
Pokemon: Anomalous Interceptor

After having just started his journey into the world of Pokemon Fan Games, a young man finds his destiny changed as he is pulled right into the game he was playing. Finding himself in place of the protagonist, he will soon find himself embarking on a journey of incredible hardship. A journey across one of the cruellest regions known to man. Being transported into the world of Pokemon was one thing. But, being transported into a fan-game was an entirely different scenario altogether. Finding himself in such a situation, just what is a young man to do but move forward? Well, at least he has a system to help him out! . Pokemon World Setting: Rejuvenation A/N: There will also be the appearance of a few other characters from different Fan-Games that will appear, though there won't be many.

ScarletOzone · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Anomalous Interceptor

Before this starts, just to make note of a few things. For those that haven't read the synopsis, I know people who do that, this story is based on Pokemon Rejuvenation. Also, characters from other fan-games may also make an appearance, let it be for long or short-term.

Finally, this story is not a harem story, there is only one love interest and that will be a character from another Pokemon fan-game that some of you may have played. This is because Rejuvenation hasn't finished yet and I'm not confident enough to write relationships with unfinished characters.

Also, there will be spoilers, so read on at your own leisure.


Alec had no idea how it was he found himself standing in front of this computer registering for the upcoming Pokemon League, it shouldn't have been a possibility in the first place. Yet... here he was, in the literal world of Pokemon. Well, a parody version of it at the very least.

He recognised the situation he was in, it was the very same situation he had found himself in while playing that fan-game his friends had been recommending him for a while now. That's right, a FAN-GAME. He didn't much about the story, but he did at least know it would be hectic.

The last thing he remembered since finding himself here was this literal situation, he had only gotten this far into the game before he was transported. In a way, you could say it was nostalgic for him, though the proper term for this would probably be familiar.

Before this continues, the body he had found himself in was that of the protagonist he had chosen, the male with brown hair and wearing a bit more green then he personally would have liked. He wasn't sure which character to choose, so he just went with the first male option he saw.

"So your name is Alec?" The voice of the female present within the computer screen asked. The person on the screen was a girl named Amanda, to put things simply, she was a manager of sorts for the Aevium League. "Alright, everything seems settled! Do you have anything you want to ask before we finish up?"

"Nope, I'm good." Alec had already gone through this, so he had all the knowledge he really needed regarding the Aevium League. Including the fact that there were literally eighteen freaking gym leaders. "I think I've got everything I need."

"Good to hear, I'll see you once you get to East Gearen City then! I'll be waiting for you at East Gearen Laboratory, don't forget it!" Amanda quickly reminded as she gave him a slightly narrowed look through the screen. "Well, safe travels! See you later, Alec."

With that, the screen turned black.


『Quest Complete』

● Objective: Successfully register for the Aevium League - (Complete)


● Oran Berry - [Amount: 10]

● Poke Balls - [Amount: 10]

● Great Ball - [Amount: 6]


Seeing the sudden notification coming in the form of an invisible holographic screen, Alec nodded to himself before making his way towards the woman standing behind the receptionist desk. He wasn't sure why or how he had gotten this strange system, but he sure wasn't complaining.

It was similar to those systems he had seen in things like novels and fanfictions, with each having their own unique way of benefitting the user. The one he had been given was simple, but it was still quite useful. From what he understood, it basically gave him quests on a whim for him to complete for various rewards.

Other than that, it seemed to give him information regarding the Pokemon he had under his possession, as well as an endless inventory for him to store inorganic objects. Though, he didn't exactly have any Pokemon on him to see their information or whatever.

At least not yet.

"Have you finished your registration process?"

"Yeah, went smoothly."

"Good to hear! Just give me a moment and I'll have your trainer card printed out for you." The receptionist spoke as she began typing on the computer behind her. Alec waited patiently as the woman walked back on over. "Here you go, all done! Your new trainer card."

Taking hold of the card extended towards him, Alec looked at it curiously as he rotated it a few times to look at it from multiple angles. The card itself seemed to be made of a strong plastic material, and had his basic information printed onto the face of it.

"With this, you are officially registered. Good luck to you, Alec!"

