
Pokemon: A Magical World

A magical world of Pokemon. Or rather a real world that has merged with the world of Pokemons for hundreds of years. Altro, a salary man, found himself in the body of a high schooler who is about to graduate. More so, in the world of Pokemon. So, he who was cut off with Pokemon animation and games after his teenage years transmigrated in the real world of Pokemon. Now he who came to this magical world will create his own legend, intentionally or unintentionally. __________________________________________________ Note:- This story is only for my self satisfaction because I happen to watch Pokemon today, so maybe as well write something. There will be elements of games, animation and urban life. This synopsis is temporary, as I upload more chapters I'll change it. Well, do give your opinion on the story. Happy Reading!!! I've have other stories to write so the update schedule is not fixed. To discuss the story and chat with us. Join our Discord:- https://discord.gg/FBSufmXzN5

Dakshay · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs


"Hey, Celeste."


"How many forms of evolution are available for Eevee?" Altro asked.

"Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Glaceon. Five." Celeste said while counting their names. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious which one will you let Eevee evolve into," Altro answered while giving a glance at Eevee.

"I don't know. I haven't decided yet." Celeste has been thinking about this matter for a while now. But she can't decide.

'So that means Umbreon and Espeon are also not known. I can make use of this information for my benefit.' He already knows information about them. If he can understand the format of the thesis, then he can sell it.

'But I don't know any channels where I can sell this information.'

'What about Professor Oak? Umm, I don't know if previous Altro knew him. After all, he already had some thoughts about Ash's mother. So the possibility can't be ruled out. Let's think about that after I am prepared.'

After traveling for a few more hours, they decided to stop by a stream and have lunch.

Celeste was about to take out the lunch box she prepared for herself when she noticed Altro take out the kitchen wear, seemingly preparing to start cooking.

She immediately kept her lunch box back in the space bag, thinking, 'Let's try Altro's cooking first.'

Altro took out two Pokeballs. "Okay, guys, come out."

Pikachu came out and jumped around.

*Pika~Pi* (Is lunch ready?)

"I'll start preparing lunch now. You guys can go play." Hearing this, Pikachu's eyes lit up and Mew, Pikachu, and Magikarp started talking amongst themselves.

Eevee didn't bother with anyone he just calmly sat under a tree shade.

"Um, if you want I can he-Help. Aaaahh." Celeste was freaked out and her shout alerted everyone. Eevee was also alert as he looked around in confusion.

"What happened?" Altro asked while checking his surroundings with his psychic. 'I can't see anything wrong.'

Celeste's face went pale as she pointed at Altro's shadow.

"Th-there's something in your shadow." She basically screamed in horror.

Altro understood and went back to cooking, "Gastly come out."

*Jejeje* Gastly came out while laughing. He was happy that his prank was successful.

"Don't worry, Celeste, this is my partner, Gastly." Altro sighed and explained.

Hearing Altro, Celeste calmed down a bit. "So it's a ghost Pokemon."

"Yeah," Altro said while he continued making food.

Celeste curiously looked at Gastly.

"Are you afraid of ghost Pokemon?" Altro asked teasingly.

"What? No, no, it's just my first time seeing one. That's why I panicked." Celeste explained while blushing.

"I see," Altro smiled and continued preparing the meal.

Eevee, who saw everything, was a little dissatisfied. But seeing his master opening up to Altro. He let go of his dissatisfaction.


Celeste was surprised by Altro's cooking. She praised him a lot. Altro also smiled, seeing Celeste opening up to him. She wasn't acting meek anymore.

After lunch, Altro went to train his Pokemon. Celeste also separated to train Eevee. From last night's battle, she has learned a lot. So today she is going to try out new things. The same goes for Altro.

"Pikachu, I want you to improve your Iron tail. I don't want a repeat of last night's battle." Pikachu nodded his head seriously because the power behind his Iron tail was less. Eevee easily caught his tail with his Bite. Even though Pikachu won, he wasn't satisfied.

"Continue slamming your tail on those trees without using Iron tail." Pikachu nodded and left.

Altro put weight on Magikarp. "Use Tackle on that rock. If you find other Magikarps inside the water. Use tackle on them."

"Gastly, I want you to try using 3 Shadow balls at the same time." Hearing Altro's words, Gastly laughed *Jejeje* and created three shadow balls, surprising Altro.

"Since when?"

*Gast~ly* (I practiced last night.)

Altro smiled, thinking his Gastly is very good.

"In that case," Altro took out the Poison orb he purchased before and gave it to Gastly. "Absorb this poison and increase your poison energy."

Gastly happily started absorbing the poison from the Poison orb.

Giving everyone their tasks. Altro came to Mew.


Hearing him calling her, Mew immediately became excited. What kind of training will she do? She was a little excited.

Altro smiled and said, "let's battle."

Mew nodded her head excitedly, looked around, and asked in confusion.

*Mii~Mi* (Who will be my opponent?)

"Me, of course,"

Without waiting for Mew to further question him, Altro released his powerful psychic, which he was able to control a little after training for the last few days.

Mew's eyes turned serious. Of course, how can she forget? It was the same energy she felt while she was inside the egg. That means she can't take it lightly.

Mew immediately used her Confusion to defend against Altro's psychic. But the pressure was too much for her.

She exerted all her energy to defend herself scarcely.

Altro stopped and retrieved back his psychic energy when he saw Mew's expression. She was exhausted.

'Is my psychic so strong?' Astro never knew because he never tried attacking Pokemon with psychic. Most he did was to put pressure on them.

Mew looked at Altro and exclaimed.

*Mii~Mii* (Papa is so powerful.)

Altro smiled and said. "You need to learn psychic, Mew. Your confusion is not strong enough to counter my psychic, understand?"

Mew nodded her head and launched Shadow Ball at Altro. 'Damn, girl. Playing sneaky.'

Altro immediately used psychic to cover his body and with a flip of his hand, he deflected the Shadow ball.

Seeing her attack being deflected so easily. Mew pouted in annoyance.

*Mii~Mi* (I don't have any other attack moves.)

Altro used his powers to check Mew's data and, to his surprise, this time he saw a lot more information than before.


Name - Mew

Age - 2 days

Type - Psychic

Level - 13

Ability - Synchronize

Moves - Reflect Type, Amnesia, Confusion, Shadow Ball, Transform.


"Well, let's work on your Confusion first. Once the power improves, you won't have trouble learning Psychic." Saying that Altro worked on improving Mew's Confusion.

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