
Pokémon: The Ultimate Sign In System

Galen had an accident and was transmigrated over to the Pokémon world. He was now in the body of a Fourteen-year-old boy, who had gone through the same accident, and they even had the same name. Galen had to accept this shocking reality that he perceived as impossible. He was also given something special—a system that allows him to Sign In anywhere for items, goods, Pokémon, etc!

GrottoHeaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

To Overcome Defeatism!

Once they arrived home, it didn't take Gwen long to discover the aquarium out back. She was curious and went out back to see it up close.

However, once she got close she could see the Pokémon through the glass and she was stunned.

Afterward, she ran into the house to ask Galen about it. Galen relayed all the events that happened before and after he met them.

Gavin ran out back to get a closer look at the Pokémon; and was followed by Rattata. He was given Rattata since he was the one who technically defeated it. 

"This fish, isn't this Magikarp?" Gavin saw that the color was off, so he wasn't certain.

Even with his bit of knowledge, he knew what a Magikarp was. Who didn't know what the weakest Pokémon in the world was?

"Yeah, this Magikarp's coloration is like this because of some skin disease. I was going to grab some gloves to apply some antibiotics."

As of now, Magikarp was in the middle stage of skin disease. Once it reached the late stage, it was as good as dead.

It would be such a waste to lose a shiny Magikarp like this.

"No wonder it looks like that, it is because of some disease." Gavin nodded. When he looked at Magikarp, it looked vacant-minded and lost. As if it didn't understand what you were saying—or understand any of someone's actions.

In simple words, it was useless but also looked dumb.

For the first time, Gavin felt disdain for a Pokémon. Why was his brother working so hard to save such a useless thing?

Gavin's thoughts, however, couldn't be any further from the truth. Magikarp was by no means dumb or vacant-minded. It was actually good at remembering faces, and the things someone has done too, and for it.

"This poor Magikarp, I hope we can save it from its suffering." Gwen felt empathy for this Pokémon. She knew many people looked down on its species and didn't care much for it. 

"I'll put in all my efforts to revitalize it; it won't die on my watch." Galen couldn't lose such a Pokémon; something so hard to come by.

Going into the house, he retrieved his gloves and took Magikarp out of the water. Magikarp was a little special, as it could survive out of water for two hours. 

Galen took Magikarp out of the water and dried it off. After this, with the help of Gavin, he applied the antibiotics all over its body.

Magikarp was a big fish, so Galen had Gavin hold it as he applied the antibiotics. Fortunately, Magikarp didn't struggle and make things difficult for them. It understood what they were trying to do, it could clearly hear their conversation prior.

These antibiotics were created just for water fish types. Thus, it contained moisture to keep them hydrated. This also allowed them to breathe out of water for a time when it sank into their gills. 

Galen needed to apply this to Magikarp every day for a month. Even after it was 'gone', this process needed to continue for thirty days—no matter what. 

Galen pulled out a scrubber and started scrubbing Magikarp scales for five minutes. After thirty minutes, Gavin and Galen carefully placed Magikarp back into the aquarium.

Gwen had been next to the aquarium this whole time. She had been mesmerized by Staryu, as she seemed to like it a lot. 

"Do you like this Pokémon?" Galen smiled and asked.

"I do. I really love this starfish, the gem on its body makes it look so majestic." Gwen continued to shower Staryu with compliments. 

Galen didn't say anything and only nodded in return. After talking for a while, they went back into the house.

Gwen had bought more groceries, clothes, shoes, and other accessories. Galen looked at Gavin strangely, but he could only hold his hands out in a helpless manner.

He had to admit though, these clothes were pretty nice. One set was a black and white outfit with a black and white Pokéball on it; the shirt that is. The pants were black and white as well, and so were the shoes.

"You're sense of style is really good!" Galen was content with this outfit and the rest she had bought him.

"Hehe, of course, your sister has style." Gwen held her head high with pride.

Galen laughed and went to try on his new outfits and new shoes. After about fifteen minutes of trying them, he was satisfied. 

