
Freedom and aftermath

The two witches escaped the coven and are now free to be themselves and create a world they. hoped for but what they didn't realize is when they left that town they got separated. Briana was alone in a dark place that she knew nothing of and it was sad, depressing, and a bit scary but she feared losing her best friend more then anything. She did many different locater spells and no results came of it. Briana started freaking out and spiralling downward in emotion and this dark angel came to check to see what was wrong. "Hi, is, everything ok?", said the angel. "Not really" said Bri while crying, " I lost my best friend". "oh no, what happened?" said the angel with concern. Briana explained what happened the best she could and the dark angel sat with Bri through it all. "maybe you could still create the world you always wanted, after all I'm sure Sara wouldn't want you to give up and quit." " by the way my name is Elisabeth". said Elisabeth, " I'm Briana or Bri for short" said Bri "I'll start on the world after I gather myself". " what is this place anyway?" asked Bri " the unknown, atleast that's what me and my siblings call it." answered Elisabeth. " oh you have a family?" said Bri " just my and my brother and sister. my parents passed on many years ago". said Elisabeth. "I'm so sorry for your parents" says Bri sadly "it's ok it was a long time ago and my brother has raised and trained me and my sister". said Elisabeth " well I'd like to meet them one day." said Bri " well let's make this world better for both you and your siblings and Sara." Brian stands up and gets her wand from her bag and begins redoing the unknown.