
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

A man from an Earth gets the choice to start over in any Universe and chooses an Alternate Pokemon Universe. Let us see if his journey to the top is succesful and the impact he will have on his new world. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. I just use their sandbox for the plot of my MC and my OCs. This will be a "slow" paced story, in fact it's "super slow paced", so please don't expect the MC to directly start his journey in 20 chapters or so, actually multiply that by like 15. A lot is going to happen before that happens. The first 10-20 chapters or so are information heavy, depending on what kind of reader you are. I try to keep my chapter length between 2000 and 3000 words per chapter. My release rate is 4 chapter/week for now. I have a patre*n for those that want to support me with access to some advance chapters as a thank you. patre*n.com/Azrail93 This is an alternate pokemon universe so there will be differences to the games, manga and anime. So if something in the story is different it is most likely on purpose. The original sources are seen as suggestions not laws. Differences can be: Type variants, evolution conditions, strength mechanics, world building and more. If I am at some point asking for reader input I will do so but otherwise I will ignore most suggestions. So please don't spam things like catch this pokemon or do that next. I have my plot planned and external input will be considered when asked for. If I see a suggestion that I believe fit my plot flow I will use it and will credit the commentor. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome. I will try to correct said mistakes with time. Constructive criticism will be read and considered. Insult and hate comments will be ignored or deleted depending on severity. Readers naturally can comment their dislike but one worders will be ignored. If the reason for the dislike is explained I will read it. Like previously mentioned pure insults and hate comments will be ignored or deleted. The same is true for simple hate reviews or insulting ones. Reviews complaining about something I warned about, such as the slow pace, will be deleted as well.

Azrail93 · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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865 Chs

CH108 (472), We Did It (1)

Well, just 15 minutes earlier, I had a conversation with James which resulted in me now coming out of Professor Oak's office, and after both conversations, I could not help but think that in the end, I had ended up being right when I told James to skip the 2-item alloys more than half a year ago. If we had done that, we would have managed to develop the evolution trigger earlier by at least a few months.

Frankly, while I doubted that we could have done it before the end of my second year, we may have managed to do so around the start of the first term of my third year instead of doing so at the end of the first term.

Considering that my break began next week, I had "lost" a term due to James' decision. Yet, I could not really blame him for the decision he made since I could not deliver any substantial reasons to convince him in the first place. Me being me was not enough as an argument at the time. Whether that had now changed or not, I did not know.

Nonetheless, even if it was a bit later than it could have been, we did manage to create a 3-item alloy yesterday that was capable of triggering an evolution in Eevee. So, despite my griping that we could have probably done it sooner, we still managed to achieve success way earlier than anyone else, James and the professor included, had expected.

A big part of our speed could be attributed to me as well as Togetic, though I did my best to be subtle about it, even if I was sure nearly everyone had noticed something. Yet, the most they could say was that I was one lucky son of Jirachi.

Anyway, today, we began working on verifying everything related to our trigger and the new Eeveelution. In the course of that work, our team decided to call the new alloy/trigger Ferrum, after the new Eeveelution/species, which was called Ferreon. The name was chosen by stringing together the calls uttered by the new Steel-type Eeveelution.

Regardless, at around 5:30 p.m., James pulled me to the side and asked me to go to his office. We talked for around 10 minutes and the gist of that conversation was that I would not be taking part in the final/closing phase of our Eevee project since I had been requested for another one, now that our project was essentially complete.

He did assure me that my contribution to the Eevee project would not be overlooked and that my name would be the third one on the paper the lab was going to publish, right after Professor Oak's name and his name. He thanked me for the work I had done and told me that the professor was waiting for me, so I directly headed to Professor Oak's office.

The conversation with the professor went on a bit longer since he also asked me how I was doing and my thought on certain options that I had. By the end of that conversation, I knew that I would receive a 1.5% cut of the future profits from Ferrum, which was a bit higher compared to the 1% the others, aside from James, would receive.