"Thank you for everything." Pocketing the card, Alec gave the receptionist a grateful nod before making his way outside and back into the main area of the ship. Oh yeah, the place he was on was the S.S Oceana, a cruise ship essentially. 'This is it... all that's ahead of me now is mystery.'

True to these words, this was literally as far as he had gotten, so any of the occurring events that would happen now would be completely unknown to him. He had no idea of any future events, so he needed to be careful. His friends had told him how Rejuvenation was similar to Reborn, so he already knew he was in for a serious shitstorm.

'Oh yeah, didn't they literally say Rejuvenation took place in the same world Reborn does? God help me now...'

"Oh, Alec!" A new voice suddenly shouted as Alec turned to see a pink-haired woman in her early to mid-forties running over towards him from the other side of the boat hallway. "I was just on my way to see how things were going! Did you successfully register for the league yet?"

"Yeah, I got my trainer card."

The woman in front of him was his 'mother' Nancy, more specifically, the mother of the protagonist he was controlling right now. Though, he honestly had his doubts, they looked absolutely nothing alike. Then again, this was a Pokemon game, nothing makes sense.

"That's great!" Nancy spoke as she gave Alec a smile. "Aevium is a beautiful regions with lots to do and see. Once we disembark at Oceana Pier, we're off to Akuwa Town. It's a colder, but cozy place to spend our days, I'm sure you'll like it! Also.. you haven't spoken as much since last night, is something bothering you?"

"No.. it's nothing. I'm fine."

"Very well, just talk to me if you need any help." Nancy smiled, though she was obviously a bit doubtful of his previous words. Considering his current situation, could you blame him? "I know moving is hard, but this is for the best, I promise. We'll be arriving at Oceana Pier later tonight, so you should speak with the captain before then. He's a long time friend mine."

"What about you?"

"As for me, I... I have to be somewhere right now. Please take care, Alec. I love you."

While Alec was obviously a bit suspicious of her response, seeing how hesitant she was to answer him, he nodded nonetheless as both him and his mother gave each other a hug before going their separate ways. He stared in the direction she went for a second before shaking his head.

"Might as well explore the ship, haven't really seen what it has to offer yet."


After his talk with his mother, Alec went on to explore the available sections of the cruise ship. The boat itself was luxurious, having multiple facilities for the passengers to enjoy, such as a swimming pool, billiard boards, music areas and more.

Once he toured himself around the ship for a good while, Alec decided to take a rest near the music area where he leaned against the wall of one of the pillars that supported the inside of the ship as he listened to a woman who was playing the piano.

He already recognised the woman who was playing the piano, he had passed by her not too long ago during his little tour around the ship. He didn't know who she was name wise, but he recognised her from then.

"She's a good player, don't you think?" A new feminine voice suddenly spoke as Alec blinked before turning his attention to the space next to him, blinking again in surprise when he saw a young female around his age standing next to him. "I apologise if I startled you."

"Don't worry about it. To answer your question though, yeah. Her skills are impressive." Alec smiled as he responded. He then extended his hand forwards for a handshake. "My name is Alec, nice to meet you, miss."

Looking at the girl closer, he took notice of her features. She was a bit petite and had long blonde hair tied into twintails that were tied using white ribbons. Looking at her attire, he noticed that she had a bit of a fashionable dress-code.

Her outfit consisting of a pair of brown shorts that were secured using a rather tick belt with a golden buckle, along with having a pair of matching brown tall boots. Her upper body was covered by a white shirt that exposed her stomach area, along with a black blazer of sorts over the top of it, finishing off with a red scarf wrapped around her neck.

The female smiled before accepting the gesture. "Teresa, nice to meet you."

'Hold on... Teresa?' Alec's mind went blank for a second before his eyes narrowed at the girl slightly. Now that he knew her name, the more he took in her appearance, the more he found himself finding her familiar. 'Wait, isn't she from that one Spanish fan-game? Realidea System or whatever?'

It had been a long time since he had played that game, though if memory served, this girl used to be one of the antagonists of the game. He had heard the game had recently been given an English translation, but he didn't bother playing it since he had finished it when the translator was given quite a while back.

