
Ready to travel

I am not sure how I got this power but I went to sleep and woke up with this power. I did not get to meet ROB or anything. When I woke up I knew what the power was and what it could do.

I was able to travel from our world (A) to parallel world (B). I also had a cubic meter (1 m3) of space that I could use to take things between worlds. The time between the world A and B are synced so if I was in world B for an hour, then an hour would have gone in world A. I did not need to be worried about bring different viruses/bacteria etc as both world were similar. I could travel from one world to another world anytime, there was no cool down period etc.

It was a good thing that I was unmarried and single as the time being synced means I will be missing from one world for a long period of time. In order to prepare for my first travel to another world I had to get ready. As it seems to be a parallel world that means loads of trouble, I would have to think about ID, money, what happens when I travel through do I show up at the exact same location? what if there is a wall or a tree in that position. A lot of worries but a lot of potential benefits.

What I decided to do was to book a holiday from my work in UK and then travel to Thailand. The plan was I was going to go to a remote village (hopefully no cctv/a lot less mobile phone camera) and then portal through to another world while being in a field outside. For money I decided to buy some gold, 40 grams was all I could afford as this cost £2,000. I also packed 3 days worth of food and water. I also packed a drone, mobile phone and my laptop. I was as ready as I could be.

Well now I am in middle of a field in Thailand about to transfer across. I have updated my will and also wrote a delayed e-mail stating my good byes to my loved one. If I am not back to delete the message in 7 days then it will auto send it to my family.

With nothing else to delay I was ready, I had decided to travel early in the morning as I thought this would give me time to look around then travel back with in the same day. I concentrated and decided to travel to world B.

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