
Chapter no.296 Austin's Tournament part 1

[ POV Change ]

[ Celadon City - Hotel ]

The illuminated skyline of Celadon City showcased its towering skyscrapers and bustling streets.

In a grand hotel, the neon sign flickered above the entrance.

Inside one of these apartments, one could see Lucario slumbering on the couch, his body rising and falling with each peaceful breath.

Suddenly, a Ninjask darts into the room, its wings flapping furiously as it lifted a Wartortle in its grasp. The Wartortle seems unperturbed, calmly taking out a marker as the Ninjask slowly lowered it towards the sleeping Lucario's mouth.

Meanwhile, a group of Pokemon gathers around, watching intently. A Scizor and Pikachu engage in a heated debate, while a Fearow perches on the back of a nearby chair, observing the scene with a critical eye. The stakes were high, as the group seems to be betting on the outcome of the Wartortle's daring move.

In the corner of the room, Yellow sketched away, her concentration focused on capturing the beauty of a Dragonair posing alongside her Dratini. The two serpentine Pokemon are caught in a serene dance, their flowing movements captured in Yellow's artwork.

Meanwhile, in another room, Austin sat in his hotel room, the light of his computer screen illuminating his face as he chatted with Cynthia. It had been a while since they last caught up and he was eager to hear how she was doing. He noticed a sense of frustration in her tone as they started talking about their week.

"Hey Cynthia, how's it going?" Austin asked.

"Ugh, don't even get me started," Cynthia groaned. "This has been the worst week ever."

" What happened?"

" The League happened, first they want to conduct some kind of experiment on an ancient artifact which leads to you opening an interdimensional gate and causing an essential crisis in your entire region and now you're facing the entire backlash and being criticized on national fucking television !"

Cynthia slammed her fist onto the desk as she gritted her teeth.

" Wow! And here I thought my week was crazy."

" What happened to you ?"

" Well, I dressed as a scarecrow and I even won an award. They said I was outstanding in my field," Austin chuckled.

" I am not in the mood for jokes, Austin."

" Sorry."

" No, No, No, I didn't mean it like that. ( ~Sigh~ ) I am just tired."

" I can tell, the dark circles under your eyes tell a moving story. That's just your life story in a nutshell: a long, dark tale of exhaustion and disappointment."

Cynthia let out a chuckle as she giggled while Austin smiled.

God, he loved that laugh.

" Well, sorry for not winning an award for my life story."

" Babe, it wasn't even nominated."

Austin and Cynthia smiled at each other and chuckled.

"Well, let's talk about something less depressing than your life. Have you seen any good movies or shows lately?" Austin asked.

Cynthia perked up at the change of subject, "Actually, yes. I just started watching this new show on ..."


Austin quietly slipped out of his room, careful not to disturb the others who were fast asleep. The apartment was silent except for the soft sound of snores and deep breathing. He made his way to the closet, grabbing a few blankets along the way.

As he walked down the hall, he couldn't help but chuckle as he saw the childish drawings that covered Lucario's face. Someone had decided to have a little fun with the sleeping Pokemon trainer during the night. Austin shook his head, amused by the sight.

He continued, laying a blanket over the sleeping Yellow, who was curled up with Chu-Chu, the Pichu. The sight brought a smile to Austin's face as he watched the two partners sleep peacefully. He then draped a blanket over Dragonair, who was lying on its back with its wings spread out.

Austin's attention was jolted by a strange noise coming from the kitchen. As he approached the kitchen, he could hear the sound of shuffling and clanging.

As he peered into the room, he saw Pikachu, standing on the counter, attempting to make a piece of toast. However, the electric rat was having a difficult time, as evidenced by the crumbs and spillage on the counter and floor. Austin couldn't help but smile at the sight.

He approached Pikachu, trying to stifle his laughter. "Whoa, whoa, hold on there, Buddy," he said, as he reached out to stop the Pokemon. "Let me help you with that." Austin took over the task of making the toast, making sure it was perfectly browned, and placed it on a plate.

Pikachu's eyes lit up with excitement as Austin presented the toast to him. The Pokemon eagerly took a bite, smearing ketchup across its face in the process. Austin gagged at the sight as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

As he leaned against the counter, sipping his coffee, Austin couldn't help but sigh as he reached out, gently rubbing the Pokemon's head, causing Pikachu to close its eyes in contentment.

