
Pokemon: A New Adventure Of Ash

Our protagonist reincarnates as Ash before he leaves in his travell around the regions, but in this world the trainer need to have 16 years to have an adventure not 10, follow a new Ash and Pikachu in their adventures with the objetive to be the best pokemon trainer ever. A new World full of pokemon from all regions, new and old girls to conquer, new adventures and new pokemon. Warning: Except Pikachu, the original team of Ash in Kanto won't be here, except Charmander, i won't follow the anime, Ash will have new adventures, in this fic, there will be sex but i have no plan to do explicit content for the moment. All the chapter are fixed so don't worry. Here my discord's server: https://discord.gg/wwmSVJSw

Bloodnight · Anime et bandes dessinées
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151 Chs


In the previous chapter we saw how our heroes enjoy the Floaroma festival at its best, however, that same night, Mew guides them to a place where poachers had caught the Shaymin of the festival and, after a hard battle, they manage to defeat them and send them to fly, on the other hand, Nancy expressed loudly and sincerely that if any of the Shaymin could stay with her and, surprisingly that happened, so Nancy got a Shaymin and now, they return to Kanto.

With Ash.

The trip back to Kanto was the same as the outward journey, nothing exciting happened, only this time the winner was Koharu, who was happy all the way while the rest looked envious.

We landed at the port of Saffron and decided to return to Vermillion so that Koharu could say goodbye to his father before going with us on adventures.

The Professor received us with joy and said goodbye to us but not before saying that we would take very good care of Koharu and that thank you for the data of the Shaymin.

I also asked if there was any other mission in the short term and he said that at the moment no, to tell the truth, he said that they had found clues that a couple of Latios and Latias were hanging around Kanto, strange since they are usually in Hoenn and surroundings, but for now, they are only clues, the future will tell.

As soon as we finished eating we set off, but this time instead of going Saffron and then following the route, we decided to pull north of Ciudad Vermillion, which, according to the Rotom Dex there was also a route, somewhat longer than the normal trainers would use, but you would still reach your destination which is the important thing.

By the way, as for vehicles, coaches have to travel the region on foot, using a car takes away all the excitement and does not help coaches grow, mature and improve, so no more using transportation for the time being.

The road seemed safe only that we had to pass through the middle of the forest, that and that we would not arrive until tomorrow at sunset and that if we do not entertain ourselves, in other words, we will have to spend the night outdoors, it will be curious to do it since I did not do it until now.

As we walked chatting about our things, some bushes moved alerting everyone.

"What's that?" - asked Nancy, somewhat nervously.

"I don't know, but you'd better be careful" - I replied.

But it was nothing as we thought, but it was a small Elekid who seemed to have one of his legs injured, the poor guy even looked at us with pity.

"Oh, poor god, did you hurt yourself?" - said Verity as she grabbed little Elekid.

Elekid let himself be caught and clinged into Verity's arms.

"Does anyone have any potion?" – I asked.

"Ah, I spent the last one a week ago while i was training" - Nancy said.

"Me too" - Verity said.

"I already said that I forgot something, that it was!" – exclaimed Koharu.

"Well, we'll take this Elekid to the Pokémon Center" - I said.

Since we are already quite deep in the forest, returning would be silly and the Elekid did not seem to hurt much paw, he can endure.

With little Elekid in her hands, Verity began to walk while the rest of us followed.

We continued advancing for about 4 hours or so and it was getting dark, in fact, we were going to camp right here already for dinner and that, when suddenly, we saw a house made entirely of wood, it was quite large and, next to it there was a kind of fenced area where several Pokémon played inside it.

"Is it some kind of nursery?" - asked Koharu curiously.

"No, it doesn't come out on the map, if it were one, it would come out I say" - Nancy replied.

"Well, theoretically we are a place where we take care of wounded Pokémon, I call it 'Pokémon Reserve'" – someone said behind our back.

Surprised, we quickly turned only to see a man in his 30s, black hair and eyes of the same color, wearing the typical clothes that a farmer would wear and even wearing a straw hat.

"Who are you?" – I asked.

"Right, they always tell me that it's rude not to introduce myself earlier, my name is Harry and I'm in charge of this Pokémon Reserve" – Harry introduced himself.

"Pokémon Reserve, what are you doing here?" - asked Verity.

"Well, let's say that since the nearest Pokémon Center is quite far from here, we take care of the injured Pokémon in the area, heal them, and then return them to their natural habitat, as simple as that" - Harry explained.

"I see, but I have one more question" - Verity said.

"Go ahead, don't be shy" . Harry said.

"Don't you have more staff? Like you said 'we' but I haven't seen anyone..." – asked Verity.

"Sure, it's true, no, there are definitely no humans here besides me" - Harry nodded.

"So, who helps you perform all these tasks?" - asked Verity again.

"I don't think you need to answer, just look straight ahead" - Harry said.

When we looked we saw what appeared to be a Vaporeon, however, this was not blue, but purple, in other words, it was Shiny.

Vaporeon approached Harry and looked at us cautiously, especially at the Elekid that Verity had in her arms.

"I introduce you to Vaporeon, my assistant" - said Harry.

"God how pretty, I love it, where did you catch it? I mean, I'd love to catch one, I love Eevee's evolutions" - Koharu said with stars in his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry to disappoint you girl, but Vaporeon is not my Pokémon, just one day he came here when he saw what he was doing he stayed to help and since then he hasn't left here" - Harry explained.

Then he noticed the Elekid in Verity's arms and seemed to understand something.

"I guess they found that Elekid injured, am I wrong?" - asked Harry.

"That's right, we were going to Celadon City and we saw this little guy injured, unfortunately we don't have potions, so we decided to take him with us to a Pokémon Center" - Verity nodded.

