
Pokemon: Gym Leader

"Champion Lance, it’s said that you challenged the Rota Gym yesterday, correct?" A reporter interviews the Champion Lance. "I refuse to answer," Lance replies tersely. "It's said that you battled the Rota Gym Leader with your full team and got completely swept. Is that true?" "I refuse to answer," Lance responds with a cold expression. "It's rumored that after your defeat, the Rota Gym Leader made you change your online name to 'Dodo' for half a month. Is that true?" "I refuse to answer," Lance, now called 'Dodo,' replies, clearly irritated. "What’s your opinion of the Rota Gym Leader?" "I thought having three Dragonites in my team made me invincible, but he had the nerve to set up a hail team on the spot and completely counter me with four Alolan Ninetales! What do I think? This is outrageous! Who let him become a Gym Leader?"

RockyRoad891 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Chapter 4: I Want to Be a Role Model as a Gym Leader!

Mount Moon.

This is a well-known mountain in the Kanto region. Because the surface of Mount Moon is difficult to traverse, most travelers pass through its caves instead.

Mount Moon is famous not only for its wild Clefairy but also for the frequent meteorite showers. The meteorites that fall here turn into Moon Stones, and there's also the chance to excavate fossils.

With rare Pokémon like Clefairy residing here, along with valuable Moon Stones and fossils, it's no wonder Mount Moon is so famous.

At this moment, Dylan had arrived at the foot of Mount Moon.

Yes, he had stayed in Rota for two or three days, dedicating himself to training his three main Pokémon, including Sprigatito, to prepare for potential challengers.

Improving the reputation of a gym requires more than just a few battles, but Dylan was full of determination.

However, the problem was...

He had waited three days, yet not a single challenger had shown up. All his enthusiasm seemed to have been for nothing!

Dylan was silent about this, but considering that Rota is a relatively remote area, it's not surprising that few people would come all the way there to challenge the gym.

Moreover, Rota Gym wasn't particularly well-known, and many travelers who visited Rota might not even know there was a gym there.

It wasn't a big deal—he would just use this time to train even harder and aim to evolve Sprigatito and his other Pokémon as soon as possible.

Additionally, to be fully prepared for challengers, he needed to build a stronger team. The Pokémon available at the gym were too few to handle serious challengers.

So, Dylan headed to the area around Mount Moon. Since Rota is situated near Pewter City and Mount Moon, the distance wasn't far.

"Sprigatito, use Bite!"

Dylan, carrying a space bag on his back, ordered the eager Sprigatito in front of him.


Sprigatito let out a spirited cry, swiftly charging toward a purple Ekans in front of it.

The Ekans, a Poison-type, already had several injuries from its battle with Sprigatito.

The Ekans coiled its purple body and displayed two dark purple fangs, lunging at Sprigatito with Poison Fang!

"Dodge it."

Sprigatito nimbly sidestepped, avoiding the Poison Fang with natural agility.

"Use Bite."

Sprigatito turned around and sank its dark-glowing fangs into Ekans' tail.

It was a Dark-type move—Bite.

Ekans hissed in pain, turning to glare at Sprigatito before lunging again.

But Sprigatito was too quick, retreating with a leap and dodging the counterattack effortlessly.


Sprigatito raised its right paw, the sharp white glow of its claws slashing at Ekans' head.

It was a Normal-type move—Scratch.

The attack hit perfectly. Ekans' body went limp, and it collapsed on the ground with swirly eyes, indicating it had fainted.

"Poké Ball, go."

Dylan expertly threw an Ultra Ball.

The Ultra Ball hit Ekans, turning its body into red light as it was absorbed into the ball.

Wiggle... Wiggle... Click!

The Ultra Ball wobbled twice before making a crisp sound. The ball clicked shut, indicating Ekans had been successfully caught.

"Well done."

Dylan stepped forward to pick up Ekans' Poké Ball, praising Sprigatito, who looked up at him with a face that seemed to say, "Come on, praise me!"


Hearing its trainer's praise, Sprigatito's tail wagged happily, and it gracefully jumped onto Dylan's shoulder, letting out a proud meow.

Its tone seemed to imply, "Of course!"

"Don't get too cocky; we still have a lot of training ahead."

Dylan chuckled as he scratched the little cat's chin.

"Meow meow~" Sprigatito purred contentedly, though whether it was listening or not was anyone's guess.

Behind Dylan, Ilene, dressed in casual attire, covered her mouth and laughed softly.

"Come on out."

Dylan then released the newly captured Ekans.

With a flash of white light, the weakened Ekans appeared in front of him. Although it had regained consciousness, its injuries hadn't healed, and it still looked listless.

