
Pokemon: A Magical World

A magical world of Pokemon. Or rather a real world that has merged with the world of Pokemons for hundreds of years. Altro, a salary man, found himself in the body of a high schooler who is about to graduate. More so, in the world of Pokemon. So, he who was cut off with Pokemon animation and games after his teenage years transmigrated in the real world of Pokemon. Now he who came to this magical world will create his own legend, intentionally or unintentionally. __________________________________________________ Note:- This story is only for my self satisfaction because I happen to watch Pokemon today, so maybe as well write something. There will be elements of games, animation and urban life. This synopsis is temporary, as I upload more chapters I'll change it. Well, do give your opinion on the story. Happy Reading!!! I've have other stories to write so the update schedule is not fixed. To discuss the story and chat with us. Join our Discord:- https://discord.gg/FBSufmXzN5

Dakshay · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

Crushing Defeat!!

"Let's end this farce, Pikachu. Use Quick Attack and then Electro Ball." Hearing Altro's command, Pikachu stopped using Double Team and all his clones vanished.


Lt. Surge looked at Pikchu indifferently. He didn't take Altro's command seriously. 'Does he really think that his Pikachu's attack and surpass my Raichu's?'

"What a naïve fool."

Seeing Pikachu use Quick Attack and preparing Electro Ball, Lt. Surge was still smiling. But when the attack was launched, Lt. Surge's smile stiffened, and it was replaced with a look of horror.

"What the hell?" He cursed out loud seeing the massive Electro Ball in front of him.

Pikachu's special attack has been raised by many levels because of his Lightning Rod ability. All the ThunderBolts from before gave a massive boost to Pikachu.

Even Raichu lost all his confidence from before, and all that was left was a sense of horror. The tiny Pikachu, which he didn't even take as an opponent, was so powerful.

Lt. Surge snapped out and shouted, "RAICHU!!! DODGE THAT!!!"

Unfortunately, his massive body and slow speed were not enough to dodge that attack. If only Lt. Surge had trained Raichu's speed.


A loud explosion sounded as the attack hit the vulnerable Raichu. As the smoke began to clear on his side, Lt. Surge noticed that despite several injuries Raichu was still standing, but before he could give any command, he saw a fast Iron Tail coming out of the smoke from the opposite side and horizontally hit the injured Raichu directly sending his flying and slamming on the wall outside the battlefield. An absolute win.

The battlefield was completely silent, and even the trainers in the stands couldn't believe their eyes.

"Raichu is unable to battle. Pikachu wins."

Only after the referee's reminder did everyone come out of their daze-like state.


"Did you see that?"

"How did they do it?"

"That Pikachu crushed that terrifying Raichu." For trainers who lost in this gym before, Raichu has become a nightmare for them. Seeing the same Raichu being crushed by a Pikachu, which is the pre-evolutionary form, they couldn't believe their eyes for a while.

Celeste smiled in satisfaction. 'As expected, Altro will never disappoint.' Even Mew in Ralts' form was cheering.

*Mii~Mii~* (Yay~ Big Bro Pikachu~)

Lt. Surge was in disbelief.

'Raichu lost?'

'How could that be?'

"Please release your second Pokemon." The referee's words snapped him out of his daze.

Gritting his teeth, Lt. Surge brought out his second Pokemon.

"It doesn't matter what trick you used to defeat Raichu. You won't be lucky this time, brat."

Lt. Surge threw the Pokeball and shouted. "Come out Magneton."

Altro looked at Lt. Surge and wondered, 'What kind of brain supplement did this guy eat?'

'Tricks? Wasn't he the one who gave so much boost to Pikachu? Ahh, whatever. I'm feeling annoyed looking at him.'

"Continue." The referee waved his flag.

"Pikachu, let's finish this fast and go back."

Lt. Surge was very annoyed by Altro's nonchalant attitude. "Brat, do you think it will be easy? Magneton, Tri Attack."

Altro didn't even bother replying to Lt. Surge's provocation. "Pikachu, Quick Attack, and Double Team. Close in."


With Double Team, Pikachu easily evaded the attack and then used Quick Attack to close in on Magneton.

"Do you think getting close will do you any good? Magneton, Discharge." Lt. Surge shouted as if victory was already in his hands.

