

Cursed by the Gods to end a war, hunted by the people who started it. * After being found guilty on the charges for practicing witchcraft, Yima was sentenced to life and in three years time she was to be executed. The ship that was transporting new prisoners to Osi was attacked by the notorious kuozwa, the pirate king's private ship. After agreeing to marry the pirate king's son in exchange for a chance to enroll at the only magic school, Ngula, Yima doesn't expect any more trouble to come her way, but it does.

Shibawrites2 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Nice to meet you

[I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink I swear] 

 Yima turned around and rushed to get her clothes that she left on his bed.

 "Wait." Neon said as Yima was about to leave, she didn't turn around as he approached, keeping  her face towards the door.

 "What do you want?" She asked a worried Neon, he ran his finger on her bare nape where three lines were tattooed on her skin. 

 "Do you know what these lines mean?" He's voice sounded shaky. 

 "The five lines?" Yima asked, "My mom never explained."

 "There are only three lines left, two of them have disappeared." He said as he let out a frustrated sigh. 

 "Should I be worried?" Yima turned to face him.

 "No, you can leave now." He opened the door for her and slammed it shut. 

 After finding another bedroom that she hoped was Cordelia's, she changed and took a bath. 

 Once she was done she took a dress from the closet and tried it on. The huge mirror attached to the left wall assured her that she looked lovely in the dress. 

 Her fingers went to touch her nape and she felt the rough lines that were being caressed by Neons fingers. 

 She let out a shaky breath, what if he thought she did it deliberately? She groaned at the thought. 

 It wasn't fair, she followed Cordelia's exact directions. Unless Cordelia planned it all, no that wasn't possible. 

 With one last look in the dirty mirror she went downstairs. Music led her to the dining hall where their food was already cold. 

 Kai silently groaned.

 "What took you so long?" He complained 


 "Next time bring someone who isn't only coming for the food," Cordelia glared at Kai, "You look beautiful in mom's dress. You can keep it." 

 "I feel weird now that I know I'm wearing your mom's dress." Yima said as she took a seat next to Cordelia. 

 "Next time I'll personally take you to Cordelia's room." Neon promised.

 Yima noticed dark circles under his eyes as if he was mourning in silence. He avoided her eyes and barely touched his food. 

 Yima's mind was still processing his words, especially the next time that he was talking about.

 "Where are your parents?" Yima asked Cordelia. 

 "We both don't know. They just left us a fortune." Cordelia responded.

 "You're so lucky." Yima said under her breath earning her a nasty look from Cordelia.

 "We are lucky to not  know our parents?" Cordelia looked at her like she had grown two heads.

 "She meant the fortune part." Neon clarified.

 "Oh." Cordelia continued eating.

 "I would kill to live in a house like this." Yima said as she stared at her untouched food. It wasn't because she didn't like the food, it was mouthwatering. The problem was the utensils, she didn't know how to use them. 

 "If you were to marry my-" Neon interrupted Cordelia, he's face flushed red.

 "How did you get here?" Neon asked, changing the topic. And for the first time someone asked her the question she had spent hours training herself on, weaving each lie the pirate king had told her together. 

 "I'm related to the pirate king so he brought me here once we discovered that I had an ability." Yima chose the safer explanation, she wasn't about to mention her marriage when Kai was around. 

 "And he didn't tell you about his house?" Cordelia snorted like she expected such behaviour from him.

 "You should take me there." Yima said as she picked up the spoon similar to the one that Cordelia was using and mimicked her movements. 

 "Only if you agree to go on a da-" Neon interrupted Cordelia again. 

 "Don't talk with your mouth full." Neon scolded her and she glared at him.


 They all continued eating except Neon who was still staring at his food. 

 "Thank you for allowing Yima to bring a friend. It's been a long time since I had such delicious food." Kai said, breaking the silence. 

 "Aren't you supposed to be royalty?" Cordelia asked him, causing him to shrink in his seat.

 "I am but it's complicated." He responded. 

 "Yima has expensive tastes I think she deserves a man whose pockets are never empty," she turned to Yima, "isn't that right?" 

 "Uhm, it depends if the man has other qualities." 

 "A hopeless romantic?" Cordelia secretly pointed at her brother with her spoon. 

 "Exactly." Yima said. 

 "How about you brother?" She asked innocently. 

 Neon cleared his throat before he responded, "I like a good chase." 

 "Yima's a good chase." Cordelia said and Yima choked on her food. 

 "Is Estelle feeling better?" Yima changed the topic, Cordelia's smirk grew. 

 "Neon is going to visit her tomorrow, you should go with him." Yima narrowed her eyes at Cordelia, she didn't like the matchmaker game that she was playing. 

 "I'll go with you guys." Kai looked at Yima's still full plate, "are you going to finish that?" 

 Yima pushed the plate to him even though she was so hungry that she thought she would faint if she tried to get up. 

 "Remember what I said about Sash from advanced?" Cordelia had recently told Yima about how obsessed she was with Neon. 

 "Do you know why she's like that?" Cordelia had a look in her eye, she waited for Yima to take the bait and she did.