

I am Kalem, I had a common dream, a dream to become a Pokemon master, a dream to travel and adventure out through different regions. But that dream was crushed and destroyed... After hearing the news about the death of my parents, I started to lose interest on becoming a Pokemon Master. I was adopted by an orphanage, there I met two persons who would soon become my best friend. Them, together with the headmaster helped restored my dream to become a Pokemon Master, and that was when I knew that my Parents were alive. So me, together with my two friends travelled across the land finding clues and mysteries about my parents. As I travelled to seek for my parents, me and my friends saw something we would never forget... A prophecy, a prophecy that was about to be full filled, that prophecy had something to do with my parents.

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217 Chs

EPISODE 146: Beast of the Thundrous clouds!

[Raikou! The Thunder Pokemon, an electric type. RAIKOU embodies the speed of lightning. Its roars send shock waves shuddering through the air and ground as if lightning bolts were crashing down.] Irys the Pokemon explained while showing a holographic image of the thunder Pokemon.

"So that's what caused the Belltower to burn," Zhery concluded while looking at the Pokedex.

"According to the locals, I've heard that Raikou would descend later, and greet the citizens of the town. Some say, that Raikou accepts the challenges of trainers who wish to battle them." Camellia explained.

"Really!? I want to catch Raikou!" I beamed with excitement.

"You can't catch Raikou silly! You don't even have a master ball. Plus, think of the world without Raikou. No thunders." Zhery teased and explained.

"Um... I guess you have a point hehe." I uttered with embarrassment while scratching my head.

"Come on, we don't want to be late for the opening ceremony don't you?" Glade beamed with excitement as he stood up from his bed.

"Oh right, there's an opening ceremony today. I can't wait to meet new Pokemons, and later at night? I want to have a chance to battle Raikou." Camellia beamed with excitement and determination.

"Woah Camellia, when did you become interested in battling legendary Pokemons?" Zhery questioned.

"I want to learn more about the three beasts, the only way I could do that is through battling Raikou." Camellia beamed with determination while explaining facts about the thunder Pokemon.

"Hey, I know! Why don't we start a raid?" I suggested.

"A raid? That's new to me." Camellia wondered.

"A raid is when a group of trainers fight together as a team to take down a legendary or any strong Pokemon." Glade clarified.

"Why don't we establish a raid team? We can right? In the Pokemon center." I recalled.

"I agree, the four of us should establish a Pokemon raid team. Plus, wouldn't it be awesome to battle a legendary Pokemon!?" Zhery agreed as her eyes sparkled with determination.

"That's the spirit, let's go register our raid team now!" I beamed with determination and grabbed Riolu's hand as I rushed out of the room.

"Wait... I want to bring my Cyndaquil doll!" Riolu begged.

"Awww, fine! Get the doll and hurry up." I instructed calmly.


"If you want to register a raid team please think of a nice raid title." Nurse Joy smiled and instructed.

"Hmm, let's see... Why not team Soul?" I suggested.

"Too shabby," Zhery complained.

"Um, about team Mystic?"

"Plagiarism!" Zhery complained again.

"Then... why not team Magma?"

"Too evil," Zhery complained again.

"About team Fire?" Glade suggested.

"Too simple," Zhery complained again.

"Then, why not team Eevee!" Camellia suggested.

"Too childish!" Zhery complained again.

"Eevee's are not for kids." Camellia knelt in disappointment.

"What raid title do you have in mind then?" I questioned.

"Hehehe... why not team Harmony?" Zhery suggested.

"Well, if you come to think of it... team Harmony sounds nice." Camellia agreed.

"Then, we'll go with team Harmony!" I beamed with excitement.

"So, is team Harmony your final choice?" Nurse Joy questioned.

"Yes Nurse Joy! We'll stick with team Harmony." The four of us beamed with excitement as we leaned our heads forward towards the counter.

"Oh my... you sure are a bunch of rambunctious trainers." Nurse Joy teased while registering our raid name.

"Alright... you are all set, team Harmony has four members. You can invite more if you wish, the more the merrier!" Nurse Joy smiled and suggested.

"Nah, we're fine with four members. After all, we're all friends!" Glade declined the suggestion while beaming with excitement.

We left the Pokemon Center, with our raid team registered. As the clock strikes six, prepare Raikou... we're going to start a raid battle! Now, it is off to the thunder shrine, the place where the opening ceremony for Raikou's day shall commence.