Altro didn't command Pikachu to evade it. But the expected scene didn't happen. Pikachu wasn't damaged. Instead, he continued approaching Magneton at an even faster speed.

Lt. Surge was taken aback, but before he could react he heard Altro's command, which made his eyes widen in horror.

"Brick Break."


With his move, Pikachu sent Magneton flying directly, crushing him and winning the battle.

That move was super effective against Magneton.

"Magneton is unable to battle. Pikachu wins."

Lt. Surge stood there silently, looking at Pikachu, then finally with a disbelieving expression on his face. He uttered, "Electric attacks don't affect your Pikachu?"

Altro stood there silently, without answering. But Lt. Surge took it, as Altro didn't deny his words.

"No wonder you were so confident. The Electric-type moves are useless against your Pikachu."

When the trainers in the stands heard it. Even they were in shock.

"Pikachu is immune to Electric attacks?"

"How is that possible?"

"My sister has a Pichu. Should I get one for myself too?"

"What are you saying? Didn't you see Raichu getting defeated by an Electro Ball? That means not all Pikachu are immune."

"No wonder. That means his Pikachu is special."

All the eyes looking at Altro changed. There was only one word: envy.

"Haha, I found your secret, boy. Now let's see how you deal with my final Pokemon." Lt. Surge laughed, thinking he found Altro's trick. Now he won't let Altro take advantage of it.

Although he didn't understand why the Pikachu is immune to Electric attacks. It doesn't matter. Even if he doesn't win this match. He will absolutely crush that Pikachu.

"Come out Electabuzz."

When Altro saw Electabuzz, his eyes became serious. Because he can see that the Electabuzz was strong. Way stronger than Raichu. 'Now things are getting interesting.'

"Continue." At the referee's signal, both of them started.

"Electabuzz, use Light screen." Lt. Surge commanded.

"Pikachu, Wish and then Charge."

"Electabuzz, use Swift" seeing that Altro didn't take the initiative to attack. Lt. Surge wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.

"Pikachu, Electro Ball."

As the attacks collided with each other, small explosions sounded and they canceled out each other.

"Electabuzz, Quick Attack."

"You too Pikachu."

Both Pokemon closed the distance between them.

"Electabuzz, Focus Punch." Lt. Surge shouted confidently.


But Altro and Pikachu weren't flustered.

"Pikachu, Disarming Voice."


The attack instantly made Electabuzz lose focus and flinch. Altro took that opportunity and commanded.

"Now Iron Tail."

"Use Protect."


A green transparent barrier appeared and Electabuzz barely blocked the attack.

"Grab that Pikachu and use Iron Tail." Lt. Surge shouted.

Pikachu didn't have enough time to dodge that attack, and the Iron Tail hit him.

Seeing the damage, Lt. Surge was excited. But his excitement didn't last long. Pikachu's wish came into effect and all his injuries were restored.

"Pikachu, use ThunderBolt."

The close-range ThunderBolt hit Electabuzz and did some critical damage. But Altro wasn't done.

"Brick Break, then Iron Tail"

Electabuzz's hold of Pikachu loosened. Pikachu immediately sent several attacks and finally Iron Tail slammed on the Electabuzz, defeating it.

"Electabuzz is unable to battle. Pikachu wins. The winner is Challenger Altro from Pallet Town."


Excited roars erupted from the audience. They were so excited they almost forgot to breathe. This battle made them change their cognition of Pikachu.

Celeste was also very happy at this moment. She felt very satisfied when Altro performed such a one-sided battle. Watching Lt. Surge's ugly face, she had the urge to go and hug Altro in excitement.

Losing his face in front of so many people, Lt. Surge didn't stay any longer and immediately left.

The receptionist came at this moment, but he didn't dare look into Altro's eyes. He immediately handed him the rewards and left.

Looking at the Thunder Badge in his hands, Altro let out a soft smile.

He was very satisfied with today's gains. 90,000 P$ and TM Shock Wave.

"Good job, Pikachu."

*Pika~Pi* (Easy-peasy.)

*Giggles* Mew closed her mouth with her tiny hands and giggled.

By then, Celeste also arrived and congratulated him.

With Pikachu and Mew on his shoulders and Celeste beside him, Altro left the Vermilion City Gym.

As for the audience and Lt. Surge. He doesn't care.


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