
Prince Noah: Mage with Infinite Mana

Noah transmigrated in the body of Prince Noah. A youth who was just given a cursed land to manage. Noah who had just begun his training in magic discovered that he had infinite mana. Coupled with many spells, he began his journey to be the strongest. Noah cast fireballs. Countless balls of fire poured down to destroy the enemy, ice spikes, spikes of ice rain stabbed multiple enemies...No exhaustion, Noah was known as The Mana Emperor in history. ******** My first book. I am an inexperienced author, so please help me improve. Please comments on typos and any error you found. Please support this book. The cover is not mine.

SillyRobe · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Prince Noah

Looking outside the carriage window was Noah. The land around the carriage was barren. Not a single presence of life could be found and one could only see sand and rocks in the surrounding.

The temperature wasn't even that hot. But, the place which should be prosperous was barren as a desert.

Noah looked like 16 years old, a teenager. He was wearing a black shirt covered with a black jacket and black pants.

The suit look luxurious as it was made from fine fabric.

The sound of the carriage's hooves stomping on the ground echoed.

Noah looked bored.

He just transmigrated to this world yesterday.

The moment he transmigrated, he was already given the cursed land Nazrick and become the lord of this area.

Noah was dumbfounded, but when he returned to his room and slept. He got the memory of the previous owner's body.

Prince Noah was the second prince of the Great Magician Kingdom. His brother, the first prince was first on the throne and didn't want any hinder when he took the crown. So, he used his authority and manipulated his father to send other princes and princesses far away to manage their lands.

Noah was the unluckiest one as he was the weakest prince. There were six princesses and three princes. And, he was the second oldest. Despite that, he is only a second-rate magician.

Magicians have ranks that determine their strength.

Second-rate was the second level and the maximum was the tenth level. After that, there are titles given like Master Magician, and Grand Master Magician, you get the gist of it.

"When will we reach there?"

Noah was truly the unfortunate and stupid one as he didn't even have a single follower, not even a butler. He was alone.

The only one who accompanied to this land was the carriage driver.

The cursed land was the most unfortunate, it couldn't grow any plants or vegetables. There was not a single presence of greenery. Some monsters were attacking the city most of the time.

Casualties of normal people to soldiers have become common and no one wants to waste their time coming to this land, making this place poorer and poorer day by day.

"Milord, we will reach there in some minutes."

The driver replied humbly.

Noah hadn't even used single magic despite coming to the magic world. He didn't know how to. He tried remembering the memory, but it was still hard.

He sat in a meditative position. He first needs to utilize his mana inside the body, flowing it from one vein to another vein.

Releasing mana comes after that, as mana will leak from the pores of the skin.

After that, comes manipulating the mana outside and giving it a form. The form of the mana is magic.

Noah was in the first stage.

He didn't know how to draw mana from the source. It looks easy, but it's hard. It's like crafting furniture, if you watch it, it looks easy, but when you try it yourself, giving a wood a form is hard.

Noah tried hard, but it looks like he needed more information on mana. He will try to look at the mana book in the library.

No matter how much rural and undeveloped a place, it would still have a library. It's the rule of the kingdom, every city, town, and village needs to have at least 10 books related to magic

And the book about Mana is basic.

The journey ceased after they reached the town's gate. Seeing a carriage, which was slightly more luxurious than a normal carriage, the soldiers walked there.

The driver showed them a badge, and the soldiers shuddered. They straightened their back and saluted the carriage.

"We welcome the lord."

Noah ignored them.

"I will inform the mayor."

The soldiers rushed inside the town and the carriage drove inside the town. Many passersby stopped to look at the carriage.

They gasped as they found the carriage beautiful. Of course, despite it being only slighter better than a normal carriage, this town had never even had a normal carriage.

The town has been in decline for more than 20 years now, and not a single magician in the kingdom had figured out the curse or cure it.

Noah had sat in a normal position. He sighed.

The carriage stopped in front of a manor. It was the royal mansion that is built in every kingdom. The manor is painted white and had two floors. The building is built up of beautiful stones and gems and is the most beautiful building in this town.

In front of the manor, maids, and butlers stood. Two maids and two butlers wearing their outfit bow as Noah stepped out of the carriage.


Noah took a deep breath.

The air is fresh.

The fresh air is fresher than the modern world where he transmigrated from. Even the air of rural areas filled with green trees is low in comparison to the fresh air of this area despite being barren.

"Welcome lord." The servants said in union.

"Welcome, lord. Please pardon the delay in properly receiving you." A middle-aged man wearing a worn-out suit walked toward Noah with a slight smile.

"It's ok."

Noah glanced at him.

"Please call me if you need anything."

"Hmm, bring me to the library then."

Noah said.

"Library..." The mayor looked a little troubled.

"Hm?" Noah raised his eyebrows. "Is there no library, here?"

"No no, it's just that the library is inside the mayor's office."

"It's ok."

Noah didn't care. The place is poor, so there is no proper library. It wasn't that unusual.

"Ok. Bring me there."

"But, lord. You should rest first."

"Hah, don't talk much. Just bring me there." Noah's voice was filled with dominance. He looked like a tyrant lord. His voice was cold.

"O-Ok..." The mayor couldn't help but lord. He was just a common person. There are no magicians in this town and prince Noah is the only one now.

If he helped out the town, there would be fewer casualties, and they could repel the monster with fewer deaths.

The mayor brought Noah to his manor. While Noah walked, many people were looking at him with curiosity.

They were wondering if Noah was a proper lord or just someone who don't care about his people.

Noah entered inside the normal-looking building and entered some rooms before two big shelves came into his view.

"Here, lord." The mayor bowed.

"Ok, don't disturb me."


The mayor left the room.

The two shelves were big but less than a standard library. From the size of the shelves, Noah predicted that each shelf had a hundred or fifty books.

It was something amazing for a small library like this.

Noah searched the shelves and found what he wanted after 5 minutes.

"The Mana" was the book title and he read the book quietly with deterrent eyes.