
Orange Islands

Ash and the others flew back towards Shamoutii Island main as fast as possible before rushing towards the podium. They were greeted by Slowking who asked them if they got what was needed to which they answered positive. The Slowking then adviced them to place the jewels on their places inside the temple then sing Lugia's song to summon him. Ash walked up to the podium and placed the jewels one by one, the fire jewel facing Fire Island, lightning jewel facing Lightning Island and lastly the ice jewel facing Ice Island.

Ash turned to Gou and Melody, "Ready to sing guys."

Gou, "Me too?"

Melody, "We did this together and it's only fitting, three jewels and three of us."

Gou breathed before letting it out, "Fine but I must warn you, I'm a terrible singer."

Melody took out her ocarina and took a deep breath before playing it, Ash smiled at Gou and held his hand putting the other around Melody. He nodded and started to sing Lugia's song with Gou accompanying him and despite the initial nervousness, Gou in Ash's opinion sang well. He smiled as they sang, "The Power of One", together. The three of them were being recorded on live camera their Pokemon around them singing along as the podium started to glow. The next thing anyone knew there podium was filled with green coloured aura, Ash guessed, the aura of a Legendary. Ash opened his eyes as they stopped singing to see a large twister in the middle of the ocean dispersing the dark clouds. Lugia roared as he appeared for the first time in many decades since the last war, when it was last seen.

Arianna gaped before getting a glint in her eyes, "Well well well, looks like your little girlfriend is talented."

Jessie, "You will go nowhere near them."

Arianna released her Tyranitar, "We'll see about that. I believe she'll be a fine addition to my group. Not to forget she's very adorable."

Jessie snarled, "You'll not touch my kid, you bitch."

Arianna gave a psychotic grin, "She's your kid, is she? That just makes it so much better."

Jessie growled and Arbok hissed in anger understanding what Arianna was planning, before attacking the how dare she threaten her partner's little hatchling. Arbok may not have met the young hatchlings yet but Meowth always kept them update on what was going on. She was happy her partner was happy and finally making a family of her own and she will not allow anything crazy human to destroy it. Arianna gave a scream as Arbok but into her shoulder after slithering around Tyranitar at high speed.

Arianna cursed, "You little bitch. You are gonna pay for that. Tyranitar earthquake, show no mercy."

Jessie called her Fearrow who took one look at the situation and promptly grabbed Jessie and flew up, "Thanks old friend! Are you alright Arbok? Do not hold back either, don't worry the Pokemon already left the island!"

Arbok nodded and slithered through the debris Tyranitar was throwing up and bit down on her neck. Tyranitar gave a loud roar because of the pain and Arbok let go before Tyranitar could catch her. She slithered around the ground type, despite her fast soeed, she was still hit by some of the flying debris. Arbok hissed in annoyance, it was nothing compared to what she and Jessie went through before and kept moving. The cut and the stinging pain brought back memories of their capture at Team Galactic hands, they survived it, they'll survive this too. Arbok looked up just as Jessie landed next to Arianna and engaged her in hand to hand combat. Arbok smirked, her partner was strong and so was she, she looked at the grounded dragon with an unholy glint, only one would walk away alive.

Arianna spit blood out, "I taught you all you know and yet you betrayed me. I'll enjoy killing you personally."

Jessie, "Same bitch, you should have thought about it twice before killing my mother."

Arianna hissed as she wrestled and fought with Jessie, she reached for her gun but Jessie had her in a choke hold. Jessie knew they were being watched on live TV, she knew Ash, Misty and the other kids would no doubt see her kill someone. She half wondered what they would think of her, would they be scared of her or look at her with disgust before she stopped that line of thought. It would not do for Arianna to live longer especially after she threatened her kid, she would not allow it to happen again. Jessie pulled back and twisted her hands and would have broken her neck if she didn't see the dart that landed on Arianna's neck. She quickly let go and scanned the surroundings to see Lawrence holding a gun which was shooting her.

Lawrence, "Sorry but I already lost five men and three women. I won't let you kill her as well."

Jessie cursed, "Almost, I almost had her."

Lawrence picked up his sister, "Till next time, come Tyranitar!"

Tyranitar grunted and allowed Lawrence to return it to it's pokeball, he was starting to feel dizzy due to the poison, before he got on the helicopter and left. Jessie looked at them darkly as they left and Arbok came up behind her and used her tail to squeeze Jessie's hand in comfort. Jessie looked at Arbok and saw the scratches and started to fuss over her instead, deciding to worry about Arianna next time they met.

James, "Jess!"

Gold, "Are you alright?"

Carol, "You are not hurt right?"

Maren, "We saw him shoot you."

Jessie shook her head, "Just a bit beaten up became well we wrestled a bit but I'm fine."

Tracey, "That's a relief, Ash and Gou would have been very upset if you got hurt."

Meowth, "M gl'd u r ok Jess. Was w'rried whn I saw u f'ghtng Arianna."

Jessie, "Let's just go back it's over now right."

Gold looked up, "Not exactly!"

James saw where he was looking at, "Nope! Too risky for anyone to know, we'll be going now. Bye!"

Meowth, Jessie and James disappeared as the helicopter landed and the reporters came out swarming them. James sighed in relief as they went underway and no one followed them as they were focussed on the Champion of Jhoto, who was being hailed as a hero for stopping Team Rocket. They headed towards Shamoutii under the cover of the sea to meet the others.

Delia approached Gold, "Gold have you seen Ash?"

Gold, "Ash? Oh he is back on the island watching over the Pokemon most probably."