'Realidea System shouldn't have any involvement with Reborn or Rejuvenation though, what's going on here?' Alec couldn't help but think as he broke off the handshake. 'Is it possible that other fan-game titles are present within this world? If that's the case, just how many?'

"Is something the matter?"

"N-No, it's nothing..." Alec chuckled slightly as he shook his head. "So, what brings you to Aevium?"

"I'm merely visiting to relax." Teresa answered as she turned her attention back towards the woman playing the piano. "I'm from the Esoteria region, and let's just say that some certain events there have caused a bit of stress. I'm just visiting Aevium for a bit of relaxation."

'At least that confirms this girl's the one I'm thinking of. She really is from Esoteria.' Alec said to himself upon hearing her explanation. "I see, my mother did say Aevium was a wonderful place. I'm on my way to challenge the league, you know, basic trainer stuff."

"I wish you the best of luck, I've heard that the league may be even more challenging then the Reborn League." Teresa voiced as she took in his words. "Then again, I'm not entirely sure how challenging the Reborn League is. Maybe it's not as tough as people make it out to be."

'Visit the place and you'll regret those words...' Alec sweatdropped as he thought this. He had played Reborn, he knew just how torturous the gyms there could be, and boy did a lot of people rage quit the game. "Anyway, are you here with anyone? Perhaps family?"

"...No, I'm here on my own. My brother is back home dealing with something."

"I see."

"So, you must be Alec!" Another new voice suddenly interrupted their conversation, causing both him and Teresa to turn their heads to see none other than the captain of the ship himself walking over. "Your mother has told me a lot about you! My name is Augustus, Augustus Briney."

"Nice to meet you, sir."

"Right back at you, young man. I'm glad to see that you are enjoying your voyage here on the S.S Oceana!" Augustuc grinned as he spoke. He then gained a curious look as he noticed Teresa standing next to Alec. "Who may you be, young miss?"

"Teresa, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I see, Teresa. I hope you are enjoying our cruise."

"It's been lovely."

"Glad to hear it!" Augustus gave a hearty laugh as he heard this. He then looked back towards Alec. "Before I forget, your mother had asked me to go through a few things with you before we disembark in Aevium. Is there anything you wish to know in particular?"

"Aside from what I know...?" Alec went into thought as he pondered over the question. He already knew the basic pieces of information regarding Aevium, mainly thanks to his mother and Amanda during his registration process. "No, can't think of anything right now."

"Very well then, in that case, let's end our little conversation. The Farewell Banquet is about to begin, after all." Augustus reminded as he gestured towards a pair of double doors near where they were standing. "Today is the final day of our journey, and a celebration is in order! Don't be late, or you'll miss out on the wonderful food!"

"We won't." Alec smiled as Teresa did the same. "We'll see you there."

"Wonderful! I'll see you both there."

With that, they both watched as Augustus made his way into the dining area. Leaving the both of them to go back to enjoying the sound of music playing.


For the next hour before the banquet, Alec just decided to head back to his room to rest and prepare anything he could for disembarking. Such as packing up any loose clothing he had, and also checking to see that the items he received from the quest were truly in his inventory.

After doing all that, Alec quickly made his way towards the dining area where he saw a multitude of people swarming their way inside to sit down. Looking around, he soon found his mother waving towards him while seated at one of the tables.

"You had me worried, Alec. You were almost late."

"Sorry, mom. I was still packing things back in the room." Alec rubbed the back of his neck as he apologised. Taking a seat adjacent to his mother, he looked at the table that was now being plated with food from the waiters. "They're already serving food? Shouldn't there be a speech or something first?"

"Augustus doesn't want anyone being hungry while listening, so he decided to push the food out before he started talking." Nancy giggled a bit as she answered the question. "He certainly is considerate of the guests, he takes great pride in the S.S Oceana."

"I can tell." Alec chuckled slightly before something caught his attention. At one of the nearby tables, he noticed an unfamiliar female seated next to a strange looking gothitelle. One that was pink and a dark purple. 'That's one strange gothitelle, is it a shiny?'

