A young teen died, angry at the world and society he grew up in meets god, the god offered him everything he desired all he wanted was entertainment, and that's what he will get join the main character as he embarks on the ultimate hunts.
'Finally sixteen years later after my rebirth I am finally about to go on my first hunt, Once I complete this hunt my Ultimate predator system will activate activate.
I have been training for this day for the past three years, I have trained with bladed weapons almost all by myself my father in this life correct my form when necessary.
Every day the yautja honor code was hammered into my mind, it was commendable and I had the utmost respect to all those who follow this code.
Well enough monloguing I need to get going afterall I have a hunt to get to with blade, and with no tusk, well this is what everyone in my clan call them. And then there is me, My name is Wrath, I had a similar skin coloration, and I was bigger than the average predator I haven't even finished growing, my skin was completely white, just like my ancestor.
It was a rather good wish, after all the alpha predator, is buried on our home planet, and god apparently through in some things, like we have a rare green and black Krystal used on extremely powerful beings, that are considered one of our favored prey but apparently they all died off recently.
I knew it was probably Krpytonians, anyways I had high expectations all focused on me after testing my heritage.
And now here I am armed with nothing but two simple wrist blades and a ceremonial knife given to us all by an elder predator.
An elder predator is actually overseeing our hunt, he had in place of his usual mask one made from our quarry head Quatza-Rij, the strongest beast on our planet besides another beast that any Yautja who wants to be a spear master must hunt with nothing but a spear.
We all had training with a blooded predator teaching us hand to hand combat and basic weapon training I of course tried to learn as much as I could on my own, and my teacher was suprised with the level of skill I had before training, but he was even more impressed with my learning rate, I already have the skill of a predator who has already successfully hunted several prey.
How my system currently works show my skill level, my name and my knowledge.
'System, status.'
Name: Wrath
Bloodline:Alpha Predator
Strength:120 (Peak human strength is 10, every ten strength is equal to being able to lift half a ton, the average young predator that isn't an adult yet has the strength to lift 5 tons and adult predator can lift 20 tons.)
Speed: 50 (For every ten speed is ten miles per hour, humans on average can at least run ten miles per hour, the peak of humanity is thirty miles per hour, this is the average predator speed.)
Dexterity:70 (Dexterity is how well you can move your hands humans on average have a dexterity of thirty at least human soldiers can match predators in skill so humans are roughly the same in that regard.
Intelligence:60(Intelligence is based on knowledge accrued, the average human is roughly thirty, young predators are not taught more than necessary knowledge wise, currently predators in your age group all have the knowledge to use, the cloak your explosive wrist watch once you receive it after this hunt, you will also gain our own masks.)
Vitality: 200 (Predators can live for over a thousand years it has never been confirmed completely to my knowledge what their life span is, Yautja have so much vitality they cured a sickly kid in concrete jungle, and allowed a human to live to be over one hundred that is how vital predators are, they can survive losing extreme amounts of blood, the average human has a vitality of thirty. Predators also have a very weak healing factor afterall they can grow back their dread locks when cut, which are just like an arm or any other part of the body they bleed.)
Other benefits are currently locked until you compete your first hunt.
That's everything that was show to me, it's all very useful knowledge, it gives me an idea of my strength compared to others of my species and humans on average, except it never gave me any information on those with superpowers.
'Well it's time to hunt, I need to prove myself to my clan so I can gain access to more gear.'
I began to walk towards my hunting party, We are about to have a test of our strength to decide who will lead during this hunt.
I began walking towards the three predators, each step I took shook the ground I walked upon slightly each step I took made a low thump like sound.
"Hey you two ready to get this all sorted out?:
"I am , but Wrath I'm not sure if blade is I think he might be scared of being known as the weakest of the three of us."
"Of course I'm not, I'm ready to prove to everyone out of the three of us I'm the strongest."
"Honestly you need to be more realistic Blade, but let's just get this over with already."
"Yeah, sure Wrath we'll be arm wrestling whoever wins against the other winner is the strongest, therefore making them the leader."
"Alright I'll go last and let you guys decide who will go against me."
They both paid little to no mind to what I said.
'These two still aren't the brightest even after all these years, well it doesn't matter I'll just prove I'm the strongest and then lead the hunt, and I should be able to claim the Quatza-Rij my first trophy ever, it will look great in the ship I'll recieve after this hunt.'
I watched on as both of them wrestled it out to decide who will go against me, it was rather boring but it was far better than a fight afterall the loser would have to die a due to the loss of honor unless you gifted them something.
At any rate I watched as no tusk slowly overtook blade and then blades hand was slammed into the ground.
No tusk then roared out in triumph, as a show of his victory.
And I just casually walked towards him, ignoring his victory almost all together, in the end it was all meaningless to me
______ ______ ______ ______
This is barely the full chapter this is only a little taste for those who want to see this fic whoever wins the losers will one day get their stories. And this will probably be edited this is an unfinished chapter but I'd figure I would give you some ideas of what will it be like for example what the mcs race is. Some description type things.