
Pokemon: Team Rocket's Uprising

Jax Skyborne only wanted one thing, to become the strongest pokemon trainer in the world. But when he's thrown into a world with Team Rocket on the rise, he bit more than he could chew. Join our protagonist on his adventure to become the best and save his world.

Halvoc · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Chapter 48

Completing his evolution, Mewton emerged from the flashing light show in all of his glory. Longer and sleeker, Mewton now sported a small horn in the middle of his forehead and had a ball by his throat and two at the end of his tail. Looking at himself, Mewton could feel the energy hidden inside his body and he couldn't wait to test out his new prowess. Thankfully, there was a perfect target dummy standing in front of him.

'It's show time!' With that thought, Mewton used Extreme Speed and sped off towards Froggie. Smirking, the blue frog just used his own maxed-out Quick Attack to match the Dragonair's speed. Colliding in the middle of the battlefield once more, the two were engaged in an all-out brawn fight. While Frogadier was more inclined towards special attacks, that didn't mean he lost out in physical damage either. With Counter, Smack Down and Quick Attack, he was holding his own against the physically stronger Mewton, even coming out on top sometimes.

"Mewton, use Wrap while you two are tangled up together!" At MAX level, Mewton's wrap did a fourth of the pokemon's total health as damage and applied a paralysis effect causing the pokemon to be trapped once he got his body around them!

"Froggie, you heard them. Smokescreen." Not even batting an eye, the cool and collected beauty, Evelyn, issued her own commands. Although not maxed-out, the level four Smokescreen still lowered a pokemon's accuracy by 1.75x and spread an even larger blanket of smoke that covered the whole battlefield!

With poor visibility, Ally channeled her psychic powers to connect with Mewton, connecting both of their visions! Now, trainer and pokemon had a larger field of view and as they turned their heads in opposite directions scanning the whole field, they were prepared for any situation.

It hasn't been long since Ally started controlling her psychic powers so she couldn't keep the connection for long, but it was long enough for this battle! As the two were still blinded by the thick cloud of smoke covering them, a beam of ice flew through the smoke straight towards Mewton!

"Dodge it! You saw where it came from! Use Agility to boost your Extreme Speed and charge!"

Hearing his trainer's command, Mewton did as he was told and raced through the cloud of gaseous smoke. Exiting on the other side, he finally saw his target dummy, Froggie! 'Hmph! Not another chance!' Not wanting to give his prey a chance to run, Mewton casted a level two Thunder Wave to cause Paralyze on Froggie. Now that Frogadier was slowed, Mewton did a summersault and hit Froggie on the head with a Dragon Tail!

"Tsk!" For the first time today, the collected princess was irked. That move from Dragonair was more powerful than she thought as her looked at Froggie on the ground. "Get up, Froggie! I know you're the best! No way a blue worm could beat you! You eat those for breakfast!" Cheering his owner encourage him, Froggie shakily stood back up. Closing his eyes, he concentrated as hard as he could even though Mewton was still right ahead of him. Then, a sudden pink light enveloped his whole body!

"What!? Two evolutions in one day!?"

"Whoa! First a dragon, now a royal pokemon!"

"Quick, record this!"

As the students gawked that the rare event, Ally stood to the side biting her thumb. Although she didn't know what level Frogadier was at, it didn't seem like it was strong enough to evolve yet. But then, how does she explain this situation? Flashing lights, check. Second evolution, check. Powerful enough, check? This could only be an evolution, and as such, Ally gave Frogadier the courtesy he deserved since the other duo allowed her own pokemon to evolve unhindered.

After the light show, Frogadier emerged from his own blinding light and stepped out for the whole world to see! He finally did it! He evolved! Wait, why is he pink? And he doesn't look like a Greninja? His skin became skin, the scarf around his neck became a hot pink color and it sprouted cute little pink fairy wings on his back!

"That doesn't look like Greninja at all!"

"Whoa! Maybe this is a new evolution line for Froakie!"

"Some pokemon have two evolutions based on their environmental factors! This is groundbreaking!"

The students were all excited at witnessing this historic event while the teachers were calling for Professor Sycamore, the leading professor dealing with the three royal pokemon from the Kalos region. As this was going on, Jax was the only one who knew what was truly happening to Frogadier. 'Already!? They haven't even spent that much time together! A year at most! There's no way they already Battle Bonded!' Even if he didn't want to believe his eyes, the reality of it was that Frogadier did Battle Bond with Evelyn much like how Ash's Greninja Battled Bonded with Ash!

Ignoring the commotion he has caused, Frogadier charged towards the Dragonair hell bent on winning this battle. Unlike an evolution that uses a pokemon's internal energy leaving it exhausted after, Battle Bond transformation was a 100 percent pure powerup with no downsides!

Unlike the anime, games, and manga where only by knocking out a pokemon can a pokemon transform if it has Battle Bond, the pokemon can transform whenever its trainer and pokemon were of one mind and heart. Usually, only Water Shuriken was boosted during this transformation and the pokemon's ATK, SP ATK, and SPD was increased by one stage by that's only the case for Ash-Greninja!

No two trainers are the same and that goes equally with pokemon. With each trainer and their own respective pokemon having a different connection from the next trainer and pokemon, if they both had Battle Bond, their pokemon's transformation would be drastically different from one another!