Once again, Galen went to his room and went into deep thought. He couldn't get that whole Pokéball and aura thought out of his head.

Galen didn't have much to work with to test it out since he needed more than just water types. 

He had tested his ability on aura before and noticed that he could only see it, manipulate it slightly, and most importantly, detect aura signatures close by.

This was useful in preventing him from being sneak attacked by someone or something. Now, for example, Galen could detect Gavin and Gwen's exact location from his room.

Even if he turned the other way, he would know exactly what position they were standing in. It was like a mixture of having thermal and x-ray vision and the ability to see in all directions—within a certain distance. 

"I remember what we needed, we need to go out and buy a television!" Right as Galen was thinking to himself, Gavin came into the room.

"Hmm, come to think of it, ours has been broken for four days now," Galen remembered that they could watch live Pokémon battle competitions. 


"I think we should go there tomorrow and purchase the biggest television they have." Galen wanted to buy a one-hundred-inch screen television.

This was not only for home, but later when he planned to leave on his journey. 

"Hahaha, alright! Tomorrow, we'll go and buy the biggest television set they have!" Gavin laughed as he exited the room in excitement. 

Time went by again and later they ate dinner and spoke about tomorrow. 

After a time, the next day rolled around and the group of siblings set off. At this point, it was already 12:30. 

"How big will the television be?" Gwen wanted to know, but either way, she was happy about it.

"We're getting the biggest one, the one hundred-inch smart television. We're getting the best they have because we surely deserve it." Galen had just over two hundred thousand Pokédollars on him.

With this amount of money, he wasn't worried at all. Galen's journey would be smooth sailing with just this money alone. 

Of course, he wanted to give both his siblings a hefty amount for their journey as well. As they walked through the town, it was lively as usual. Today, it wasn't raining so everyone was out and enjoying themselves. 

"Aye, look, isn't that the poor losers that live at the edge of Pallet!" Some pockmarked face teen turned to Galen and company and said mockingly. 

"Yeah, it is them. These poor bastards simply have no future. They're truly the bottom feeders of society."

"Hey, at least their older siblings made it into a guild, but they can't rely on them forever. They're simply destined to be lowly dog lifeforms for the rest of their lives, haha!" 

Several jeered at Galen, Gavin, and Gwen as they passed. During a rainy day, they wouldn't see these people, but today was a nice day, so they exited their 'dens' seeking trouble. 

"Why you, we're not poor dogs!" Gwen was furious hearing these jeers.

"Gwen, ignore these circus clowns; all they can do is dance around and nothing more." Galen shook his head. If this was in the wild, he would have definitely 'used means' to deal with them.

"What did you say?! How dare you lowly trash bastards with no parents call us clowns!" The pockmark faced youth hollard and pointed.

"What did you say, do you want to fight or something?!" Gavin stepped forward with a cold smile as he cracked his fist.

"Y-you better stay back, I have parents backing me unlike you! You b-better understand your situation." The pockmark youth's expression changed as he took a step back. This wasn't the first time he had gotten into a fistfight with Gavin.

The last time left him in a poor state.

"I thought so! Shut up if you don't want to throw down, or I'll knock your teeth out this time." A ruthless light flickered in Gavin's eyes. Bad-mouthing his parents was one of his bottom lines.

The kids in the area grew silent as the sibling trio passed. Gwen's expression was dark and gloomy, as she glared at the kids as she passed.

Once they were gone, the teen started gossiping again.

'Those damn good for nothings, I'll let you bastards jump around for now. Once I get my first Pokémon, I'll show you the difference in status!' The pockmark youth's eyes were blazing with anger at the thought of being beaten up again.


He really wished he could grind Gavin into a million pieces!

"Don't worry about them, Leland, they'll be nothing in the future." A box-headed youth spoke in assurance. 

"You're right, I don't have to worry about those losers." Leland sneered. Once he was on top, he'd be sure to trample these good for nothings. 