"Welcome to the shrine of Sandā, or in English? The thunder shrine." Two young girls, wearing old Japanese outfits greeted as the gates of the shrine opened to full glory.

The shrine was filled with golden artifacts, griffins that reassembles Raikou, and dozens of scriptures talking about the thunder Pokemon.

In the very center of the shrine lies the monument of Raikou. Thunder stones filled the sides of the monuments, which gave a lustrous glow to the whole shrine. Anyone who wishes to get a thunderstone, may do so for free. Thunderstones can be used to evolve certain electric type Pokemons such as Pikachu.

For the opening ceremony... everybody was asked to sit around the Raikou monument as Zo, the mayor of the town walks closer to the people. Zo opened the second day of the festival, by adding some facts and details about the legendary Pokemon.

For the second day of the festival, a lot of games occurred in the shrine. There were also stage plays that occurred in the Enju old fashioned auditorium center. The Pokemons enjoyed and interacted with other Pokemons, while the people playing together.

Minor battling competitions also occurred which bared great prizes. Food stalls gave free meals to the people for lunch, while other raid teams trained on the plaza.

The clock struck four, and every raid team was called to the shrine. "Welcome to raid teams, I am chairman Fiord of the Pokemon Fan Club society. Please check if your raid titles are present:

-Team Soul

-Team Purity

-Team Blaze

-Team Harmony

-Team Delta

-Team Omega

-Team Alpha

-Team Azure

Are there any raid teams that were not registered in the list?"


"I guess that's a no. Alright, time for the mechanics. From four to five pm, we will have a raid battle, wherein other raid teams will compete with other raid teams. Only one raid team can battle Raikou.

Here are the mechanics:

Since there are eight teams, we will have three rounds. Since each raid team has four players, for every win per trainer, it will be added to your final team score." Chairman Fiord explained.

"Alright, we have to win this if we want to battle Raikou." I beamed with determination.

"The first round shall commence now, here are the teams and their rivals:

Team Soul vs Team Purity

Team Blaze vs Team Delta

Team Harmony vs Team Azure

Team Alpha vs Team Omega.

Team Soul and Team Purity will fight in corner one of the shrine, team Blaze and team Delta will fight in corner two of the shrine, team Harmony and Team Azure will fight in corner three, while team Alpha and Omega will fight in corner four of the shrine. The referees will escort you... good luck to all of you!" Chairman Fiord greeted and instructed.

"Alright, team Harmony and team Azure, please follow me to the corner number three!" A referee instructed.


Each trainer faced each other, each trainer glared at each other. A raid team against a raid team. For every win, the team will be awarded one point. So if the four of us win, that will equal to four points.

"Mack vs Kalem

Ack vs Camellia

Ck vs Zhery

K vs Glade!" The referee instructed to follow the positions. The battle will commence all together, once the gong is struck. There will also be a timer, if the timer runs out the point will go to the type advantage, if there are no advantages and disadvantages, the point will be split into two. So that means, .5 per team.

<ONG! ONG! ONG!>The gong struck three times, every battle occurring on each corner of the shrine has now begun!

"Ponyta, let's go!" Mack sent out his fire horse Pokemon.

"Scizor, come out now!" While the match between me and Mack is happening, my other friends are also starting their match with their respective rivals.

"Team Harmony and Team Azure, five minutes starts now!" The referee announced.



"Ponyta, use flame charge!"

"Scizor dodge then use Flash Cannon!"

<Sciz!>The Pokemon dodged swiftly! Flash Cannon dealt maximum damage from behind Ponyta.



"That's one fast Scizor, use Flame Wheel this time Ponyta!"

"Scizor use Flash Cannon!"

*Scizor's flash cannon canceled Ponyta's attack!*



"Trainer Mack's Ponyta is unable to battle, the winner is Kalem and Scizor... team Harmony earns one point!" The referee announced.

"Kalem's done that quick!?" Camellia beamed with awe.

"What can we expect, he's Scizor is extremely fast. It's like it's using teleportation or something." Glade explained while fighting his rival.


"Alright, the totals scores are,

Harmony: 4

Azure: 0

This means, Team Harmony proceeds to round two!" The referee announced.

the clock struck four-thirty, and the remaining teams were asked to go to the center of the shrine, the place where Raikou's monument can be found.

