
Chapter no.286 Sparing a Life

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[ Author Note: Guys, can I ask for a favour? I have entered a novel by the name of " A Song of Blood and War " in the webnovel contest and I would appreciate it if you gave your power stones to that novel. Come on, help me win this. ]


[ POV Change ]

The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed throughout the old dojo, causing Trodaire to stir as he opened his eyes. The dojo was dimly lit, with the only light coming from the moonlight filtering through the large, wooden windows. The wooden floors creaked under the weight of the fighters as they battled.

Trodaire's suddenly stirred awakened.

"I'll get ya a glass," Paulie said as Trodaire looked around at his brothers, who were all focused on the fight taking place in the center of the dojo. Trodaire's head was still groggy from being knocked out, and he couldn't quite make out what was happening.

"You awake, Trodaire," Hideki said, noticing that his brother was stirring.

"Huh, what happened?" Trodaire asked, still trying to make sense of what was going on.

"Go get yourself a popcorn," Hideki said, gesturing for Trodaire to come closer and watch the fight.

Trodaire made his way to the front of the dojo and saw that the Old Master was in the middle of a fight with Austin.

The Old Master performed a 360° tornado kick, but Austin was quick enough to catch it. "Is he fighting dad right now?" Trodaire whispered to himself as he watched the two fighters battle.

"What? Did that guy's beating cause some damage to your eyes?" Hideki asked before saying, "That guy is going toe to toe with the master, what a beast?" Hideki's words caused everyone to nod in agreement.

"But how is that possible? Dad's body has been trained by an Alpha Machomp, even most pokemon can't even hurt him yet..." Trodaire's words were cut off as the Old Master's fist embedded itself into Austin's arm, who was quick enough to defend by crossing his arms.

"He is fucking strong," Austin thought as he flinched from the pain in his bones. "You know, it helps to know cliches of anime," Austin said, causing the Old Master to frown as he clenched his core while taking a kick to his solar plexus. The sound of the Old Master's grunts and Austin's groans filled the dojo as the fight continued, each strike and block creating a new sound effect that added to the intensity of the battle.

" Don't even think that I will go easy on you"

The Old Master let out a fierce battle cry as he lunged forward, aiming for Austin's chest. With lightning-fast reflexes, Austin sidestepped the attack and intercepted the Old Master's foot with his own. "Oh, really...right back at you," Austin said with a smirk. He twisted his body, using his foot as a pivot to lash out with a kick directly at the Old Master's face.

But before Austin's kick could connect, the Old Master's hand came crashing down on Austin's back, slamming him into the ground. Austin quickly used the bounce of his body to launch a headbutt at the Old Master, but the elder warrior easily dodged it. The Old Master frowned, impressed by Austin's physical prowess. It was like watching a Pokemon in action.

This momentary distraction was all that Austin needed. He dug his shin into the Old Master's stomach, causing the elder warrior to let out a pained gasp. Austin's knee kick sent the Old Master flying backward, but he quickly regained his footing. "Don't worry, I held back my punch," Austin said, causing an eyebrow to raise from the Old Master.

Lucario, the blue-skinned Pokemon, watched from the sidelines. He couldn't understand why Austin was stalling the fight. But before he could ponder further, the Old Master was back on his feet with little to no signs of damage. Austin's tattoos began to glow as he jumped high into the air and landed a devastating heel drop towards the Old Man who dodged in time. "Looks like you are starting to take this seriously," the Old Master said with a smirk.

The room was filled with gasps as Austin's leg emerged from the shattered floor, his foot and leg were covered in the debris of the torn floor mat. Austin didn't even bother replying as he channeled aura throughout his body, the tattoos on his body began to glow with a bright light.

The Old Man lunged forward with an overhand hook before Austin seemingly disappeared and reappeared to the side while an attack had grazed past the old man's cheek.

( ~ Drip ~ )

Blood flowed down from the laceration on the old man's face as Austin said," Still planning on not taking me seriously."

