018 MayaCrook


drapetomania (n.) an overwhelming urge to run away


THE CLOCK ticks to 12 noon as my stomach grumbles for its feeding time, each fleeting second--it complains even louder. I try to remember why it's been acting this way, like a spoiled child who can't wait for its birthday present and therefore nags for attention; only mine demands for it. I can almost feel the acid rising up, ready to burn my insides, preparing to squeeze any organ it gets a hold of which will ultimately make me grit in freaking suffering, and later pathetically whimper in pain.

But then again, oh, it's my fault.

'Bish, you acidic and you didn't eat breakfast?' I mentally chid myself and cringe at my stupidity.

However, I'd like to explain that there is something about this morning that made me lose my appetite. Here are some adequate factors: My father left the house before I even woke up and there was no written note posted on the fridge. I broke a glass and I was about to be late so I didn't clean it up. The once friendly neighbor's dog barked at me for the first time when I was taking out the trash. Also lately, I've been feeling like I live alone, my only parent which is my dad, comes home and leaves on ungodly hours. I haven't seen him for a month and that's the longest I haven't felt his fatherly presence.

Something's wrong. I can feel it in my veins and in my blood. Living like I had been as a daughter of a renowned ex con artist, you just know that something is up.

And it's going to happen today and right now. The climax of this mystery is about to unveil itself or maybe the story is just about to begin.

My stomach gurgles, even it knows how to dramatize.

"Clarissa, the principal wants to see you now. Hurry up and get your ugly ass there," Verona snaps in front of my desk, her eyes red and they look down at me like vengeful snakes. She crosses her arms impatiently, her chest puffs up declaring she's queen bee and above all.

"Chill woman, my beautiful ass is getting there in a minute, don't you worry." I stand up and stretch my arms. The bell rings as students scurry around like ants, some eyes watch us in anticipation of a showdown.

"I really hate you. I pray you get expelled."

One thing I like about Verona other than her impeccable taste in fashion, is how vocal and upfront she is on her hatred towards me. In a sense, she is probably the most honest bitch I've ever met.

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Don't test me Verona. We both know if I get expelled, I'll be dragging you down with me."

Her eyes widen for a moment, probably reminiscing what I did when she tried to mess with me. "You'll be damned before that happens," she sneers.

I shrug because that always annoys her. "Just in case I get sacked and I never see your wondrous existence again; one tip of advice, you don't have to become what everyone expects you to be," my inner madamme cognizance tells her.

She flips the finger. "Piss off."

"Likewise." I roll my eyes and sashay towards the corridor.

Sighing, I hold my stomach and pat it twice to reassure it will be getting its fuel soon. If the principal doesn't let me off fast enough I'll eat his lunch or go cannibal.

My stomach groans in approval.

So here goes... I knock twice on the solid wooden door before letting myself inside. A wave of extremely cold AC hits me hard, making me shiver instantly. The light is bright--too bright. Papers and books are strewn everywhere, messier than the last time and the furniture is off like it has been moved around last minute in the attempts to make the room baronial. What's most disturbing though is Mr. bald principal's smile--It is too big.

A few more seconds of keen observation around the room makes me subconsciously brush down at my right leg where my knives are strapped underneath my skirt-- something I bring everytime for protective measures. There are three--no, four burly men in black suits, so buff and big they make the room too small for them.

My adrenaline spikes and instinct of survival kicks in. I stop my tracks and stay near the door.

"You asked for me, sir?" I smile innocently.

"Yes, yes, Clarissa. I have good news for you! These gentlemen here are from K&Q Academy and they have chosen you for a full scholarship." He cheerfully stands up and walks towards me. "It's been ages since I've felt this proud. Our school will be so honored." He holds my hand and squeezes it in excitement.

I, on the other hand grimace at his gaiety and frown. I've heard of K&Q Academy, it's where the royalties and nobilities educate themselves, yet as much as flattering as that sounds--it just isn't my style.

"I don't get it. Why me?" The question sputters from my mouth before I refrain it.

"What about Verona? She's as good as me, how come she isn't chosen?" I add, since Verona is talented in everything, including being a bitch.

