
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs

Envy and Lust

"Julio, You shall be renamed Envy and Lisa shall be renamed Lust." Midas said as he stared at both of them.

They both nodded and then knelt "Yes Master"

For both of them, they were happy as far as they were together, even if it meant serving Midas as soldiers or generals. Midas nodded and then recalled all of them back into his soul space.

Licht was also done inspecting the orb which he kept inside his soul space. He looked at Midas, laughed, and said "Look at who leveled up from my hard work" Midas blushed as Licht said that, even Daren chuckled. Everyone was happy as this obstacle had passed especially Licht as he had found a clue to the mystery woman that fought with him while Midas got new soul summons.

Midas walked toward the treasure pile in the corner. He checked and as he sucked the treasure into his soul space, he felt two external souls that were not his summons within his soul space. He instantly retrieved them and was shocked to find two tools in his hands. There was a dagger and a single earring, the souls were slowly weakened and about to vanish but they were still there. Midas showed them both to his master, Licht checked them and said "These are cursed weapons. The owner of those weapons most likely cursed these souls to stay within that particular weapon and accessory. People whom the church call necromancers are the ones that perform such things. These souls strengthen the weapon or armor they have been placed in and sometimes the weapon or armor showcases the attribute of the soul placed in." Licht explained and then continued "You said there were several weapons in the pile that did not have souls? They most likely had but the souls weakened and then perished. You were lucky to find two live souls. Merge them with your two new generals so those souls wouldn't waste"

Midas nodded and then summoned Envy and Lust, telling them what he wanted to do. They looked hesitant but they realized either way their life was in Midas's hands. He was just being courteous telling them before doing it. They agreed and then Midas began the fusion process. Once again, two cocoons were formed in his soul space.

Licht decided to camp for a while in the cave as he was a bit exhausted after the fight. He manipulated the earth to be soft and he laid on it. After a couple more hours, the cocoons began to shake then crack. Midas summoned them out of his soul space as he watched with excitement. Licht opened one eye to watch out of curiosity and Daren watched because he found the merging process quite intriguing and satisfying.

The first cocoon broke open and the thing to emerge was about two meters tall, it was charcoal skinned with fangs that looked more like daggers, it had scales on some parts of its body, neck, and back of the arms and its eyes had a vertical slit in the center. It no longer had legs but instead, it had a long serpentine tail. This was Envy who had evolved with the soul of a Giant wave cobra.

"Wow, this feels great. I am not as powerful as I was but just the strength I have right now is more than I had at this same stage with the core and I feel I have the water attribute." Envy said.

As Envy spoke, the second cocoon broke open, Lust emerged, she still retained her green color with red streaks all over. She had pointy ears like that of an elf but hers were longer. Her legs looked far more muscular than the rest of her body and from the back of her heels protruded long blades that went up all the way to the back of her knees. She had massive hands and claws and her teeth were now jagged like that of a shark, as she stood lightning popped out of her body at intervals. The soul that she merged with was that of the Bladed buzz bunny. It had a sharp claw that came out from the bottom of its feet to kill unsuspecting predators, perfect for a sneak attack, and due to the excess amount of fur, it generates its static electricity.

"Oh, Envy has the water attribute while Lust has the lightning attribute. That is great" Midas said excited that his summons were slowly coming along.

Midas nodded as he recalled them both back into his soul space. He sat down and then chose to rest for the journey ahead.

Everyone chose to rest. Morning finally came and it was time to leave for the elven kingdom, Belzoheim. This time Licht hoped that nothing would stop them or slow them down as they headed to their destination.

As they traveled Midas kept helping Daren train, he finally stepped into the realm of yellow-ranked beings but it was not enough as even Midas's weakest soul summon was in the blue rank so he made a decision.

"Master, I want to scout ahead and take care of anything in our path," Daren said "I promise I would not bite off more than I can chew but if a beast at my power rank kills me then I am a disgrace"

Midas looked at Daren, he had promised his Mother that he would take care of him but now the boy wanted to head out on his own. He looked at Licht for advice who nodded and said "You cannot protect him forever so this can be like a trial run for him to check if he is ready to stand by your side and be your loyal servant that is not a soul" Licht chuckled at the last phrase.

Midas nodded and told Daren to be careful. He slowly dissolved into the shadows and he was gone. Daren went ahead killing the yellow-ranked beasts faster than they could react and he was battling with blue-ranked beasts using his unique shadow evasive skills and his powerful poison. Whenever he was exhausted, he'd use an ether stone. By the time he returned to the carriage after two weeks, he was already at peak blue rank, on the verge of breaking through to the basic green rank. The only reason why he returned was to report a situation.

"Master, Sir Licht. Some elves are in front and they are not letting humans without legitimate backgrounds through" Daren said. His face had already matured after all the killing he had done and the battles he had gone through.

Licht nodded and said with a smile "Finally, we are here"