
Chapter 30

If I moved into the information business, I would have to say that no one could beat me, it seems that the combination of Gastly and Abra were the perfect duo for any kind of subterfuge/ infiltration.

Abra was able to passively scan her surrounds and point out the location of individuals around us and scan their surface memories to get a picture of the kind of people they are.

This meant that by relaying the information gained we were in the position to take down even more individuals of the criminal nature. However, we held off on that for the moment, I wanted to get a clear picture of the surrounds and the general layout of the gangs.

It also meant that we could get some training in to ensure we didn't come across another situation like I had encountered with Cinder. I know now that he probably had no problem with the situation and looking back at it, he could probably tank the shot, but in my mind, I jumped to the worse case situation. I didn't have the best idea on how sturdy his physique was and the chance that a bullet could injure him possibly even seriously seemed very real.

The last thing I want to happen is another member of my team who may not be as physically gifted as Cinder being in the same situation as he was. Gastly I wasn't too worries about due to the fact he was a ball of gas and until we came up against someone who could manipulate elements, he was pretty safe.

Abra on the other hand was more of a concern, Psychic Pokémon typically weren't the most gifted when it came to their physical attributes so the chance that something like a gun hurting him was pretty high. Or at least that's what I thought, I still wasn't too sure how Pokémon's bodies stacked up in our world.

Being able to tank hits from other Pokémon who were unleashing moves that could cause immense level of destruction, could also mean that even the most unassuming Pokémon would be categorically tougher than a base level human.

I say base level as since I have been manipulating aura and my psionics I have noticed that my fitness has been improving at an alarming rate, I can lift more than ever and my outings at night have made me noticeably less exhausted than it used to. I can survive on less sleep and stay awake longer. I am curious just how far I can push myself as well as the team, being able to get to a point we can deal with global threats is the plan.

Over the last few weeks, we had been busy, first off moving around enough that we kept out of the way of a certain group of spies, and secondly mapping out the points of interest and labelling all the hidden stashes and bases of the various gangs.

The problem is much more widespread than I initially assumed, I first thought that we were making good headway in cutting down the crime in the area. Though it feels like my eyes have been opened as it hasn't really reduced all that much, I mean sure the open conflict and crimes may have reduced. But the gangs have just resorted to staying behind the scenes and keeping off my radar.

Most likely having a spotter or someone unassuming that wouldn't catch my interest, who could then relay when I pass through an area, I mean sure I can sense the surroundings with my aura but really that just gives me an idea of who is in the immediate surrounds. It doesn't let me key into who the person is and what their thoughts are, eventually my psionics could get to the point but at this level they are insufficient.

But it sucks to be them as now I have Abra who can passively scan the surrounds and they can't hide from us. She is able to look through their surface thoughts and already I have found a few individuals that are of interest.

I am unsure who they are directly associated with due to a lack of regalia representing any party of interest. They could be the look outs for the gangs, or even agents with Shield there are a few parties that are keeping an eye out for me and now that I can get an idea of who they are, I am doing my best to memorise the feel of their aura.

If I can memorise enough of the individuals of interest then it would mean for our future operations that I could target them so they cannot relay our movements to their superiors. Coupled with Gastly and Abra, we would be able to put in place a total blackout of our movements.

Being able to move unimpeded and without the interested parties knowing would give us the element of surprise and when we start dismantling their operations it would be so much more efficient than before. The chance of someone falling through the gaps and escaping or informing the gangs or Shield would be minimal.

This also does mean that before we commence the operation we would have to ensure that we are at the top of our game, meaning…..training. I was happy with where my team was at with their move development and I think we are definitely on the right track.

I am not focusing on increasing Abra's move set further than 'Teleport' and 'Confusion', due to their versatility. Being able to move around faster and use 'confusion' to sow discord among our targets is devastating and seeing it put into play was a sight to behold.

We had been out and it wasn't soon after seeing that she had increased the proficiency to intermediate with both moves that I gave Abra the chance to take a group down solo. I could sense the excitement radiating off her and without a sound she disappeared from sight and only by using my aura sense could I tell where she was.

The group of 4 had cornered a young couple behind a dumpster in the parking lot and were advancing in a clear menacing manner. Within the span of 5-10 seconds, I saw Abra pop in and out of existence no less than 5 times. Without any prompting I could feel her send out her 'confusion' to the targets and they instantly were stumbling around and staring at each other with clear hostility.

Soon after that they charged at each other and proceeded to beat each other senseless, I could see that one of the individuals had maintained some coherence, however they were jumped by one of their compatriots. The whole thing took no longer than a few minutes with the initial victims seeming extremely confused by the whole thing, making my way over to them with my team I asked how they were and if they had any injuries.

I had made sure that I always carried medical supplies after some previous experiences and made sure that when I had time, I would ensure the victims were healthy and able to move around. After checking my surrounds and communicating with Abra it seemed that someone had heard the commotion and a group of what I thought might be police officers were making their way over. Giving the couple a farewell, I had Abra 'teleport' us away from the area.

With the increase in proficiency for Abra her moves had given her a noticeable increase in their efficiency. 'Teleport' required significantly less energy and it seemed that it related directly to her psionic senses as she was able to scan the surrounds and choose locations without having been there prior.

'Confusion' had developed more along the lines of effect; it was still a much more efficient use of her energy however the move had a much higher chance of confusing her targets. I had the feeling that depending on how the move develops, it could potentially give her the ability to choose what the recipient see's, thereby letting Abra develop some form of psychological warfare playing on the individuals fear.

This could have some kind of correlation with 'Hypnosis' and there could be some form of symbiosis between the two moves. It does also make you think about the various psychic move. The non-damaging moves or some of them could possibly have some form of link that by utilising Psychic type energy and changing how it is used could facilitate learning them faster. It may in the end be related to the Pokémon's affinity with the type energy they can control.

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