We also settled the issue of my next project, and it was determined that I would be joining a collaboration project with Professor Varon at her lab in Rota. The content of the project was not an unknown one to me since I remembered seeing missions at the Aura Guardian Order related to it.

Professor Varon and her team had already been working on the subject for years, but apparently, she still requested for me to work with her team on the project. The goal was to ensure or at least drastically increase the probability of an alternate evolution to an aura-variant Lopunny. I had one myself, so I could confirm that they were better than regular Lopunny, which was why I understood why Professor Varon focused on the subject.

Anyway, I would be joining her lab/team over at Rota after my upcoming month-long vacation, and I would be living in Rota for the duration of the project. Thankfully, we already had a house there so I did not need a dorm since the house was close enough to the lab, especially since I was apparently allowed to teleport between the two.

Moreover, I was given the rest of the week off. Once we were done talking, I said my farewell to the professor before I left his office, which brought us back to this very moment. After that moment of introspection, I went back to our laboratory to say goodbye to my current or rather previous team as well as lab partners, especially Carl and Sibel, since we would not be seeing each other for quite a while.

Once I had done that I left the lab and made my way back to my dorm. On the way there, I could not help but think back on the other things that happened since James' refusal more than half a year ago, and I could say with absolute confidence that a lot did happen in that period. There was not a single term where something great did not happen, especially as far as my Pokemon were concerned.

During the vacation following my suggestion to James, Kimura/Tyrogue managed to reach the regular limit, which was the goal we set for his evolution, so he went through with his evolution and began his limit-breaking training as a Hitmonform.

Towards the end of that 3-month break, two weeks after we entered the new year, Abzu/Milotic finally managed to catch up to Tiamat/Milotic and joined the other (high) gold-stage Pokemon. Still, that was rather calm compared to the events during the 4th term.

Parvati/Beedrill joined the (high) gold club as well, Gwen/Gardevoir began her limit-breaking, and Luna/Celfable finally broke through to the gold stage too. Then there was Hades/Haunter, who successfully reached the (high) silver stage, along with Buneary and the Eevee quartet, who managed to complete their limit-breaking training and broke through to the bronze stage.

None of them were ready for their evolution, so they remained Eevee for now. Though, I had to add that all four of them had already decided which Eeveelution they wanted to evolve into. Thankfully, there was no overlap since none of them chose the same Eeveelution. Their choices were Flareon, Espeon, Glaceon, and Ferreon.

Truthfully, I would have liked it more if Eevee chose Jolteon instead of Flareon since I currently only had Thor/Raichu as an electric type, while already having 3 other fire types, but it was what he wanted, so I did not try to persuade him otherwise. Besides, I liked Flareon well enough, and the other choices were pretty good too, so I was satisfied with what I got.

Moving on, the last event of that term was Hashirama/Venusaur joining the other in the (high) gold club, which was copied by Tyson/Machamp a month later at the start of the 5th term. That was followed by Kimura/Hitmonform completing his second round of limit-breaking, which Mothra/Butterfree did as well just a few weeks after him, and Charmeleon also joined a month after Mothra did.

Eggy/Salandit's potential rising to yellow was certainly great news as well, as was Po/Pangoro's breakthrough to the silver stage. Surprisingly, Hypno also managed to complete his limit-breaking shortly after Po, thus joining him in the silver stage, while enjoying the fruits of his labor.

Stan/Gyarados was the one who tied up that term by completing his second round of limit-breaking as well, catching up to Mothra in the process. Obviously, Horus/Xatu could not lag behind those two, and he managed to finish his second round in the middle of the first month of the 6th/final term.

That was followed by a lull that actually went on for the rest of the term, and only ended when Kimura/Hitmonform broke through to the silver stage during the start of the 3 month-long vacation between academic years.

