

--- 3 Months later---

---(July 2010)---

"We're finally here..." Beast mutters as they walk into the Hall of Justice. He has since diched the old suit, donning a full body red and black suit with katanas sheathed at his back. 'Deadpool baby. Of course I'm gonna choose this after receiving a basic form of immortality. Plus the suit has the dark feature for undercover jobs.' 

"Why isn't anybody just... Whelmed?" Robin asks, stepping into the building. "Oh. That's why." Their sights behold the huge statues of the league members as the door before them open, revealing Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado. 

"Robin. Speedy. Kid Flash. Aqualad. Beast." Martian Manhunter steps forward. "Welcome." He turns around, continuing as the members follow behind him. "You now have unlimited access to our gym, our fully stocked galley..." The doors in front of them open, revealing a library. "And of course... Our library." He states, before the League members step aside and start speaking. 

"Yo, Robin." Beast nudges Robin's shoulder. "How do you like the new suit?" He asks, striking a few poses. 

"Oh... It's staying?" Robin chuckles awkwardly. 

"What?! What do you mean?! This suit is fucking awesome!" Beast gets into Robin's face, poking the latter's forehead. 

"Yo, name's Kid Flash." Kid Flash butts in between them. "Robin's friend." 

Beats raises an eyebrow at that, a movement weirdly seen as the mask above his eye extends upward. "Beast. Robin's brother." 

"What? Dude, you had a brother?!" Kid asks Robin, surprised by the news. 

"He's adopted." Robin lowers his head. "You can see the reason he was placed in the orphanage." 

"Hah?!" Beast bumps his chest against Robin's. "You want to say that again?!" 

"Are you deaf?" Robin responds calmly. 

"Oh I will so-" 

"That's it?!" Speedy's loud voice attracts the attention of the trio, plus an intrigued Aqaulad. "You promised us a real look inside. Not a glorified backstage pass." He voices out. 

"It's a first step." Aqauman responds to speedy. "You've been granted access few others get."

Speedy's hand moves upwards, gesturing towards the people behind a glass looking at them. "Oh really? Who cares which side of the glass we're on?"

"Roy." Green Arrow steps forward. "You need to calm down." 

"What I need is respect." Speedy turns and faces the rest of the protégés. "They're treating us like kids. Like sidekicks. We deserve better than this." 

His great speech is only met with silence. 

"You're kidding. You're playing their game? Why? Today was supposed to be the day. Step one of becoming full fledge members of the League." Speedy continues. 

"Well... Sure..." Kid Flash shrugs. "But I thought step one was a tour of the H.Q?" 

"Except the Hall isn't the League's real H.Q. I bet they never even told you." Speedy's words cause the League members to look at Green Arrow. "It's a false front for tourists... And a pit stop to catching Zeta-Beam teleporters to the real thing... an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower." 

"I know, I know." Green Arrow looks at Batman. "I thought we could make an exception..?" But a Batglare is his only response. "...Or not." 

"You're not helping your cause here, son." Aquaman tries to placate. "Stand down or-" 

"Or what?" Speedy cuts him off. "You're gonna send me to my room? And I'm not your son!" He turns to face Green Arrow. "I'm not even his. I thought I was his partner..." Speedy grips his hat. "But... Not anymore." Throwing the hat on the ground, speedy walks off towards the exit.

"Guess they're right about you." Speedy speaks up, glancing at the four teens. "You're not ready."

*Beep Beep Beep* 

Superman appears on the screens in the room. "Superman to Justice League." He speaks. "There's been an explosion at Project Cadmus. It's on fire." He reveals. 

Batman walks to the front of the screen. "I've had my suspicions about Cadmus." He says. "This may present the perfect opportunity to-" 

*Beep Beep Beep*

Batman's words get interrupted as Zatara appears beside Superman. "Zatara to Justice League.The sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Aten to blot out the sun. Requesting full League response." Zatana explains quickly. 

"Superman?" Batman turns to Superman.

