
Chapter no.12 Uncle Wilton

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[ POV Change ]

"Whoa." Austin couldn't help but look on in awe from the hilltop he was standing on as Pewter City was in view.

The scenery was beautiful as it showed a combination of nature and urban development.

"It's a nice view, isn't it?" Yellow asked always liking how Pewter City looked from this place before pointing to a certain building. "There's the Gym, one of the City's main attractions along with the Pewter City Museum."

'So that's Brock's Gym.' Austin thought while seeing the gym.

"Pewter City is gray, the color of the stone." A new voice spoke up causing Austin and Yellow to look over the hill. "This town has always been famous for stone."

'Oh, it's Flint.' Austin thought remembering Brock's Dad who covered his hair with a red hat and had his face covered with a fake beard while wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants.

"Uh, who are you?" Yellow asked curiously as she has seen him around Pewter City whenever her parents send her to her Uncle for visits but she never really spoke with him.

" The names Flint and you're standing right next to some of my merchandise young lady."

Yellow blinked as she looked over to see the rocks. "Okay, I know that the city is famous for stones, but isn't this pushing it?"

Austin shrugged not understanding this… Unless they were Hard Stones which increase a Rock-Type move-, yeah that just sounds stupid.

"Cha." Pikachu sighed as he was sitting down, exhausted from walking as Yellow's Weedle was still in her arms like a baby.

" Your Pokemon seem to be exhausted, I take it you just got out of Viridian Forest?" Flint asked as Austin gave a nod. "I'll show you to the Pokemon Center."

As Flint left, Austin looked at Yellow. "So he's a local?"

"Yeah, but I never really spoke with him," Yellow answered.


It was pretty hard to miss the Pokemon Center as Austin handed his team over to Nurse Joy before he was on the Video Phone.

"You gave your Weedle to someone?" Prof. Oak asked in surprise as Austin explained what happened.

" Well Weedle liked her a lot more and she wanted a Pokemon," Austin said with a shrug. "But I need help with making her the new trainer."

"I'll have to create a license and put her in the system." Prof. Oak said with a sigh. "That will take a few days."

"Thanks, Prof. Oak," Austin said.

"By the way, I'm impressed by how many Pokemon you caught already." Prof. Oak said as he could see the information from Austin's Pokedex on his computer. "Although Gary has about twelve Pokemon already."

Austin rolled his eyes not caring about how much Pokemon Ash's rival had.

"Well, I'll be in Pewter City for a bit training the Pokemon I do have," Austin said as Prof. Oak gave a nod, accepting that.

"Well, your Mother has been helping out at the Lab while the Restaurant was closed." Prof. Oak said not seeing Austin wince at the mention of Ash's mom as he said goodbye to Prof. Oak and hung up.

He turned to see that Yellow was still hugging Weedle as she looked like she was talking to it, with one of her hands on its head.

'Oh right.' Austin thought as he remembered how she had power in the Manga.

' What were the powers? The ability to talk to and heal Pokemon by only touching them, I think she also had slight telekinesis .' Austin thought.


"Wait until you meet Uncle Wilton, Kitty," Yellow said speaking to the Weedle.

Now Austin looked surprised.

Kitty was the English name for her Caterpie in the Manga-... Oh right she never got a Weedle, her first Pokemon was Ratty the Rattata-.

'Dear God, how many things am I messing up?' Austin just thought of how the butterfly effects of all his changes would happen.

First, it was the Spearow Attack happening differently, then it was Misty not joining the group and now this?

'Who am I kidding, the butterfly effect began happening the moment I showed up.' Austin thought sardonically before pausing as he saw a poster showing the Pokemon League Regional Championships.

"The Pokemon League," Austin said quietly as he frowned. 'Do I want to do this?'

As a little kid watching Pokemon, he always wanted to do something like that but thought it would be impossible.

Now it was possible, but he wanted to go home.

'I guess until I can go home, I may as well.' Austin decided with a determined look, not noticing Flint behind him.

"Thinking of entering the Regionals?" Flint asked causing Austin to jump. "Don't tell me you plan on challenging Brock."

"I am," Austin said looking at him. "After some training of course."

"You would have better luck finding a different Gym," Flint said laughing as he left.

Yellow was quiet as she saw the whole thing before a voice spoke up.

"Yellow De Viridian Grove!" Yellow jumped as Austin turned in confusion when a man wearing an orange vest and an orange hat came stomping towards her.

"U-Uncle Wilton." Yellow looked nervous. "H-Hi."

"Hi?" Wilton said in anger. "No note, one of my spare Pokeballs gone and you were out all night. Do you know how worried I was?!"

Yellow looked down. "I just wanted a Pokemon." She said quietly.

"Oh, so it's alright to disappear for a day without telling anyone?!" Wilton shook his head. "You could've been killed."

"But I had help getting back," Yellow said quickly causing Wilton to raise an eyebrow before seeing Austin who looked a little awkward from the whole thing.

"And who are you?"

"Um… Ash Ketchum." Austin lied as he rubbed the back of his head.