"For round two, here are the raid teams:

Team Delta vs Team Harmony

Team Alpha vs Purity

Please proceed to corner one and two!" Chairman Fiord instructed.


"Welcome Team Delta and Team Harmony, please face each other so that the battle could commence!" The referee instructed.


"Alright, once the gong has been struck three times, the second round shall commence." The referee announced.

<ONG! ONG! ONG!>Two minutes later the gong struck three times. 5 minutes are given to us again, as the battle begins!

"Graveler I'll be using you!"

"Riolu, leap into action!"

<Rio! Rio!>Riolu smiles and beams with determination.



"Graveler use Roll out!"

"Send Graveler back with force palm!"

*Graveler was thrown back to his trainer!*

"Follow it up, with dizzy punch!"

*Dizzy punch made Graveler confused! It hurts himself in confusion.*

"Great Riolu, finish Graveler with Force Palm again!"

"Graveler snap out of it!"



"Alright, Graveler is unable to battle, the winner is Kalem and Riolu! One point goes to team Harmony."


"5 minutes is finally over, here are the results:

Team Harmony: 7

Team Delta: 5

Your last raid team to challenge is no other than team Alpha, Team Harmony please proceed to the center of the shrine immediately!" The referee instructed.

We were able to triumph over team Alpha again, with a score of 9-8. The opponents were tough, and only 2 of us won, me and Glade. Now, we were given the privilege to battle Raikou.

The clock struck six in the evening and everyone gathered to the plaza. The four of us looked to the sky and waited for Raikou to descend. Thunders started to occur and crash down to the earthly soils, while a fast-paced beam landed on the center of the four of us.

<RAIKOU!>The Pokemon beamed, as he descended to the ground. Everybody smiled and cheered to see Raikou on the ground. The Pokemon looked electrifying, it had two sharp fangs, with a fluff of cloud surrounding its neck.

"Team Harmony wishes to battle you Raikou, please accept their request." Chairman Fiord begged.

<...>Raikou nodded and applied his fighting stance. He glared at the four of us while we held our Pokeball tightly. We were ready to attack the thunder Pokemon.

"Alright Team Harmony, Raikou has accepted your challenge. You may now battle him!"Chairman Fiord instructed and announced. Everybody was silent while the raid occurred, they were watching Raikou's powerful moves and fast-paced speed.

"Braixen you're up!"

"Scizor, battle with me!"

"Braviary! Come out now."

"Roselia, battle Raikou!"






"Scizor, use flash cannon!"

"Braviary use Air Slash!"

"Roselia, petal storm!"

"Braixen, flame wheel now!"

*Raikou dodged all of the moves!*

"Ah!? Raikou's speed is faster than Zapdos and Scizor." I beamed with shock.

"Braixen use Flame Thrower from behind!"

*Braixen's attack surprised Raikou as she began to glow afterward. She became taller, as her body turned into a gradient of yellow and red. Her twig got longer and even sturdier as her tail grew longer from behind.*

"Braixen! You evolved into Delphox! Your final evolved form." Braixen beamed with joy as she rushed to hug her newly evolved Pokemon.

<Delphox! Del!>The Pokemon hugged her trainer back and licked her face.

"Hey Camellia, don't get distracted! We're still in a raid!" Zhery instructed.

"Oh right, Delphox, it's time to battle again!"

<Rai! Raikou!>Raikou dazzled across all of our Pokemons. Electricity struck our Pokemons and blasted them to mid-air, from above Raikou ascended and damaged them all at once with a feisty thunder move. The thunders sent our Pokemons crashing down to the ground.

"Team Harmony has no longer Pokemons to battle with! The winner is Raikou." Chairman Fiord proclaimed.

"Amazing! Raikou's speed and power, I want to learn more." Camellia's eyes were in awe as Raikou slowly ascended to the sky. Raikou can knock out all our Pokemons, even if it is newly evolved.

The people started to cheer and clap for Raikou as a flame burst on top of the thunder shrine. The flame symbolizes that the beast has arrived, and will forever burn until the festival is over.

Raikou smiled at the people and left the town with an electric tail following from behind. Raikou the thunder Pokemon returned to the Johto region, as the people in Enju town including us began to eat dinner. The lights added vibrancy to the night sky, as the people flocked to the food stalls.

Day 2/5 is finally complete, another legendary Pokemon and more events await as the journey continues!