
Individual's rights

The progress of the society directly or indirectly depends on the individual's efforts.People should seek their rights not as sympathy from the power outlets of society however they can demand them for the better future of their generations.What an individual need in it's life?There are many questions arise that an individual serves a lot to the society so in return what he gets from the society.This is the turning point for every society's future.In this era an individual that works day and night to serve country deserves a good reputation as well as dands a good and secure future but what he gets' nothing.When he counts his efforts towards society and mark of society in his life he just totally be heartbroken.Socities consist of three types of people.First that have lot of money and these are very few but controls the whole norms of society .Second are the middle class people that live hardly on their expenses offered as regard to their efforts.Third are the poor's like daily wagers'hand cyclers etc that are going to suffer most because of every changing wave in the society either it is for betterment of society