Dylan took out a potion spray, crouched down, and sprayed it on Ekans.

"From now on, I'm your trainer. Let's work together."

Dylan said warmly, treating Ekans with a gentle smile. In fact, his Viridian power could also heal Pokémon.

However, using the Viridian power consumed mental energy, and since he had already bought the potions, why waste them?


Ekans flicked its tongue, its slit pupils staring at Dylan before nodding in acknowledgment.

Generally, unless a wild Pokémon has an extremely unusual or solitary nature, it will usually accept its new trainer after being captured.

This seems to be an instinctive behavior ingrained deep within them.

Beep~ Ekans, Poison-type, Snake Pokémon

Ability: Intimidate

Moves: Wrap, Leer, Poison Sting, Bite, Glare, Poison Fang, Screech, Sucker Punch (inherited)

Ilene pulled out her Pokédex to check Ekans' information.

"It inherited Sucker Punch? And did it learn Poison Fang from another Pokémon?"

Dylan was surprised after hearing the Pokédex's description, glancing at the now much more energetic Ekans in front of him.

Sucker Punch must have been inherited, no doubt about it. Initially, Dylan thought that Poison Fang was the inherited move.

But now, it seems that it learned it from another wild Pokémon.

"Looks like my luck is pretty good. This Ekans has great potential."

Dylan gently patted the top of Ekans' head, feeling its cool, smooth texture.

Ekans tilted its head, staring at its trainer with its snake eyes, though it was unclear what it was thinking.

"That's great to hear. Dylan, it's getting late. Are we heading back today?"

Ilene was happy for Dylan, seeing that he was in a good mood.

For some reason, seeing Dylan working so hard for the gym made her feel very happy as well. Perhaps… it was because if the gym didn't close, Dylan would stay in Rota?

"Let's head back. We've had a productive day."

Dylan returned Ekans to its Poké Ball, glanced at the setting sun, and stretched lazily. Ah, that felt good~

The two of them started walking back toward Rota.

"It seems like you've captured a lot of Poison-type Pokémon. Are you planning to specialize in Poison-types?"

"Yeah, that's the plan for now."

Dylan nodded. He had indeed captured several Poison-type Pokémon today.

Aside from Ekans, there were also Oddish, Nidoran, Venonat, Zubat, and even a Nidorino—all Poison-types.

"But Poison-type… isn't that kind of niche?"

Ilene carefully chose her words, cautiously bringing it up with Dylan.

Besides, Dylan's appearance is rather handsome, with a sunny disposition. Specializing in Poison-types doesn't really suit him.

Poison-type Pokémon are not very popular among trainers. Most people don't like Poison-types.

"It's true that there aren't many Poison-type trainers, but that's exactly why I chose it." Dylan chuckled.

"Gym facilities are meant to challenge and train those who come to face them. For those challengers, besides earning a badge to qualify for the regional League tournament, it's also about improving their skills and strength."


Ilene seemed to ponder this.

"And as a Gym Leader, specializing in Poison-types temporarily helps those who challenge the gym gain experience in dealing with Poison-types. It's for their own good!"

Dylan said righteously. His goal was to become a model Gym Leader for everyone!

But he wouldn't mention that battles with Poison-type Pokémon tend to leave a lasting impression. That's the real reason he's choosing to focus on Poison-types for now.

"No wonder you're amazing, Dylan!" Ilene's eyes sparkled, but then she seemed to remember something.

"But I recall that there's already a gym in Kanto specializing in Poison-types. Isn't that Fuchsia Gym?"

"It's fine, fair competition. I'll do my best to make everyone forget about that so-called Fuchsia Gym."

Dylan's tone was humble.

Ilene: ...

As they walked, Dylan continued to ponder his team composition.

"There are quite a few Poison-type Pokémon in Kanto, but their strength and team synergy are average."

"Speaking of which, if I'm going to use a Poison-type team for now, I have to consider how to handle Poison and Steel-types. Hmm, Father happens to be in Alola, so I'll have him get me some Salandit and Salazzle with the Corrosion ability."

"And I should also ask him if he has any connections in Paldea. If he could get me some Glimmora, that would be even better."

Dylan contemplated. If he wanted to build a Poison-type team, having a few Glimmora would be ideal.

With its Toxic Debris ability, Glimmora is perfect as a lead Pokémon. Plus, a Glimmora with Corrosion can deal with Poison and Steel-type Pokémon, which normally can't be poisoned.

I should ask my father, Dylan thought. He didn't have time to visit Paldea or Alola right now, but Father had connections and could probably get them.