" Professor Oak is calling in a few minutes, what to join me ?"

" Pika."


Austin leaned against the desk, a cigarette between his fingers as he waited for the call to connect to Professor Oak. He took a drag, savoring the calming sensation that spread through him. He then flicked the cigarette into the ashtray, the embers still glowing as he watched the smoke rise.

Pikachu, who had been sitting nearby while eating ketchup on ice cream, looked at the ashtray with a look of disgust. Austin couldn't help but smile at the reaction, knowing full well that Pikachu didn't approve of his smoking habit.

Just then, the call connected, and the screen flickered to life, displaying a black screen. Austin leaned forward, peering at the screen. "Professor Oak?" he called out, his voice filled with confusion.

"Ash, is that you?" came the familiar voice of the professor. "I can't see you. Have you switched on the camera?"

"Oh, right," Austin said, slapping his forehead in realization. "I'll fix that now." He reached over and flipped the switch, causing the screen to flicker to life once again.

This time, Austin was greeted by the face of Professor Oak, his kind eyes twinkling with amusement. But before Austin could say anything, another screen popped up, showing the face of Brock. Austin's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight.

"Hello, Ash!" Brock greeted," It's been a long time."

Austin felt his heart sink as he glanced at the shell-shocked Pikachu.

" I think yellow is calling me, I should check that out." Austin threw an excuse as he tried to get up and leave this call immediately.

" Oh, yellow is with you. That's good to hear so did she ask about Raticate?"

Brock's words froze Pikachu and Austin in place.

" Ash, my boy; while I was giving Brock that pokemon egg you gave me, he told me everything and I think I speak on behalf of your mother that I am disappointed that you would prioritize winning over your friends but I know that's not you."

Professor Oak's words were finished by Brock.

" Ash, did you leave us because Raticate died ?"

Austin slowly sat back down and took a deep breath as he tried to calm down his beating heart meanwhile Brock gulped as he saw his father's silhouette over Austin when his mother died.

" That's a good joke, hehehe."

Austin's chuckles were met with blank stares as Pikachu looked at Austin with sad eyes.

' Do you want to maintain this lie, so badly ?'

" Ash, my boy."

" Ash! This is no joking matter !" Brock yelled out surprising everyone in the room as Austin looked at him in silence.

" Ash, my boy. Why is Raticate missing from your pokemon registry?"

" .... "

" Pi."

Pikachu reached out to his trainer.

' Please, stop with these lies.'

" I released her !" Austin yelled out causing Brock to sigh as he saw through Austin's lies.

His father was just like that, pushing everyone away with lies. Telling them that it was going to be fine and that everything was ok.

" Ash,..." Before Brock could say anything the door to his room slammed open with a loud crash, causing Austin and Professor Oak to jump in their seats. Austin's eyes widened as saw Misty storming in, her orange hair had now been dyed to black hair as it whipped around her face.

Misty was dressed in a manner that was vastly different from her usual style. Her clothing was skimpy, revealing more skin than usual. A tight black top clung to her curves, while a short skirt showed off her toned legs. A long chain dangled from her waist, drawing attention to her hips as she walked.

Austin's eyes almost popped out of their sockets before the realization set in.

His words might have left a much bigger impact on Misty than he initially assumed.

Did his words mean so much to Misty that she changed herself to be " beautiful ", to not be seen as the ugly duckling of the Cerulean Sisters?

In her arms was a beautiful Alolan Vulpix, its fur a gleaming shade of silver. The fox's tail was a mass of fluffy white clouds, its eyes a bright blue that sparkled with mischief.

"What's going on?" Misty demanded as she marched towards Austin. " Brock, why are you screaming?!" She stopped short as she saw Austin's face on the computer screen, his eyes widening in surprise.

Misty's face contorted into one of fury as she took in the sight. "You?!" she spat, her voice filled with anger.

Suddenly Brock's scream turned back as only Professor Oak and Austin were left on the call.

They sat in silence.

