
Chapter 72 – Rewards after disaster

Now Cage was stunned and he started to laugh "Destiny this is destiny anyway I was thinking about how repay to Redrick who knew his son will come to me."

Then he looked at Ash and shouted at all the doctors "Okay you fellas get the hell out of here."

The doctors were stunned and looked at the fierce Cage and ran out of the room.

Cage smiled and said to Misty and Tracey "Okay you both can stay in the ward for now and I will keep an eye on them."

And he left.


In a certain a laboratory.

Red alarms were ringing and Brock rushed in with a crowbar and said solemnly "Ivy What happened."

Professor Ivy was tensed and was operating the computer at high speeds to correct the error.

Ivy suddenly paused "Oh no."

And space cracked and Pulled Brock and Ivy with a crow bar into it.


Seven days later.

It was dark, darker than the night sky.

A voice came

"Where am I."


There was a sound in the dark space.

A flickering soul was wandering here.



A voice came like it was from the depth of hell "Guardian its not yet time to die."

Then it was just white.


In the hospital bed.

Ash woke and sat up straight with sweat on his forehead and shouted "Ahh."

There was a shriek from outside "Ash"

And some rushing sounds and Misty rushed in.

Misty "Ash you are awake?"

Ash had calmed down now and nodded.

Pikachu who was sitting on the roof felt Ash was awake and rushed in.


Ash "Pikachu"


Pikachu slipped from a banana peel.

Ash was trying not laugh but still laughed.

Pikachu then jumped on Ash and started to lick him.

Ash caught him and started to tickle.


Soon Cage come in and looked at Ash and laughed "You still gave me a surprise."

Ash "Who are you?"

Misty spoke instead of Cage "He is your father's friend Professor Cage He took care of you for the whole week."

Ash nodded and looked and Cage and spoke "Thank you professor."

Cage nodded "You look a lot like Redrick but your eyes are different."

Ash "Yes but Professor what did you say how many days I was in coma."

Cage "For six days I had speculated you will not wake up for two weeks."

Ash "Shit Misty what is the time for the festival."

Misty "We have a week more but we can't travel on Lapras if we fly it will take two days on boat five days."

Ash "Okay we will fl… *sigh* no take a boat."

Tracey who was in the garden suddenly sneezed.


At night Ash released all his pokemon on the beach.

Ash looked at everyone and was surprised.

Ash "Kabutops can you explain this."

Kabutops "Ah this Ash when you were injured your body pulled a lot of non elemental aura to recover and we too benefited from it."

Charizard "Yes Ash now I can make a 50 – 50 battle rate with Pikachu. Man if I get another chance I can even defeat him like slapping a mosquito."

Ash "So should do this regularly."

Charizard "Yes…" Then he thought about something and repeatedly shook his head "No no no Ash you didn't get it."

Charla just hit him on back of his head and he fainted.

Ash mumbled "A man can control everything except his girlfriend." But he missed something that only pokemon were there by his side and everyone heard it.

Everyone laughed.

Raichu looked at Flareon and spoke "I don't think that is so hard as we only need to keep them happy by giving gifts.

Suddenly he felt some glares and shut up.

Pikachu came and patted his shoulder and said "Father I am wondering how did you not break any bones till now.

Soon there was a fleeing and chasing figure on the scene.

Ash laughed and spoke "Dexter show me the details."

Dexter "Beep

Pikachu A+ ( Ninth compression )

Pidgeot A+ ( Ninth Compression )

Venasaur A+ ( Eight Compression )

Charizard A+ ( Eight Compression )

Dexter A+ (Sixth Compression )

Blastoise A+ (Eight Compression )

Kabutops A+ (Ninth Compression )

Eevee A+ ( Eight Compression )

Raichu A + (Sixth Compression )

Flareon A+ ( Sixth Compression )

Gengar A+ (Ninth Compression )

Audino A+ ( Fifth Compression )

Lapras B +

Crystal Onix B +

Dratini D +


Ash was satisfied but then again was distressed.

Dexter "Ash what happened."

Ash sighed "Dexter the number of pokemon I can keep with me is not too much but I want all of them to be with me."

Dexter "Ash don't worry after you reached S rank you can connect with your pokemon mentally and call them any time needed and then you will not need pokeball but pokemon should be able to withstand the spatial compression so the minimum requirement is B + for a pokemon to pass through space."

Ash was stunned and sighed "I know only this much and I really want explore the world and get to meet all kinds of pokemon."

In the night sky a shooting star passed as Ash said this.


To be continued.