Lisa, "Hello Champion Ethan, I'm Lisa from Kanto international channel. I have a few questions for you."

Gold sighed, "How about we get out of here first? I'm wet and tired and my Pokemon need medical care first. I'll do a press conference once my Pokemon are healed and out of harms way."

Lisa, "That is acceptable, but can we at least get confirmation that things are back to normal."

Gold got inside the helicopter, "Team Rocket has been stopped so yes, also, this is why you don't go after legendary Pokemon. It'll destroy the economy of the region and all of us will go hungry."

Lisa signalled for the camera to stop rolling, "Was the last bit necessary?"

Gold, "Yes, unfortunately, I may be a Champion but I will not always be able to stop a problem especially economy problems, my specialty is Pokemon."

Lisa chuckled, "Of course! There is only so much you can do as a human. Maybe I'll interview the three lovely ladies from earlier."

Ash, Gou and Melody in the meantime had moved away from the podium and changed into normal clothes without the masks and make up. They were currently surrounded by Ash and Gou's Pokemon as they watched Lugia dance with his three children.

Gou recorded them, "They are beautiful."

Melody sighed dreamily, "Very beautiful!"

Ash, "I'm glad I came here, do you think Tracey and the others are coming back now?"

Lucario was going through Ash's phone, -Don't know, look here, they are on the news and are being regaled as heroes!-

Ash, "Better them than us, we can travel peacefully..... Well as peaceful as it can get."

Gou hummed leaning back on Snorlax, "It could have ended up worse, let's hope nothing happens."

The Pokemon around them grunted in agreement with Gou, they had been close to just saying 'fuck it' and following them. But they had not luckily enough, it would have raised a lot of question by the media who are known to be really nosey. As they were relaxing with the Pokemon Lugia flew towards them with Articuno, Moltress and Zapdos following him. Gou took the chance to record them up close paying close attention to the different layers of feathers and colours.

Lugia, -Little ones!-

Ash got up bowing, "Lord Lugia, Lord Articuno, Lord Moltress and Lord Zapdos."

Melody as well, "It's an honour!"

Gou, "Are you alright?"

Moltress looked at Gou amused, -We are fine child, they'll need more than that infernal device to control us.-

Ash, "If you say so but if you still feel pain, we have potions with us, that you can use."

Articuno, -I told you, it was not a mistake.-

Zapdos, -Yes, yes! I heard you the first time.-

Melody, "Mistake? What are you talking about?"

Lugia rumbled, -Settle down fellow Pokemon, we are not here to harm your humans. What my son means is I felt danger coming and I sent my youngest with a feather to mark a Chosen... I didn't expect a child.-

Ash scratched his neck sheepishly, "I don't think anyone did.... Should you be out here like this? Won't people notice you and come after you all again?"

Gou, "He's right, you know."

Zapdos humphed, -You are a young Aura user, of course you would not get it. Listen to me child, spread your aura.-

Ash blinked and looked at Lucario who nodded and he spread out his aura towards the Legendaries only to gasp, "You four surrounded yourself with aura to become invisible."

Melody gaped, "Really?"

Gou, "Wahhhhh! That's so amazing!"

Lugia smirked, -Correct child, now we must leave, it was a pleasure knowing such a bright light and his equally bright friends.-

Gou, "Awww! Will we meet again?"

Moltress hummed bending down to nuzzle his hair, -One day perhaps soon.-

Gou blushed feeling the Lord of Fire fix his hair before Lugia flew to the sky followed by the other three. He felt something on his hair and taking it off he gasped, it was one of Moltress feathers. Ash smiled at him as he grinned and Melody laughed delighted to see the promise of another meeting. Lugia started to sing as he flew away song that could be heard by everyone across the Shamoutii Isle and thanks to the reporters, it could be heard around the world on TV.

Misty, :I would love this if I was not worried sick.:

Chloe, :They'll be okay Misty, please calm down, you are gonna make yourself sick.:

Drew, :This means the battle is over right?:

Paul, :I think so, they are returning to Shamoutii Island after all.:

Ash, :Hey guys!:

Gou, :Check out these photos!:

Brock, :Ash! Gou!:

Lana, :You're okay!:

Misty, :Thank Mew!:

Ritchie, :Tell us details, what happened.:

Gou decided to explain everything that happened to their frazzled friends while Ash got up, returned most of his Pokemon and went to where the helicopter had landed. Delia hugged Ash and refused to let go of him and Ash had to calm her down from her crying before Aunt Rose hugged him again. The next person to hug him turned out to be Red who had reached Shamoutii Island a few minutes ago before the three of them checked him over. Melody snorted as Ash tried to calm his family down only to face a similar predicament when her sister, parents and grandparents surrounded her. Gou's parents had come with Red, he had seen them at the airport and helped them get the all clear so they could go to their son. Gou who had been on the phone gave a surprised squeak as he was hugged by his mom and dad.

Melody, "We are okay! We were not the ones fighting Team Rocket."

Gold, "Doesn't stop them from being worried so just let them have their moment. I'm off to the Pokemon centre."

Ash, "I'll go with you, my Pokemon need check up too."

Red, "Report what happened to me I'll take care of the rest. Lance will take care of the reporters."

Ash looked at where Red nudged his head seeing Lance charm the other reporters who had managed to get to the island. Ash half wondered if it was a talent every reporter in every world had to always reach their targeted destination no matter what and swarm them like vultures. Ash shivered looking at how pushy some of the reporters were, his Pokemon will not like them, yep, good thing most of them were inside their pokeballs except for Lucario and Banette.

[A. N.: Double update because it's the weekend.]