" I don't kill." The Old Man replied with Austin answering," Then don't think of seeing the end of this day."

Austin's words ended with extremely high pressure oppressing everyone.

The Old Man truly felt that Austin's words weren't a bluff.

The old man stood before Austin, his life hanging in the balance as he felt Austin's monstrous presence. Sweat dripped down his wrinkled face as he faced the monstrous aura of his opponent. At that moment, the old man didn't think of the dojo he had built, the students he had trained, or the money he would earn through this battle.

All he could think of was survival.

Suddenly, steam began to emit from the old man's body, causing Austin to sigh. "Of course, why did I expect anything less from this world?" he thought to himself.

Just as Austin prepared to strike the final blow, the sound of drums echoed through the dojo. Everyone, including Austin, looked around in confusion, trying to locate the source of the strange noise. "First Kata: Flame!" the old man shouted, his voice filled with determination.

With a red streak, the old man appeared in front of Austin, his veins bulging and his body reddened with exertion. He charged forward, attempting to bulldoze Austin with his shoulder, but Austin effortlessly dodged and appeared above the old man, holding onto the top of his head. "That's dangerous," Austin said, before bringing his heel down onto the old man's back with a powerful dropkick.

The old man kipped up but was met with a one-inch punch to the face. At that moment, the old man felt death's hand clamp around his neck. The sound of drums increased as the old man's heart contracted and every muscle fiber in his body strained to counter Austin's punch.

In the back of the dojo, Lucario quickly erected a barrier that protected everyone as the old man's all-out attack created a column of wind that moved from Austin's back, destroying his shirt entirely while embedding a fist mark onto Lucario's barrier.

"Did he win?" Trodaire, asked as Austin lay on the floor, seemingly unconscious. "Ash!" Yellow, screamed out as her eyes glowed cyan before Lucario knocked her out.

( ~ Arggh ~ )

Austin kipped up with a grunt before a red streak went through all of his tattoos that were out for everyone to see. Suddenly, the sound of drums began to play in the dojo as the old man looked at Austin in shock. He was performing the secret kata after seeing it only once. It took him 50 years just to make his body capable of performing the technique yet this kid was doing it after seeing it once.

In his mind, the old master thought that if his most hated student who had once tried to steal this kata through the ancient scrolls from him, if Bruno ever met this monster, who would win?

The sound of a gunshot echoed through the dojo, causing everyone present to freeze in shock and awe. The roof of the dojo was blasted by a column of air, as if a bomb had gone off, sending debris flying everywhere. The old master of the dojo, a wizened man with a long white beard, stood frozen in fear, expecting the worst. But to his surprise, the attack missed him. He fell to the floor, his body trembling with shock and relief.

Austin stood with a cold expression on his face.

Austin looked down at the old master and said, "Thanks, it was fun." With those words, he turned and walked away, his companion, Lucario, threw the knocked-out yellow toward Austin. The dojo was enveloped in absolute silence, as the other students and instructors looked on in disbelief.

As Austin walked out of the dojo, Paulie, a short, stocky man with a thick mustache, walked in. "Did I miss something?" he asked, looking around at the destruction and the stunned faces of those present.


Outside of the dojo as Austin and Lucario walked. Lucario turned to Austin as he saw Pikachu trying to use the transmigrator's long hair as a swing.

" Why did you do that ?"

" The money thing or the prize thing."

" Both."

" Eh, I didn't want to take those two. You could sense the desperation they felt when we defeated Trodaire. The Dojo is their home and I didn't want to take them away."

" Hmm, you're better than I thought."

" Huh, what do you expect I was ?"

" A psychotic coffee addict."

" Hey, I don't drink that much."

" Sure, sure but what about the money ?"

" I was getting to it unlike you, I don't have dementia."

Lucario stopped himself from hitting Austin as he gestured for him to continue.

Why did he give that dojo that much money?

" Just because."

" Huh ?"

" I felt like it." Austin didn't bother with Lucario's shocked expression as he remembered his father's words.