I try to keep a low profile as possible because attention attracts enemies. And trust me, my dad has a lot of those already.

The principal must have noticed my dismay because he says, "This Academy only accepts one student out of a thousand schools every year. They must have seen something in you to want you in their prestigious lair. Be smart about this Clarissa. It's a great oppurtunity and please, don't do anything stupid."

Oh, I wouldn't call what I'm about to do as stupid, you baldie. Just a smart escape, really.

"It was an honor meeting you, Sir Carlos," Mr. bald principal turns to one of the men who has a mustache and is wearing a distinct suit made by Gucci. "She is very excited to become part of your respectable school. You may take her now."

What he said alarms me and for a moment I think of just running for it. The small and quiet shifts of who are seemingly the president's bodyguards stop my tracks. These guys look like they are trained for an apocalypse, something I wouldn't really dare try to challenge. So I use my next best weapon--a surprise full of lies.

"I'm glad to hear that. It was very nice to meet such an agreeable man like you, dear sir." The man's voice is deep and authorative, he holds out his hand for the principal to shake.

I wait for their sweet exchange to finish before I grandly make my entrance.

"You can't do this to me, my love!" I throw myself at the principal like a damsel in distress. "Is this a test? I don't want to be separated from you. I love you so much. I can't live without you--or, or I will die." I bat my eyelashes for the special effect and whimper in close tears.

His jaw drops open, too shocked to move. The room is silent for a few seconds and just my meek cries of abandonement is heard.

The discomfort of my audience is palpable--- I really want to laugh.

My poor bald principal realizes my sudden attack as he pushes me away. "Clarissa, now's not the time for playing games."

I dramatically drop on the floor. "You're throwing me away? After everything I've done for you? After all those long, amazing nights?" I ask teary-eyed. I glance at my spectators as they clear their throat uncomfortably.

So far so good.

I face the four men, sobbing. "I love this man so much. I don't think it's a good idea to tear us apart. No--I don't think you chose the right girl. Surely, you wouldn't choose someone who's having an affair with a man who can be her grandpa. And besides", I pause and gently caress my belly, "we made life together."

"Enough Clarissa!" The principal bellows, his face pale as a white-out. "And here I thought you'd be going without a fuss. You're even including me in your scheme!" He turns rapidly to the men in black. "She's talking nonsense, don't believe her. And take her, now please!"

I quickly latch on Mr. baldie's leg."Sweetheart! Please don't break up with me! How could you do this to me, to us?!" I cry like a wanton woman.

"Sir, are you sure she's the right girl?" One of the men in black asks. Their stony faces now analyzing the sticky situation.

Confusion, suspicion, doubt---these reactions are my jam.

"Yes, she is," the man whom the principal calls Carlos answers, bursting the bubble. He remains serene towards the scenario I just caused which is irking the hell out of me.

"Don't be fooled by her acting. This is a good example of a great con. May I remind you gentlemen, that she is Clarissa Valdez, daughter of the most infamous conman of all time."

I glare at him as I groan, my stomach is not helping the situation as it growls of hunger and stress. The bulky men nod at him and starts to surround me, my trance on them dissolving.

"It's best you take her now before she does something again," the principal sighs, massaging his temples.

"Why do I feel like I don't even have the freedom to decline your honorable offer, dear sir?" I ask sarcastically. This is just too unfair.

"It was a royal order and those who disobey gets punished. This goes for us too, for being incompetent to carry out such means."

"What is the punishment?" I dare ask.

"Death, my dear. It is death." There is something about the icy tone in his voice that is unnerving or maybe its those steely eyes of his looking straight at me, telling my guts that what he's saying is indeed very true.

"Great, just great." Apparently, I'm not just hunger fucked, I'm also royally fucked.

"Congratulations Clarissa Valdez for being chosen by King and Queen Academy. You are now one of the many lady consorts in training. I'm sure your father will be proud when he hears the news."

I'm not so sure about that.


A/N. Hi people of our beautiful world! Thank you for reading my story! Your thoughts and comments would really encourage me to write more chapters in this platform so feel free to voice out your thoughts in the comment section. I would love to hear them :) Thank you again! Really excited to meet awesome people here.

Ms_Sashaycreators' thoughts