"Well, it's no longer necessary, we'll cure him here, would you mind going into the house? There I have all my material" – smiled Harry.

We all nodded and walked into the house, to be honest, the house was like one of those cottages I visited in my past life, only with a little change, one of those rooms looked like a small infirmary, with numerous medicines on the shelves plus medical books.

"Lay him on the stretcher and we will proceed with his healing" - Harry said, pointing to a small bed.

Verity nodded and put the Elekid on the bed.

Then, from a drawer, Harry took out a kind of cream and some bandages with tape.

He carefully approached the Elekid who didn't seem to be scared at all.

"This won't hurt you at all, but I need you to stay quiet" - Harry smiled at the Elekid.

The Elekid nodded, seeing this, then, Vaporeon walked over and used a small Water Gun that he used to clean the wound.

"Vaporeon water also acts as a disinfectant" - Harry explained, picking up gauze.

Another thing I don't know, but I must admit it's curious.

Harry passed the gauze through the wound of the Elekid and, when it was clean, smeared a cream, which, despite Elekid's expression was true that it did not hurt at all, then bandaged his wound and, with a tape made sure that the bandage did not fall off.

"The cream will help the regeneration of the skin, as well as acting as an analgesic, so tomorrow you will be fine and you can go back to the forest, while you stay here" - said Harry taking the Elekid.

Then he looked at us and motioned for us to follow him.

What happened was simple, we went out and Harry carefully put the Elekid in the fenced area where numerous Pokémon played, the Elekid had a hard time walking, but soon he started playing with the rest of the Pokémon.

"I have a question, do they always appear like this or do they sometimes appear with bigger wounds?, it's simple curiosity" – I asked.

"Really this is a minor wound, there are times when we have had to treat quite complicated wounds, right Vaporeon?" – Harry said looking at Vaporeon.

"Vap!" – Vaporeon nodded.

"It's a commendable job that you do here" - Koharu said.

"Thank you, hey, how about you stay here tonight? It's getting dark and having a quarter of an envelope, I don't see why you couldn't spend the night here instead of in the woods" - Harry suggested.

"Really? We don't want to be a nuisance" - Nancy said.

"No bother, we are here to help, I insist" – said Harry.

"We will accept your offer then" – I nodded.

Then, we just enjoyed a great dinner, the problem was Mew and Shaymin, as we could not expose them for now, we had to save some food with the excuse that we always make a night meal and in the room we fed them both.

"It's a nuisance not being able to get them out and have them enjoy with others" - Nancy sighed.

"Don't worry Nancy, it won't take long for us to be very strong and then we won't have to hide them anymore, they can all eat together by then" - he said as he hugged her.

Nancy nodded, but she was still a little sad, Koharu and Verity also tried to cheer her up, which seemed to work.

"I just don't understand why there are such bad people in this world who wouldn't hesitate to hurt you just to get power" - Verity sighed.

"Well, in the future we may take care of that, but in the meantime, we go to sleep, we still have a long way to go to Ciudad Celadon and we have to be rested" – I smiled.

The girls nodded and after a brief session of kissing, they went to their respective bunk beds, that's right, there were 4 fair bunk beds in the guest room and, as we were so tired and tomorrow we had a hard day, I went to bed with Pikachu and they did the same, although Nancy seemed to want to comfort Shaymin and slept with her.

In the middle of the night.

And Koharu.

I woke up in the middle of the night, not for nothing, but it's one of those times that you just can't sleep and you find yourself uncomfortable in bed, so I decided to go for a walk to see if I could rest my mind by taking a little walk.

I left the room careful not to make noise and then left the house and sat near a small area that the Water Pokémon used for bathing.

"Vap" – said a voice from behind.

It was Vaporeon.

"Are you awake too? – I asked as Vaporeon lay down next to me.

"Vap" - said Vaporeon.

Somehow I understood her.

"It's that I can't sleep for some reason, it's the first time I've left my hometown and I'm a little nervous" - I confessed.

"Vap" - said Vaporeon.

"Thanks for the encouragement... hey, it must be hard to take care of these Pokémon even during the night, you should sleep at least" – I said with a smile as I stroked his little head.

She just smiled and let herself be stroked and judging by his expression, she actually seemed to like it.

"Vap" - said Vaporeon.

"Maybe you're right and I should stop worrying and enjoy" - I sighed.

It is not that I did not want to leave, on the contrary, as I said before, I really wanted to and the truth is that traveling with who I love is the best thing that could happen to me, even if I have other women, the problem was that after having been so long in my City, leaving it is very hard.

"Vap" - Vaporeon said again.

"Yes, I'll cheer up" – I nodded.

Then I kept telling her some of my feelings and illusions, for at least an hour until someone interrupted us.

Or rather something, because a huge net suddenly came down and captured all the Pokémon that lay asleep, luckily, I reacted in time and pushed Vaporeon along with me, being able to dodge the net in the process.

"Who is there and what are you doing? Free those Pokémon immediately!" – I said angrily.

"What who are we?" – asked the voice.

"We'll prove it to you," said the other.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble...

James: ...and make it double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket, blasting off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! That's right.

"Team Rocket, that wanted criminal organization all over Kanto?" – I asked.

"The same and now, give us that Vaporeon, it will be a good gift for the boss, Gogoat I choose you!" – said the blue-haired boy.

"Let's go Doublade!" – said the girl.

Both Pokémon came out of their Pokéball, the problem was that I left Eevee sleeping and we were at a disadvantage.

"Does anyone around here need help? come on Pikachu, Charizard!" – said another voice.

When I turned it was Ash who came with Pikachu and Charizard who had just come out of his Pokéball.