

I am Kalem, I had a common dream, a dream to become a Pokemon master, a dream to travel and adventure out through different regions. But that dream was crushed and destroyed... After hearing the news about the death of my parents, I started to lose interest on becoming a Pokemon Master. I was adopted by an orphanage, there I met two persons who would soon become my best friend. Them, together with the headmaster helped restored my dream to become a Pokemon Master, and that was when I knew that my Parents were alive. So me, together with my two friends travelled across the land finding clues and mysteries about my parents. As I travelled to seek for my parents, me and my friends saw something we would never forget... A prophecy, a prophecy that was about to be full filled, that prophecy had something to do with my parents.

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EPISODE 214: Revival

And so, together we reach the Valley of Dragons and I can no longer hold my joy and excitement. It is too much for me to hold, and like a rainbow I feel like sitting on a pot of gold. Many, many dragons and creatures that I have not seen before are present in the Valley of Dragons. Quite surprising it is to see them with their jaws of ferociousness and their cunning eyes, glaring as we pass right through.

We have one specific goal today and that is to reach the Valley Observatory which sits atop the left of the valley. It is mostly painted in white with a large satellite over the distance. How I can't wait but to revive my Pokemon. A fossil, brought back to its former beauty and glory.

Upon entering, we are greeted by a professor who has shabby tan hair with thick eye-glasses. I do not know her nor have I seen her before but it seems to me she is the only hard working professor here.

"Greetings. Oh my, such a splendid surprise for Khaidra to be here." The professor greets in awe.

"It's been a long time!" says, Khaidra as she hugs the professor tightly.

"Wait, do the two of them know each other?" I query.

"Right. I forgot to introduce you to my friend, professor Luna. She's been rivals with me once but after the Pokemon League period in which I won against her, we started becoming friends and she decided to become a professor instead. Anyway, Luna, these are some trainers whom I met on my way here." Khaidra introduces.

"Ooh! I see."

"Actually, they came here to revive a fossil, mind helping them out?"

"Sure Khaidra! Now let me see those fossils."

And from there, me and Camellia showed the fossils, both the helix and dome fossil. Seeing these, the professor was glad, jumping with bliss and ecstasy as she grabs them from our grasps.

"Dome and Helix, the basic of the basic. This will be an easy task!" says, Luna as she places them inside a test-tube. She presses a red button and the suspense lifted up as the two fossils shines in glory, bring a flabbergast expression to our face.

I can no longer wait to see my last bench Pokemon. It will truly be an honor to meet it. From the two test-tubes arose two Pokemon. Kabuto is a small Pokémon resembling a horseshoe crab. It is mostly flat with a protective, brown shell covering its body. There are two small, black eyes on top of its shell, which it uses for sight when it hides on the ocean floor. Underneath the shell is a black space that hides the structure of its main body. Only its four short, yellow legs and a second pair of luminescent red eyes are visible on its underside. In its original time, Kabuto was prominently found on beaches, likely aided by its fast and powerful swimming ability. While it is commonly believed to be extinct, isolated populations of Kabuto have been found to be unchanged for 300 million years.

Omanyte is a small Pokémon similar to an ammonite. It has a sky blue body with ten tentacles and a pale yellow, helix-spiraled shell on its back. The shell's rim has two circular indents where Omanyte's large saucer-like eyes protrude. If attacked or threatened, it quickly withdraws into its hard shell.

Omanyte is considered extinct, although it can be revived from Fossils. Its fossils have been excavated in areas that were once oceans long ago. Omanyte regulated its buoyancy by storing and releasing air within its shell and controlled direction by twisting its tentacles. While Omanyte fed on plankton, it was preyed on by Archeops and Carracosta.

I can't believe my eyes, the day has finally come. A crappy brown plate with two red eyes will my Pokemon while Camellia receives a blue snail with tentacles. Who cares about that, I believe any Pokemon can become strong enough to achieve greatness with a little perseverance.

"Here are your Pokemon!" Luna exclaims, releasing them to the new world. The Pokemon took their first glance and they were happy indeed. Suddenly from the outside an explosion occurred, gathering all of our attention.