
Priest of Death

At the start of the year 3000, the people were shock when blue portals appear everywhere in the world. The people became wary of this portals but since it's harmless, they decided to ignore it with the government trying to figure out what is it. But they are unable to enter. The portals change it's color, from blue to orange to red. And in a week, the portal turned red, the people just ignored it but monster came pouring out of the portals causing death and chaos to the world. In the midst of chaos, people with magical abilities appeared. They are called [Players]. They killed the monsters and became the heroes of the world. At the same time, constellations also appeared together with them. Vince Stade, and orphan that work for him and his two siblings suddenly awakened. He awakened as a priest! A rare class that focus in supporting and communicating with their Gods. They received power from them and was connected to them. But then, he found his skills very weird. They're not focus in supporting, giving buffs but attacking instead. As he was confused and wondering about what's happening, a black hologram screen appeared in front of him. [The God of Death is looking at his Priest with joy.] - A/N: The main character is a little naive at the beginning but I planned to develop his character so don't worry. Please bear with it for now. PS. This is a BL novel. I repeat this is a BL novel.

crowned · LGBT+
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17 Chs

Ranker's Token

Every five years, a player ranking will be released by the Player's Association. Based on their accumulated Hero Points on the player's license.

This was also accumulated automatically by the license of the player.

Every player will be given a rank. However, only the Top 100 Rankings will be released in public.

It's a big event where numerous players were invited. The Top 100 would be given an award in this event and would be called— Rankers.

The Golden Rankings Award.

Not based by strength but their work as a player. But of course, the stronger the enemy, the higher the Hero points they will receive, so the strong would still be placed on top as long as they kill a few monsters here and then.

The Hero Points can be obtained by clearing dungeons, helping civilians, or capturing wanted players. These 100 players were given a coin, called Ranker's token.

However, there are difference between a Top 100 and Top 10 token. For example, any player on the Top 100 will get a bronze token, Top 50 will get silver and Top 20 will gold.

But the Top 10's token were tailored-made and personalized. They could be summoned wherever and whenever they wanted and contained a gift inside from numerous Gods who support this glorious event, which is the main reason why it's valued and why players who were strong enough to be a candidate never slacked off.

And now, Armin was looking at a Ranker's Token. Base on it's color and design...

He was completely frozen in the couch with a blank look on his face, seemingly questioning his life.

'Who am I? Where am I? What is this?'

Vince waved his hand in front of the other, he tilted his head with a puzzled expression on his face. 'What happened to him?' His gaze landed on the token in his hand. 'Is there a problem in this token?'

He really didn't know the answer. He still have a lot of things that he doesn't know about the world of players.

'Now that I think about it... I have 'that' skill right?' He still haven't memorized all of his skills and he wished that he would never have to used those ominous skills again.

It didn't feel good.

He activated his skill, Analysis to identify the item in his hand. There was a slight delay unlike before.

[You have been given permission.]

'Hm? Permission?'

[Item: Ranker's Token]

[Description: It's a token given to Top 10 Rankers in the world. It contained a 'gift' for Rankers and represent their prestige. This is an indestructible artifact that can only be destroyed by Gods.]

[Grade: Constellation]

"..." He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how high the grade is based on it's name, but it seemed incredible just by reading the description.

'An item that can only be destroyed by Gods?! That's amazing!' His eyes sparkled in excitement as he stared at the token. Then he realized something. 'Why would he give this to me?'

'Did the God of Death asked him to? Eh? Now that I think about it, that God haven't showed up yet today. I wonder what happened...'

He didn't have time to ponder any longer as Armin finally snapped out of his daze.

"Mr. Vince. Err, can I take a look of the token so I can check if it's authentic?" he even have a bright smile in his face.

[The Sun God was covering his eyes.]

[The Sun God was too embarrassed to watch how pathetic you are.]

[The Sun God wanted to remove your status as his Bishop.]

He ignored those messages as his smile became more and more bright. 'This guy have someone behind him from the Top 10 so shut your mouth! Top 10 Rankers could kill me from a mile, you know?!' He didn't really dare say it though. He's only a bishop after all.


'Why did he suddenly become respectful?' Vince who was rendered speechless by this sudden change of attitude, blankly nodded his head.

Armin didn't dare to casually touch it as he used his divine energy to lift it up in the air. He pulled out a shining gem from his inventory making Vince curious.

He then put the gem on the token but before it can even reached the token, it broke into pieces making Vince who was watching with sparkling gaze flinched.

"It broke!" he exclaimed.

Armin wanted to cry. 'It's an actual Ranker's token! It's fucking real! Oh my god!' This is the first time he have ever seen a Top 10 Ranker's token this close.

He gently put the token closer towards Vince who quickly spread his palms to received it.

"I have just verified that this is a real token. Please come to me to the top floor."


Before he knew it, he was pushed inside a blacksmith's workplace. He was immediately drenched in a layer of sweat after entering.

His gaze met with the woman inside who seemed as confuse as he is.

Awkwardly laughing, he waved his hand.



The current branch manager of Mercenary Guild was currently pacing back and forth inside his office.

His hands were trembling like crazy as his back was wet from cold sweat, sticking to his back. His assistant made a disgusted expression on his face.

"Uncle, can you sit down? I'm getting dizzy, watching you like this—"

He wasn't finished yet when his uncle roared making him jolt in shocked.


His uncle who was on his forties seemed to have aged a decade and lost twenty pounds after releasing all that sweat.

"How can I stay calm at a time like this?! A Ranker's token were in our branch! I wouldn't be this shocked if it's only a bronze or even silver. But it's obviously a customized one! Oh my god!" he bit his lower lip with furrowed brows. He turned towards his niece A.K.A assistant. "Is there any news from HQ?"

He sighed. "They said that we should deal with this ourselves."

"Aahh! Those bastards!" he couldn't help but spat out a few curses.

The niece didn't think it was too much of a big deal. After all, it wasn't the Ranker himself who came. It's only a token. What's the big deal?

So he spoke to calm his worried uncle.

"Uncle, stop worrying too much. Even if it's the Ranker who came himself, he's only one person. Can he deal with the whole Mercenary Guild?" then he smiled assuringly.

The branch manager felt like smacking some sense out of this piece of shit. Ignorance is bliss.

He shook his head with a disgusted expression on his face. "You're not my niece."

The 'piece of shit' was puzzled by his uncle's words. "Huh? What are you talking about? Anyway, stop overreacting and take a seat beside me."

The branch manager couldn't take it anymore. "You really don't understand anything! What? It's only one person? That one person could kill all of the players in this branch! You think the HQ would help us? Ha! Those bastards would willingly sacrificed a small branch like us to appease a Ranker's anger! Don't you get it?!" his saliva kept splashing as he speak.

And of course, it had to be that psycho's token!

He could recognized that token. Actually, aside from him, no one would used a Ranker's token this way.

Orpheus Requi​em, Rank 3.

The civilians who had been saved by him gave him nicknames such as 'Ruler of the Dead' because of his necromancy skill.

But the players who had personally met him had given him the nickname, 'Mad dog'.


Because he's a one son of a bitch who once tried to destroyed the Adventurer Guild's HQ when they stop him from entering a dungeon.

This token was definitely a warning!

'If you don't treat him well, I'll pulverize your branch and chase you to hell.'

The branch manager shuddered in fear.


I'm sorry. I forgot to set the timer so it's a little late.

crownedcreators' thoughts