
2: Rebirth

In the inner courtyard of the Long family one of the major families of the Azure province's Mulberry town, in the patriarch's room madam patriarch is giving birth to a child. Suddenly the crying of child started echoing in the courtyard when the doctor came out of the room and said to the Patriarch "Congratulations Patriarch Long a healthy boy has been born and mother is also in good health".

The Patriarch Long Yunxiao rushed towards the room and held the child in his arms and said to his wife Yan Bing " Bing'er you have given me the most precious thing a father could ever want and our child is going to sore to skies and will be as dominant as a sword so let's call him Long Jian".

Yan Bing said " I don't need my child to sore to the skies just to be healthy and happy all his life" as she teased her child.

The child was non other than Indra as he was looking towards his parents and thougth " It seems like I have been reborn with my memories intact and the couple in fornt of him are his parents but how did it happen" then he heard a humming sound in his ears and felt everything becoming dark in his surroundings then he saw a sword hovering in the air in front of him and heard a noise " Master I have brought your soul in this world by breaking the samsara cycle and have lost a lot of my spiritual energy so I need to rest for some time".

Long Jian was shocked hearing this and before he could react everything returned to normal and he said to himself " It seems the sword was something very powerful entity, it can even bring someone back to life although in different world but I am glad and I will fullfill my dream and will stand at the peak of this world".

After 5 years, in inner courtyard of the long household Long Jian was practicing the cultivation technique PRIMORDIAL DIVINE SWORD TECHNIQUE imprinted in his memories by sword spirit. It is a special technique as it helps in making the spirit energy more concentrated than the usual. It also helps in converting spirit enerngy into primordial essence to strengthen the body which is the source energy from which universe is formed and is present in the diluted form as spirit energy. As it is an arduas process to produce primordial essence as it requires 5 times the spiritual energy than need for breakthrough for a smaller real in cultivation that is from early stage to middle stage. As it requires a lot of resources for him to cultivate.

Although his cultivation speed is faster than the usual as the more concentrated the spirit energy the more fast his cultivation. So he lost minor realm in converting it into primordial essence which his body barely able to adapt as came to understand that to absorb more primordial essence he needs to reach higher tier in his cultivation as his body can not handle the burden of primordial essence, so his speed seems slower than the others.

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