"It's a small fire." Superman responds. "Local authorities have it under control." 

"Then Cadmus can wait." Batman presses a button on the keys before him. "All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates. Batman out." He commands, turning around, coming face to face with Robin. "Stay put." 

"What? Why?" Robin asks. 

"This is a League mission." Aquaman states. 

"You're not trained." Flash adds on. 

"Since when?" Kid flash spreads his arms as he speaks. 

"I meant you're not trained to work as part of this team." Flash clarifies. 

"There will be other missions." Aquaman speaks up once more. "When you're ready." 

"But for now..." Batman's eyes lock onto Robin. "Stay. Put." He says, glancing at Beast, who sat at the back, eating popcorn, before he walks out with the rest of the League in tow. 

"Ugh!" Kid Flash throws his hands up. "When we're ready? How do they think we'll ever be ready if they treat us like... Sidekicks?" He says and his gaze comes to Beast. "And how can you not care about what's happening right now?!" 

"Oh easy..." Beast throws his popcorn to the side and stands up. "You see, Robin over here-" His hands points to Robin in an exaggerated manner. "-Is going to hack into the system and find out about that Cadmus thing. Then we're going to sneak out like the true teenagers-in-their-rebellious-faze we are." 

Aqaulad's eyes turn to Robin. "You can do that?" 

Robin smirks and moves towards the computer and starts typing away. "Sure I can." 


  In front of the Project Cadmus building, Robin Aqualad and Beast could be seen watching on as Kid Flash rushes in to save two falling men. 

"We need a plan." Aqualad says, turning to his side to look at Robin and Beast, only to find nothing. Looking at the building, he spots Robin shooting his grappling gun and reels himself in, while Beast clung onto Robin's legs. 

"What are you doing?" Robin yells, almost losing his grip on the gun. 

"What..?" Beast chuckles. "I don't have those fancy gadgets that you do." 

"That's cause you said it looked-" Robin raises one hand and does the air quote thing with his fingers. "Uncool." Rolling his eyes, Robin breaks the window in front of him and both of them climb in before helping Flash. 

"What?" Beast shrugs. "It would look out of place on my suit." Causing Robin to roll his eyes once more. 


Turning to the window, Aqualad could be seen riding a swirl of water towards them. Entering, Aqualad spots Robin and Kid Flash going through the computers and documents respectively. 

"What? Gathering information." Robin chuckles. 

Ignoring them, Aqualad steps outside and spots something behind the closing elevators. "Something's there." He speaks, attracting the trio's attention as the all gather in front of the elevator. 

"This doesn't make sense." Robin mutters. "There's supposed to only be a few floors in the building, so there shouldn't be an express elevator here." He explains, typing away on his holographic computer. "Bingo." He lets out, showing the team the screen. "There's 52 floors in this building. Most of it built underneath." 

"What are we waiting for?" Beast steps in front of the elevator and puts his fingers between the gaps of the door. "Uuuugh!" Beats turns to the team. "It's exactly as I thought..." His serious voice brings tension to them. "I'm too weak to open it." 

"Dude! Not the time." Kid Flash pushes Beast out of the way before Aqualad steps forward and pries the doors open.

"Damn." Beast whistles. "How much you bench?" His question left unanswered as Robin shoots his grappling gun to the ceiling of the elevator shaft before he starts going down as the gun releases rope. 

"Hup." Kid Flash jumps and grabs onto the rope, sliding down, followed by Aqualad and finally Beast. 

"I'm at the end of my rope..." Robin speaks and swings to the ledge of the floor he stopped at. Before long, Aqualad and Kid Flash also swung to the ledge and pried the doors open. 

"Wait." Aqualad speaks up, as the three of them stop. "Where's Beast?"


Looking towards the elevator, they spot Beast's body plunging past the open door. 

"Keep going! We'll meet up!" His voice echo's throughout the  shaft. 

Shrugging, Robin nods as the advance. 

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