" Ash my boy, was it all true, what you said? Does winning mean so much to you? "

" Professor, winning is everything. Don't we all want to be Pokemon masters, how can I achieve that when I can't win ?"

" There is more to being a pokemon master than winning."

" Ok."

" Ash, my boy. This isn't you, I know it isn't, please tell me what's wrong ?"

" Professor, nothing is wrong with me. You just assumed that something is wrong because I am not going according to whatever image you have in your head; am I ?"

Professor Oak stayed silent before he answered back.

" I think it's getting late at night, you should go back to bed."

" I agree "

" And Ash, if you need anything or want to say anything, I am here ?"


The sound of the computer screen going back was like a cold hand grasping Austin's heart. He felt the weight of his actions towards misty, his words towards Brock, and the lies overwhelm him. He stayed silent, the tears streaming down his face as he tried to compose himself.

Pikachu, sensing his trainer's distress, followed Austin as he got up from his seat and made his way to the open balcony. The sound of the door slamming echoed through the room as the electric rat saw Austin standing there with his head covered by his hands, his small sobs shaking his body.

Pikachu slowly approached Austin, trying to comfort the human with its presence. It rubbed its tiny body against Austin's leg, trying to ease the pain that was obvious in the trainer's tears.

" Is it ok to cry, Pikachu?"

" Pi." Pikachu nodded.

For a few moments, the only sound that could be heard was the rustling of the leaves in the wind and Austin's sobs. Pikachu continued to rub against Austin, its tail wagging softly as it tried to comfort him. It seemed as if the world had come to a standstill, as the two of them stood there in silence, with only their mutual understanding's pain holding them together.

Pikachu's soft purring filled the air, and the comfort it provided was like a warm blanket on a cold night.


[ One week Later ]

[ Celadon City Pokemon Center ]

Richie stood in front of the sink in the Celadon City Pokemon Center, his face contorted with exhaustion and disbelief. Despite months of therapy, the memory of witnessing a person's death still weighed heavily on him. A small, yellow shape caught his attention, and he looked down to see Sparky, his Pikachu, looking up at him with worry in his eyes.

"Pika!" Sparky exclaimed, its voice filled with concern.

Richie forced a smile, attempting to hide his distress. "Don't worry, buddy. I just ate something bad," he lied, but the Pikachu wasn't convinced.

"Let's get something to eat," Richie suggested, and Sparky nodded eagerly.

As they walked out of his room and into the cafeteria, a strange figure caught their attention. Everyone in the Pokemon Center had turned to look at the person, who was wearing an unusual mask. The mask was made in the style of a gothic cyberpunk, complete with red dots that blinked ominously.

The masked trainer strode confidently towards Nurse Joy, who smiled politely. "Welcome to the Pokemon Center. What can I help you with?" she asked.

"Can you give him a basic checkup?" a robotic voice called out from behind the mask. The trainer released a Pokeball, revealing a small, blue Omanyte named Steve.

The entire Pokemon Center fell silent, shock spreading through the room like wildfire. Steve raised his tentacles in triumph, declaring, "Praise me, mortals!"

The masked trainer who was Austin in disguise rolled his eyes at Steve's theatrics. "Yes, it will take a few minutes," Nurse Joy said, taking Steve to the back for a checkup.

Suddenly, a loud trainer interrupted the silence. "Excuse me!" he called out, and Austin glanced back at him.

"You are excused," Austin replied, causing the loud trainer to scurry away. The trainer then approached Austin, asking if he wanted to trade his Omanyte for his Rhydon. Austin simply handed the trainer a poster, which was decorated with childish drawings and the announcement of a tournament with the grand prize being a fossil Pokemon.

Everyone in the lobby took the tournament seriously, considering the sight of an Omanyte in Austin's possession. Richie turned to Sparky, asking, "Hey, Sparky, do you want to enter?" Sparky nodded eagerly, its tail twitching with excitement.

"Very well," Austin said, his robotic voice echoing throughout the pokemon center. And with that, the tournament was officially on.


" You know if I didn't get this call, I thought you have forgotten about little old me," Cynthia said with a smirk as she looked at her Pokenav which Austin just rolled his eyes.

" Don't worry, it is impossible to forget the Queen of Sinnoh," Austin answered back causing a tired Cynthia to smile back.

