
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs


The group continued towards their new destination, the fallen peak.

"I have heard that the fallen are very hostile to creatures that are not their race. Master, do you think they'll let us pass through their peak?" Scarlet stated and inquired

"The fallen are one of the oldest races on this continent, even older than the vampires. There was once a rumor that they got tired of being soldiers and servants for the one they served, so they rebelled to take over, but they were swiftly defeated. Instead of giving them the death penalty, their master took mercy on them and banished them from his kingdom. Their shiny white wings, which were badges to show they belonged to their master, turned black as they were banished. They wandered and wandered and finally found the peak where they now stay. After the battle with their master, they vowed to never serve anyone again and only trust their kind" Tenebrea narrated an old tale to them.

"Master, Ana has said you're one of the first beings on this continent and the very first vampire. How do the fallen compare to you?" Julius asked

"Well, thinking about it now, the fallen just kind of appeared. There was no origin. I knew the peak where they stayed before was unoccupied, and one day I was passing by, and then boom, new owners of a territory. They were very wary of me and wanted me to leave their territory. I attacked some of them, and since then they have hated me. I had to later take some gifts to them as a peace offering when the vampires were slowly being created, but that did not pacify the anger they felt. Instead of being enemies, they just took a neutral stance in the end, and that is why they are not too fond of us."

"I don't think they will attack us immediately, but if they realize I am the one with you guys, weakened like this, then I don't know what would happen. They might choose to overlook it as it has been over five millennia, but these guys are known for their grudges and protection of their kind." Tenebrea stretched and yawned as if she had just woken up.

"So why are we passing in this direction, Master? Let's just go around the mountain; it'll take a longer time, but at least you'd be safe." Scarlet was clearly concerned about the fallen and the strong individuals on the mountain.

"Stop being a worrywart. The fallen can't handle me. Forget the fact that my power level is pathetically low. No one except one scares me," Tenebrea said with a confident expression.

"Master, you said you fought the one who created this world; is that who you're afraid of?" Julius asked

"Pffft, that baldie? Who would be afraid of him? He is strong, but he has not reached his potential. The human who fought with me against him has limitless potential; he's the one who gives me the chills, but I also want to meet him and make him mine." She spoke solemnly, but her expression changed to one of greed.

'She and a human literally faced a god, and they didn't lose? Either she is actually crazy or she's crazy strong." Davina thought.

"My liege. I agree you are strong, but passing the fallen's territory might cause diplomatic issues. We do not want a war against the fallen on our hands, at least not now." Ana was the only one who could change Tenebrea's mind. Her disciples sighed in relief when they heard what she said.

"Finally, we'd take a different route," or at least that's what they thought.

"Nonsense. If the fallen want a war, they should come get it. I don't care about diplomatic stuff; that's boring, and I am definitely bored. If those humanoid birds want a war, then I will gladly bring it." Clenching her fists, she walked and started climbing the mountain.

Anastasia sighed behind her as she followed her queen. She would have flown, but it was against the law. 'On the mountain that houses the fallen, no creature, be it bird or god, shall rise above the ground'.

Frankly, Tenebrea did not care, but she did not want to cause unnecessary trouble, so she chose to workout her limbs as they hiked up the mountain. All of them were physically fit except for Davina, who was already panting. Even Maverick, who should have difficulties climbing up a mountain, was doing pretty well, so Julius told Maverick to carry the pixie.

She was relieved and chose to lay down and relax on the friendly beast as it carried her up the mountain. Shockingly, the hog did not even look like it was carrying anything heavy and continued on its merry way.

They hiked for hours. The sun had gone down several hours ago and was now coming back up, but they did not rest since Tenebrea did not stop. Thankfully, as they increased in rank, their bodies did not necessarily need food for nourishment, and they also had a lot of stamina. They finally began encountering signs indicating they were getting closer to the fallen village.

On the peak of the mountain, which was ten times higher than Mount Everest, several elders sat in a huge tent, looking at a golden ball.

"We should have killed these pests as soon as they stepped foot on the mountain." An elder with only one eye snarled.

"I agree. We can still do that. Just send the Everlight squad, and they'll be done within the hour." A short, elderly female nodded in approval of what the one-eyed elder said.

"We just can't kill anyone who steps foot on the mountain. That will cause a war, and though we are strong, it'll still diminish our numbers." A thin man who looked like a sage replied

"Making us public enemy number 1 would not benefit us in any way, and I doubt they will be as merciful as when-" An elder was speaking when he felt the aura of everyone converge on him.

"Everyone has been warned. His name is forbidden. If you ever utter that name, death would be a mercy compared to what will happen to you." The elder gulped when he heard what the head elder said. He bowed in gratitude, knowing they were only trying to protect him.