Meanwhile, Galen and company kept moving ahead. Things had grown eerily quiet—clearly, their moods had been ruined.

"Don't let them spoil your mood, trash like them are blindsided villagers. I can guarantee that we'll journey and be successful." Galen could see the cloudy expressions of both parties.

Galen wasn't worried about those teens, they were a bunch of spoiled nobodies who were slightly privileged. 

"You're right, we shouldn't worry about them." Gwen sighed.

They've endured ridicule for a while, but it was still hard and annoying to experience. At least, every time you stepped out of your house. 

"In the future, someone like you guys will either become a champion or an Elite four member. Even if it's temporary, you guys can still see it through and create a legacy for yourselves."

When Gwen and Gavin heard this, they were shocked to the extreme. Become the champion or an elite four member, this was simply a pipe dream for them!

Was something so distant possible?!

Both of their expressions were a bit ugly when heard Galen's evaluation.

"Pfftt! Hahahaha!"

Galen burst into wild laughter after seeing their expressions. They truly believe that it was a dream that couldn't be fulfilled.

"If that's the case, then you guys can stay home while I go and explore the world. It seems I'm the only one who has the confidence to become a winner in this life." 

Galen sped up his footsteps and ignored them. This caused their expressions the change again.

Galen had sold his thunderstone and made tons of money, and he even discovered that Gavin had a fossil. There was also the pool of Pokémon in the backyard he had gathered.

It was clear he was doing his best for them, but they took a defeatist personality.

"Wait, wait, we're sorry! I want to be a trainer, and I'll put in the effort just like you are!" Gwen caught up hurriedly before grabbing Galen's arm and holding him.

"Yeah, I didn't mean it, bro. I just thought something of that level of achievement is really high, but I don't think it's impossible!" Gavin caught and said hurriedly. 

Galen sighed looking at the two, but he was determined to instill change in them.

"That's good. I don't want to hear discouraging and negative feelings anymore. If you guys keep talking like that, then I'll simply move out."

Galen shook his head, it was as if they had been kneeling for so long. It was to the extent that they didn't know what standing truly was. 

"What? Don't move out! We won't say anything dumb anymore!" Gwen's face turned pale, she had never seen Galen act like this before but she knew he was serious.

"It was a joke Galen, a Galen, come on man!" Gavin wiped the sweat from his forehead nervously.

"... ..."

"Alright, but I don't want to hear that nonsense again, or I'm gone for real," Galen said with a frown. He would force change if he had to, but the previous owner would be bothered if his siblings weren't secured.

Galen was now connected with the previous Galen emotionally as well. They had both fused, which got him knowing that they didn't switch places. 

"Right, right, of course!" Gavin and Gwen said in unison.

With that, they arrived at an electronics store, but when they got there they saw something better.

It was a 120-inch screen television. The price for this was a whopping 5,000 Pokédollars! This television was taller than all of them—especially with the TV stand. 

Galen didn't hesitate and bought it before paying a little extra to have it delivered. The delivery time would take an hour. 

When Gwen and Gavin saw how much he was paid for the television, they were shocked. 

Wasn't that a waste of so much money? Galen could only assure them that everything was alright.

Afterward, he sent them home. They needed to be there when the television arrived. Everyone also planned to watch some tournaments and gym battles tonight. 

 At this time, Galen arrived at the South Sea.

'Sign in!'

[Ding! Signing into the South Sea!]

[Congratulations, Host, you've received Five Netballs]

[Congratulations, Host, you've received Eight Diveballs]

[Congratulations, Host, you've received One Water Gems]

[Congratulations, Host, you've received Ten Exp. Candies XS!]

[Congratulations, Host, you've received Ten Health Mochi!] 

"Haha, good stuff!" This time, Galen was given more items than the last time. The items were even better than last time as well.

"Do they get better as I continue to log into the same location?" This was highly probable, but it seemed true from what Galen could see.

"I wonder what I'll get tomorrow!" Galen was filled with anticipation.