
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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114 Chs

Lips Or No Lips (Part 1)

"I guess missing runs in the family," I said while starting to run, As I expected, Maria chased after me with a deadly smile.

"Ahh!! Save me," I said, sarcastically.

Everybody there took my sarcastic words seriously and began laughing.

"Gengar, Stop laughing!" I shouted back, trying to escape from the clutches of Maria. Gengar just increased its laughing volume and I gave it a straight up glare. Gengar ignored me and continued laughing.

Maria caught up and wrapped her hands around my waist.

"You aren't going anywhere," Maria said.

"Wait, That...That was a joke," I said, seeing that she didn't let go, "What are you going to do to me?"

"Hmph, When we get to my house, I'll decide," Maria said, "but until then, I'm not letting you out of my hands,"

"You mean we're walking to your house like this," I asked but earned a grin from Maria, "Please tell me that you're joking,"

"Try and see if I'm joking," Maria said, mockingly.


"Huh, This place looks neat and cool," Proton said, He had gotten a notification from Arianna that one of her Subordinates had gotten a base and that she was willing to sell it for 10 million, "Normally, I would think this price is overrated but it is actually worth it, There are several good items everywhere and not to mention the latest house technology, What do you think Pierce?"

"I think that you're gonna make this place a Strip club," Executive Pierce said with a smile.

"Sometimes, You know exactly what I'm thinking," Executive Proton said and pulled out his phone and dialled Arianna, She picked up the call.

"What do you want, Proton?" Arianna asked.

"I'll buy it, I have to say, I'm really impressed with your Subordinate, He's better than Jessie and even James," Proton said, "Will you give him to me?"

'Does he really think i'll say yes, He's one of my highest sources of Income right now,' Arianna thought while snickering.


"No way," Arianna said.

"Why not? You have enough Subordinates in your team especially that hot gym leader, Erika and Elite Triad Koga's Daughter, Janine. Why won't you give him to me? Besides having a boy would spoil your Girls Admin collection," Proton said.

"I am not giving Admin Jordan to you, although he's very resourceful, He is still my property and i'm not going to give him to YOU ever!" Arianna shouted, "Now transfer the money into my bank account and get the place,"

"Fine," Proton said and transferred it to Arianna's account, "Have you received it?"

"Yes, I have," Arianna said, "I'll use my teleportation device to send the deeds of that place over to you,"

She hung up.

"Damn, I really need some good subordinates. Jessie, James, Butch and Cassidy aren't enough," Proton said while stomping his right foot on the ground.

"Look at the Bright side, You get your own place WITHOUT having to steal it from somebody," Pierce said.

"Why are you emphasizing on the 'WITHOUT' in that sentence? I haven't done any stealing in a long time," Proton said while folding his hands.

"Don't tell me any of that nonesense, Proton. The Delux hotel in Celadon city belonged to you AFTER you killed the original owner and changed the Deeds," Pierce said.

"Whatever, That place still gives me a lot of money," Proton said, "The death of that guy is worth 3,000,000 Poké at the end of the month and not to mention if I add the sales from the Black Market to it..."

"Alright, Stop bragging about how rich you are and let's go," Pierce said, The documents appeared and Proton caught them.

"I want to meet this Jordan guy, He must have some kind of personal relationship with Arianna, maybe a sexual relationship," Proton said.

"Pfft, I don't think that's it. I'm not even sure that he has actually met Arianna face-to-face before," Pierce said and together, They lounged in the room.

(A / N: Way to hit the nail on the head, guys)


Walter fell down on the living room couch and began panting.

"That was such a long walk," Walter said.

"You're pretty lazy," I said with a grin, I had gotten used to the fact that Maria had and was still wrapping her hands around me throughout the walk.

"When I was your age, I was able to climb Mount Moon to the top in 3 days without resting," Walter said.

"Stop overrating yourself, The winding path to the top of Mount Moon is very dangerous and a person would need LV. 55-60, At least, A champion-ranked Pokémon to guarantee survival in that place," I said.

'Saw right through my lie,' Walter thought then he smiled.

"I have more gym badges than you," Walter said.

"I'm not gathering gym badges," I said.

"Wait, Why not? The Kanto Champion Tournament has many strong trainers participating in it this year and not to mention the high prizes if you get to Top 16," Walter said.

"Huh, What are the prizes?" I asked, eagerly.

"They say the person who ranks Top 16 gets 10 Million Pokédollars, Fifty rare candies which are going to be supplied by me and then they'll get the highest potential Starter Pokémon from one of the regions," Walter said, "And that's just for the Top 16th participant, What about the Top 3?" Walter asked after seeing the dreamy look in my eyes.

"Can I see your gym badges?" I asked.

"Why sure you can," Walter said and left the living room. I turned to Maria.

"Is there anything that I can do to get you off of me?" I asked.

"Lips or No Lips," Maria replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Well, I know you're only interested in me because you want Rare candies from my Dad," Maria said while frowning, "I've never had any real friends, The only ones I had wanted something in return for their friendship...That's why I can't trust you, How do I know that you're not like that Butler, Robinson? How do I know that you're not after my body?"

'Well, Because I already have a girlfriend that has a better body than you do!' I wanted to say that but if I did, I could almost picture her sucking my blood.

"I don't need anything from you or your Dad, I want to be your friend genuinely, Maria, You may not believe me if I say this but I...I really like you a lot," I said causing Maria to gape at me in shock.



Number One, I have a question for all of my Readers, Does this look like Esper Harem In The Apocalypse? Don't I have the right to write that my character died and got reincarnated, Is there anything wrong with that? I can't still believe that my first review was that 'This Book resembles Esper Harem in the Apocalypse,'. I was, I mean am really angry. I have read many books that contain Reicarnation and I haven't seen any Esper Harem in the Apocalypse talk on them. Sigh, I'm just trying to say that you guys should stop comparing me to NoWorryMan, That guy is a god when I look at him.

Number Two, I want you guys to start giving good reviews to this book, I put a lot of hardwork into it and I'm already at Chapter 20, At least, Could you guys rate it 5 stars so that it can rate high, Thanks!

Number Three, I want to thank you guys for supporting me, It really means a lot. I'm having an External Examination soon and I really need some prayers so I can pass, My Dad has already started restricting my writing time so I try to put in some chapters here and there, There won't be any more controlled release dates as they may be random but still continue supporting and help me get past these Exams, I love all of you!

-Your Favorite Author, Kris Tylers.