3 The Eggs Are In

Roy rushes home and locks the door with his heart beating fast. Walking down the street with a box full of berries is like posting a target on his back.

Many Pokemon glanced towards him as they smelled the berries and he had to rush forward. Taking a few deep breaths he finally calms down.

 Walking into his bedroom he sets the box down on the bed. Going into the kitchen, he begins filling pots and containers with water. Putting them in his system backpack, he returns to the bedroom. Opening a rift he takes the box into the Secret Realm.

"Is time synchronized with the outside world?" Seeing that the sky is darkening he can't help thinking where this place is.

Moving towards the far corner he begins digging with his hands. He digs four rows with seven holes each and places a berry in each hole.

After watering each spot, he takes the remaining twelve berries and walks towards the center of the realm and sits down.

"Let's see how this works" Placing the berries in front of him, he opens the system.

Moving towards the Item tab he immediately selects his first free item. A blue machine appears in his system backpack instantly. Taking it out, he places it in front of him. A small blue square machine with a blender on top and something that looks like a Pez dispenser next to it.

"It's really the Pokeblock Kit." Grabbing four different berries, he opens the lid, places them in the blender, and presses the button to start it. 

With the churn of the blender, the berries are eviscerated. The liquid then drains from the blender and flows into the machine. Lights begin flashing and soon a small ding sounds.

"Success? Is it really this easy?" Moving in closer he looks at what the machine will do next.

The bottom tray suddenly pops open and startles Roy. Looking closer, he can see four rainbow-colored Pokeblocks lying inside. Taking the Pokeblock case, he stores them inside and makes the remaining nine. 

"If this realm is like the game, it should take three days to grow the berry tree." Storing the kit in his system backpack, he exits the space as there is nothing left to do.

Looking at his dirty hands and clothes he decides to take a shower. After a shower, he lays down in bed and thinks about his future.

"Pokemon has only been in this world for thirty years. If I play my cards right, I can go far with the knowledge in my head. The first step is having self-protection, otherwise, I don't dare publish what I know."

Different thoughts run through his mind until he soon closes his eyes and falls asleep.

The next morning, he opens his eyes and slowly climbs out of bed. While rubbing his eyes a smirk forms on his face. Slapping his cheeks, he jumps out of bed and makes sure everything is real.

"Today is the beginning of everything." 

Roy hurries to get dressed and moves to the kitchen. Filling his pots with more water, he enters the Secret Realm and begins watering the plots. After leaving the realm, he cooks some oatmeal and eats some toast. Finishing breakfast, he makes his way towards the door.

Looking back at the kitchen he can't help frown at how expensive meat is in this world now that normal animals are scarce. Shaking his head he walks out the door and sees Meghan walking towards his house with a smile.

"Are you super excited? You've never gotten ready on time before." Walking next to Roy, she looks him in the eyes with raised brows.

"It would be a lie If I said I wasn't excited." Smiling slightly, he looks towards Charles's house. "Where is Charles? He's normally the first one."

"I already checked, he should be out soon." As her voice falls the door to Charles's house opens.

Charles walks out with a huge smile on his face. His eyes light up when he sees Meghan and steps forward. "Good morning Meghan, Roy. Were you two able to sleep last night? I was way too excited." Rubbing the back of his head he glances at Roy before locking his eyes on Meghan.

"My Dad gave me an egg last night. He said it was a Buneary, I couldn't sleep at all. I stayed up all night staring at the egg." Glancing towards Roy and Charles she sees their faces don't change and she continues. "I looked it up last night, Buneary is so cute. I can't wait till it hatches."

"Buneary is a good Pokemon. I'm more expectant in seeing what kind of eggs they bring in." Charles begins walking forward and the three head towards the school.

Looking at the two friends of this body he can't help but shake his head. "I need to get out of this town and establish my own identity."

Roy listens to the two of them chatting while thinking of training plans for Riolu and Ralts. For him, the egg from the school isn't very important.

Arriving at the front of the school it looks deserted compared to the normal. The seniors have graduated and the freshmen are already on summer vacation, only the three junior classes have arrived.

Entering the school they move to the second floor and enter their classroom. Roy moves to his seat in the back and sits down.

Looking at the door more people keep pouring in as the minutes pass until the class is full.

"You still want to be a Pokemon Hunter and explore Secret Realms? Have you changed your mind about entering college?"

Hearing a voice, Roy turns his head to the side and sees Kevin looking at him. "What can college offer that you can't get by exploring on your own?"

"My brother entered Alpha College in Alpha City. He said the resources are stable as long as you perform well and the training facilities are top of the line. Compared with the training gyms at the clubs, his Pokemon are increasing in strength a lot faster." Glancing around to make sure no one is listening, he leans closer to Roy and whispers.

"According to him, only those who enter college have a better chance of entering the Elite level."

"Elite." Roy can't help mumbling to himself after hearing the word. Trainers are divided into different levels according to the strength of their pokemon.

Pokemon strength rankings are Junior, Advance, Senior, Elite, Quasi-King, and King level elves. The ranks of trainers are Junior Trainer, Senior Trainer, Elite Trainer, and Quasi-King level.

From what he knows, no Human trainer has trained their pokemon to the King level.

"I've actually changed my mind recently. I've decided to become a Pokemon Researcher." Thinking for a moment, he decides his goal. The advantage of the system will push him further and faster than ordinary people. If he becomes a researcher, he can better cover up the abnormalities and amas power quickly.

"Researcher?" Kevin's face crumbles as he looks at Roy. "How did you pull a complete one-eighty and switch careers."

Just as he is about to speak he glances at the door as the teacher walks in.

"Quiet!" Barking loudly she instantly quiets down the class. Her eyes glide over everyone in their seats before looking at the door. "Today is the first day of the rest of your lives. Some of you may already have eggs or even Pokemon given to you by your elders, but today is the last day anyone will treat you as a child."

Placing her hands behind her back she begins pacing back and forth. The action makes her voluptuous chest stick out even further. "Today you become Junior Trainers. In your senior year, everyone will take classes on training pokemon for half the semester. The second half will divide you into the career fields based on the occupation you want to choose."

Waving her hand towards the door, four men dressed in suspenders push in carts containing over forty Pokemon Eggs.

"There are twenty-six students in this class and forty eggs. If you can identify egg patterns congratulations, otherwise the Pokemon you get will be completely up to luck. Choices will be made by overall ranking in the class." The teacher looks around and sees the sparkling eyes of the students.

"After getting your egg you may go home. The first to choose is Stacy."

Hearing her name called out, a young girl with a long horsetail blonde braid jumps up. Walking towards the four carts she begins looking at all the eggs.

Seeing all the eggs lined up on the cart causes Roy's brows to rise. Almost every egg he can see have green qualifications and only a few have yellow. The most surprising thing is a few even have blue qualifications.

"Did some of these eggs really come from a Secret Realm?" Where he is seated, he can only see the eggs placed at the front and those in the back are hidden. From what he sees, the eggs have decent beginner Pokemon.

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