It took two days before the trio made it to Pewter City and approached the back of the Museum where the Guard easily let them in.

But they saw a lot of activity in the base, something that confused the Trio.

"What do you think is going on?" James asked curiously with Meowth shrugging.

"What do I look like, a mind reader?" Meowth asked sarcastically only for a Grunt to approach them.

"Admin Jessie and James," The Grunt gave a nod of respect to the trio. "Executive Arianna asked to see you."

The Trio tensed, a bit surprised that Arianna was here of all places, her sadism was well known in the ranks of Team Rocket.

The fact that she was here didn't speak of anything good for them.

Taking the time to spare a glance at each other the trio walked towards the deeper part of the base where they saw Arianna with her Arbok out, looking through some files with a frown.

"You're late," Arianna said a bit harshly.

"Sorry Ma'am, we were delayed in the Forest." James apologized diplomatically, choosing to be the spokesperson considering Jessie's hot-headed personality.

"I don't recall asking for an excuse," Arianna finally looked up to glare at James making him gulp and take a step back. "But you three have a lot of explaining to do with that mess in Viridian."

"There were too many trainers there for us to take head-on by ourselves." Meowth began only to duck an acid attack from Arbok.

"Do you three take me for an idiot?" Arianna asked her glare darkening. "You think I don't watch the news where it was rumored that a single boy stopped you?"

The trio shifted a bit nervously, not realizing that was on the news.

"So not only did you fail but you tried to lie to me, your superior," Arianna closed her folders with a smirk that was slowly turning sadistic. "I don't like that-."

"Enough Arianna," Another voice spoke up as a young man with light-green hair entered the room with a frown. "Just get to their assignment."

Arianna gave a small pout. "Must you always ruin my fun Proton?" She asked noting how the trio looked relieved that he entered.

Proton was always the most levelheaded of the Executives behind Archer.

"Your 'fun' as you call it results in us having fewer grunts in the field," Proton said not hesitating to call her out on how she overdoes it. "I'd rather you not do that to our Admins when we'll need them for a mission."

"So you want to ignore their failure and attempt at lying?" Arianna asked with Proton sighing.

"I'll deal with them myself, go get ready for the mission before the boss calls."

Arianna shrugged and left, her Arbok following her while the trio nearly collapsed from relief. "Thank you Proton sir-."

"Don't thank me yet, you still have a lot to answer for with that failure in Viridian." Proton snapped but he softened up a bit.

Truthfully he liked the Admins as despite their eccentricity they do get the job done-so for them to fail this last one had him a bit concerned.

"So what happened I want the truth." Proton crossed his arms while the trio stood at attention.

"We failed because we underestimated a kid who had a Pikachu and a Spearow," James said a hint of fear in his tone as this would make them the laughing stock of Team Rocket if it got out. "We didn't think he would be able to beat us so we toyed with him instead of completing the mission."

Proton frowned, not pleased with that but it was to be expected as the Admins do have a history of toying with the trainers they battle.

"Describe him."

"He looked to be ten, with black hair and a blue vest with a hat on." Meowth cupped his chin in thought.

"I'll have to let the boss know about this," Proton said making them deflate. "If someone opposes Team Rocket they must be dealt with. Anything else?"

James and Jessie looked at each other before they decided to get this out of the way. "We attempted to ambush him in the Forest to get revenge and take his Pokemon but he managed to obtain three more Pokemon and while we defeated two of them-one being the Pikachu-he managed to beat us with the other three." Jessie took it from there with Proton narrowing his eyes.

"What were these other Pokemon?" He questioned wanting to know every little detail about this trainer.

"A Rattata, a Pidgeotto, and a… Caterpie." Meowth listed them, hesitating on the Caterpie.

"A Caterpie? It must be a Metapod by now." Proton gave a slight curse under his breath. "Is that all?"

At their nods, he spoke again.

"We'll have to postpone your punishment until after this mission, perhaps if you do well you'll be rewarded instead," Proton said making their eyes shine. "In a week or two we'll be heading into Mt. Moon to search for the mythical Moon Stone to use its power for our cause. Arianna will be there to oversee the operation but you three will be in charge."

The trio could scarcely believe it. A mission of this caliber and they were in charge of it?

They can't afford to screw this up.

"Take the time to train your team to prevent anything like that from happening and make sure to find the Moon Stone," Proton ordered checking his Pokegear when it went off to see that it was more orders from the Boss for him to speak with him about a matter he's been looking into. "That will be all."

"Sir." The trio saluted Proton as he left.

After a few seconds, they collapsed in relief. "Oh man, I thought we were done for when Arianna called us out," Meowth said lying on the floor his heart pounding.

"It was lucky that Proton was here otherwise we wouldn't be here." James mused before looking at Koffing's Pokeball.

Jessie gave a nod pulling out Ekan's Pokeball as well. "He's right though we need to train our two Pokemon up if we want to avoid what happened with that twerp," She told them with the two giving a nod of agreement. "We are sloppy if a rookie beat us."

"Meowth and then we'll be top members for sure." Meowth had a wide grin just imagining that.

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