Before he could think of anything else, a familiar voice interrupted.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Teresa?" Alec voiced with a tone of surprise when none other than Teresa herself had walked on over. The girl smiled towards him before giving a nod, which Alec then returned. "Go right ahead, no one else is going to. You don't mind right, mom?"

"Not at all, please do!"

"Thank you." Teresa gave her quick thanks before taking a seat on the chair that was next to Alec. When she did, he noticed a singular unprimed Pokeball attached to her belt. He didn't see any others, so perhaps she only brought one pokemon with her. "My name is Teresa, you are Alec's mother, correct?"

"That's correct, it's nice to meet you, Teresa. Please just call me Nancy."

With that, the three just continued having basic conversation with each other while they enjoyed the food that was served to them. A few minutes passed by as this continued, which was soon interrupted when Augustus himself stepped up with a mic and got everyone's attention.

"Hello, everyone! I am Augustus. I've been serving as your captain during this luxurious voyage. It is my pleasure to welcome every one of you to the Farewell Banquet. Where we celebrate the end of your voyage, and the beginning of new!"

At that, everyone in the room gave him an applause, which he soon gestured for them to settle down as a smile was present on his face.

"I hope that this trip will forever stay in your memories. Especially, as a fond one."

"Sorry, but..." An unfamiliar voice seemed to spit as everyone in the room looked around in confusion. They soon noticed three individuals walking up towards where Augustus was standing. "I think there's something that needs taking care of first."

"What is the issue here?" Augustus blinked in confusion at the sudden trio that had appeared. "Please, return your seats!"

"Hm... no, I think we won't." One of the other members of the trio spoke. "This ship is under our control now."

At the statement, everyone in the ship immediately appeared alarmed as the trio then somehow dismissed their previous outfits, dropping them to the ground revealing an entirely ne form of attire. Their strange outfits consisting of black and red colours.

"What's going on?" Teresa couldn't help but ask as she looked towards Alec for any possible explanation. Alec noticed her look and merely shook his head, he didn't know either, he hadn't gotten this far into the game before the craziness happened.

'Considering their matching uniforms, wouldn't be surprised if these guys were some criminal organisation like in other pokemon games...' Alec thought to himself as he narrowed his eyes. "Whoever they are, they certainly aren't here for anything good..."

"What is the meaning of this?!"


Alec was surprised when his own mother suddenly stood up before rushing in front of Augustus.

"You must be insane if you run in front of people like us." The male standing at the front of the trio snorted as he saw Nancy standing guard in front of Augustus. "But we'll give you the benefit of the doubt and let you sit back down. C'mon, take our generous offer!"

Nancy responded firmly. "I refuse."

The grunt scoffed before digging out what looked to be a remote of sorts, one with a large prominent red button attached to it. "...You'll regret this, lady."

"Crescent...!" Nancy shouted in alert upon seeing the device that was in the grunt's hand. "You need to get Alec out of here, now!"

Before Alec could even say anything, he found his vision becoming entirely white.


He didn't know what was happening, but Alec soon could feel himself seemingly lying against the wooden floorboards of the ship. Slowly, his eyes began to open, though he had to blink a few times to help himself readjust to the new sudden environment.

"What...? Where am I- ow!" Alec didn't finish his sentence as he had to quickly retract his hand as he was pushing himself off of the ground. He noticed that he had almost placed his hand into a burning fire... 'Wait, fire?! What the hell is happening?!'

Looking around, he noticed that he was now standing in what looked to be the captain's office or whatever it was you called it. However, everything seemed to be under the consumption of multiple raging fires, burning at the wood that made up the room.

"How the hell did it come to this...?" Alec quickly began making his way towards the stairs leading down from this room, making sure to avoid stepping into any of the fires that were burning. "I need to find mom, though with all this fire... shit."


『New Quest Available』

● Objective: Escape the S.S Oceana

● Hidden Objective 1: ???

● Hidden Objective 2: ???


● Pokedollars - [Amount: 50,000]

● Hyper Potions - [Amount: 10]

● ??? (Hidden Objective 1)

● ??? (Hidden Objective 2)