For some reason, I ended up receiving some good news during each one of those three months, and the one I received during the second one was Tatsumaki/Alakazam reaching the (high) gold stage. The last one was Charmeleon completing his limit breaking and breaking through to the bronze stage just a few days before the break was over.

This ultimately brought us to the current term, which had two significant events as far as my Pokemon were concerned. The first one happened at the end of the first month. Buneary managed to reach the (high) bronze stage, and finally evolved to Lopunny, but not just any run-of-the-mill Lopunny.

No, she evolved into the aura variant, which had a higher racial value/BS, and an additional fighting type. I was not too surprised by that since she already had a full/standard aura affinity, but I was not sure if that was the only factor, or if her rather high mastery over Aura Sphere was a factor as well. Heck, it was even possible that it was the only requirement, but that was something we/I would have to check with Professor Varon.

The last event, which happened less than a month ago, was Gible's advancement to the (high) bronze stage and his subsequent evolution to Gabite. Furthermore, while Lopunny, unfortunately, failed to join the aurora club, Gabite was already in it, being the first to have done so among the bronze-stage Pokemon.

This fact resulted in the quite minor potential boost the supplements I gave him provided during his evolution, though in this case, every percentage was a gift. That was pretty much everything that happened on my Pokemon's side.

As for my personal side, three events stood out. The most obvious one was the final exam period at the end of the sixth term, and to no one's surprise, I ended up passing all exams with full marks.

The second one happened at the start of the fourth term. I finally managed to convert all my psionic energy from its gaseous state to a liquid one, which allowed me to advance to the Second Class of Tier 3. Sadly, my advancement had no impact on Utopia aside from a minor increase in the size of the central region.

That changed when I managed to repeat the same with my aura and successfully advanced to Second Class of Tier 3 as an Aura User as well.

Not only did the central area go through another minor growth, but this time even the house/mansion went through an upgrade.

The mansion grew in length as well as width and even gained another floor. Internally, my working areas were further separated into multiple rooms and additional ones were put in. Furthermore, each room in the mansion was bigger than before.

As for the reworked "working/hobby" floor, I now had a dedicated "cooking" room for all my cooking-related activities along with every cooking appliance I could think of. The reason I did not simply call it a kitchen was that it was so much more, with dedicated areas for baking, cutting, grilling, and all other manners of cooking. The "room" was also considerably bigger than a typical kitchen had any right to be.

Aside from that one, I had a potion room, and one for pellet/supplement creation. I also had a smelting room, a leather working one, and a textile room side by side. Though, I had to admit, that the addition I liked the most, probably was the enormous spa "floor" that had been put on the new top floor, which was semi-open.

That allowed my Pokemon to directly enter the floor without having to get inside through the main door, which was important since some had trouble doing that due to their size. The spa floor had everything, from dedicated massage rooms to a sauna, pools, and a few more rooms in that vein.

Anyway, the house upgrade was great, but unlike with the estate, the dual advancement did not improve Utopia's optimization/analysis capabilities. Utopia could still not replicate or optimize B-Class objects. Well, at least the general production capabilities did increase slightly, which meant that Utopia could reproduce more at once than it could before.

Still, I was hopeful that Utopia's optimization/analysis capabilities would increase once I reached First Class in both my paths. Admittedly, that was only a guess of mine, and I had no guarantee that things would really go that way.

Finally, while I had neglected my ground/earth path a bit, I still managed to reach Tier 2 Third-Class as an Earth Elementalist. Unfortunately, that had no real impact on Utopia since I was already too advanced with the other paths, but at least I was still ahead of my dad, which was definitely a plus in my eyes.


Next week, the chapter release schedule will start on Mewday/Tuesday.

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Currently, the first goal has been completed, so for the duration of May, the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 10.

If the second goal gets fulfilled, I will release 2 bonus chapters on webnovel, and the lowest number of advanced chapters available on patre'on will be 8, while the highest number of advanced chapters will be 12.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 4/4 for this week.

Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


Azrail93creators' thoughts