" Quite the way with words you have there, Mr. Ketchum," Cynthia said causing Pikachu's ears to stand up immediately.

" She said Ketchum, not ketchup," Austin replied causing Pikachu's ears to stand down resulting in Cynthia giggling.

" You still seem ... tired."

" Tell me about it, these last few days have been more hectic in Sinnoh. With the confirmation of the four world's theory and the emergence of these new pokemon. I now have to deal with so many interviews, and public seminars and my pile of paperwork have been increasing."

" ..... is it ok to talk to me while you are busy ?"

" No! " Cynthia shouted," no, I just needed someone to talk to. Seriously! What is wrong with these people? I work day and night yet .... yet ...." Cynthia had a few tears built up in her eyes as she looked at her shaking hands.

Sometimes she wondered if she was older then these officials would take her seriously, that her world would carry some kind of meaning in her region.

Maybe she should just quit.

" Cynthia " Austin warmly said as Cynthia looked up with a few tears in her eyes," Can you take a deep breath ?"

" Austin, I ...."

" Just do it, for me."

" Fine."

Cynthia took a few deep breaths.

" Now relax your face."

Cynthia followed Austin's instructions.

" Now relax your shoulders."

Cynthia lay on her chair, completely exhausted mentally and physically.

" When was the last time you slept."

" 3 to 4 "

" Hours ?"

" Days ?"

" .... "

" .... "

" Cynthia."

" I know but what can I do? I have all of these expectations to meet." Cynthia said while covering her eyes.

" Cynthia, do you know these people that have such expectations for you ?"

" No."

" Then why bring yourself such pain for people you don't even know."

" ( ~Sigh~ ) I don't know."

" Cynthia, would you please take care of yourself? Just think of what I must feel when I see you like this."

Cynthia smirked and teased," Very pretentious of you to think like that."

" What? Can't I care for my friend?"

" Austin, can you please place your hand on the screen ?"

Without much question, Austin did said task which Cynthia reciprocated.

Looking at his screen, Austin couldn't help but smile as Cynthia had fallen asleep.

" Well, sleep tight, and don't let those assholes get you. You are working hard and one day everyone in Sinnoh will recognize that you are their champion." Austin whispered as he closed the call.

Looking at the black screen, Cynthia sighed.

" You bastard, always saying stuff like that," Cynthia said while trying to hide her beaming smile and blush.


Meanwhile, in Celadon City, Austin took a deep breath as he placed the Pokenav down.

" Hey Ash, you won't believe how big of a crowd that has gathered. There's like over a million people here." Yellow said while coming into the room.

" Well, I am sure they all came after seeing your beautiful poster."

" Really!"

" No."

Puffing out her cheeks, Yellow stomped on Austin's foot.

" Meany."

" Come on, you know I was joking."

" Really!"

" Yeah, yeah, but enough joking around let's get this tournament going."

" I still don't get how this is going to attract team rocket's attention."

" What's the prize of the tournament ?"

" A fossil Pokemon."

Yellow slowly said before it clicked in her head.

" Oh !"

" Exactly."


[ Omake Paragraph ]

At times, on a dark and lonely night, travelers on mountain slopes far from civilization will hear a woman's haunting cry echo through the air. Most dismiss it as a mirage, for those who hear the cry are typically so exhausted that they will see mirages as surely as if it were the desert, but some, desperate for shelter, food, or signs of human life, will investigate further.

They will typically believe what they discover to be a human woman, short enough to be called a midget or dwarf, although few use those words in their presence. Their faces are black; not the dark brown bordering on black seen so frequently in African peoples, but a black tinted with purple which bears no resemblance to any on Earth. They will not speak, appearing to be mute, but gesture and draw a message and lure the travelers to their caves with a promise they will provide for them a place to stay for the night, but this night shall come at a horrible cost.

While they sleep, the Jynx (for the woman is no human at all) will plant a strange kiss on their lips, and if they make it down the mountain, they will be dogged with bad luck for the rest of their lives. It is from this curse that the term jynx or jinx (as the spelling of the term has been standardized in a way which hides its etymology) derives, for when a Jynx kisses a human, they suck out their good fortune and live with great luck for the rest of their days.

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