[ 8 Years Ago ]

[ Earth - Honolulu ]

The sun beat down on the bustling streets of Honolulu as a young boy, no more than seven years old, made his way through a narrow alleyway. The buildings on either side of him were a mix of old and new, with faded paint peeling from their exteriors and the occasional flash of brightly colored graffiti. The air was thick with the scent of tropical flowers and the sounds of chatter and laughter from the vendors and shoppers who lined the alley.

As the boy walked, he couldn't help but notice a commotion up ahead. As he got closer, he saw a group of tourists surrounding a small stall, their voices raised in anger. The stall belonged to an older Hawaiian couple, their weathered faces creased with worry as they tried to defend themselves against the tourists' accusations.

"This is ridiculous!" one of the tourists exclaimed. "You're charging way too much for this stuff!"

"We're not overcharging," the old man replied calmly. "These are fair prices for an authentic Kapa."

"I don't believe you," the tourist sneered. "I'm going to talk to the authorities about this."

The boy watched in horror as the situation escalated, his heart pounding with fear and anger. But just as he was about to turn and run, he saw his father making his way toward the stall. His father was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a kind face, and as he approached the stall and picked up

"Excuse me, how much for this beautiful Kapa? ," his father said.

The tourists were caught off guard by his presence.

" It's 700 dollars."

" Oh, wow, I didn't expect such a beautiful Kapa to be sold at such a cheap price."

Maybe it was due to his father's presence or something else but the nagging tourists began to back down, and soon they were turning and leaving the alleyway, their voices fading into the distance.

The boy's father turned to the old couple, who were still looking shaken.

"Thank you so much," the old woman said to the boy's father. "We were so scared, we didn't know what to do."

"It's no problem," the boy's father replied. "I'm glad I could help."

" You can take the Kapa for free if you'd like."

" No, thank you; I couldn't accept such a gift."

The boy watched back and forth between his father and the old couple eventually settling with his father buying the Kapa for 100 dollars.

" Dad, you were so cool." The boy exclaimed as his father rubbed his head.

" Well, maybe I should charge people for my coolness in this summer heat." John Kevin joked.

" Cringe."

" It was a good joke, Austin."

" Cringe."

" Ha, I missed the little boy who would laugh at his old man's jokes."

" Sorry."

" No, No, I was joking there."

" Really."

" Yes."

As the young Austin and his father walked through the streets.

Austin curiously asked," Dad, why did you help those two old people ?"

" Why not? I had the power to do something to help someone in their time of need."

" you're like spiderman."

" I guess I am, haha, but remember kiddo; you don't have to be a superhero to help someone in need."

" Nah, I am going to be a superhero and help others."

" Hahaha."


[ Omake Paragraph ]

One of the greatest mysteries of the pokemon world is the question of what, precisely, is at the center of every Tangela. With the naked eye, only blackness and a pair of unnerving, floating white eyes can be seen, staring back as though to tell people not to look closer. Examination of live Tangela is impossible, as the vines will block any attempts to view it. Examination of dead Tangela is no more possible, for the body disappears at death, leaving only a pile of vines; this bizarre trait has led many to speculate that Tangela is controlled by a sort of visible soul.

The modern age has brought new ways of viewing and understanding, but for Tangela, it has created more questions than answers. Attempts to view them by X-ray or other techniques have resulted in a series of mechanical errors too common to be reasonably seen as coincidence. Some have theorized that Tangela themselves do not exist and that they are a myth masquerading as a real pokemon, for many of the errors found with mythical pokemon such as Missingno are also found when attempting to view Tangela. Those who claim to have found the nature of Tangela universally differ on their accounts, and no experiment alleging to show their true nature has ever been successfully reproduced.

Whether they are the spawn of hell wrapped in vines or the cousin of the pokemon on Cinnabar Island's coast, or merely a black ball similar to a Shellder or Gastly, the mystery of Tangela's core will likely remain a subject of speculation for generations to come.

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