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Life struggling with the world of the night became commonplace for Joana Maxwell but she fortified herself so as not to fall into the frenetic world that she was involved in. "Even though I live in the glittering world of the night doesn't mean I'm a cheap woman." Joana Maxwell. Sean Antonio William judges all women from his own point of view, equating every woman he meets is a bitch because of the disappointment in the past he went through. "To me all women are the same, peddling themselves for money!!!" Sean Antonio William. the choice of two individuals who are the same as Sean and also Joana can unite? Or stick to their own point of view about living in the glittering world of the night.

sitiaisadiah201 · Urbain
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Chapter 07

Joana stepped into the club, actually Joana was reluctant to come but because she was not used to sleeping early so she went to the club to just relax. Joana laid her head on the table she used to use, even though she had closed her eyes but didn't really fall asleep.

Vincent approached Joana while carrying a soda in his hand for the girl because he knew that Joana could not accept even low levels of alcohol.

"Are you sick Joana?" Vincent's words made the girl raise her head, she sighed before drinking the soda that Vincent gave her.

"I'm fine Vin, just a little bored," said Joana, leaning her head lazily.

Vincent sat in front of the girl because the visitors weren't too crowded so he had time to just chat with Joana.

"Want to go out for the weekend with me?" Vincent suggested asking the girl to go seemed fun, Vincent thought.

"I'm going to Beatrix's wedding, Vin. Did you forget?"

"Ah, yes ... you're right! I forgot," said Vincent with his infectious five-finger smile at Joana.

"Want to go there with me?"

"I don't know, Vin, Edy invited me yesterday." Joana looks lethargic, different from usual who always looks cheerful and friendly.

"You look lethargic, is it true that you're fine?"

Joana just nodded, for some reason she felt very lazy to come to the club tonight if it wasn't because she was late in the apartment but she felt lonely when she heard Garry say goodbye to go home, so instead of Joana being alone in the apartment, she went to the club.


Sean cleaned himself up before leaving for the mansion, when the man was getting ready to go home from work the Mommy called so loudly telling Sean to go back to the mansion.

Actually, Sean was reluctant but his parents forced him, especially the Mommy. Because surely there will not be much discussion other than marriage, marriage and marriage.

After he finished, Sean rushed out of the apartment, his steps stopped when he looked at the apartment which was directly opposite his own. Sean just remembered that the apartment was recorded as belonging to Edgar Kenedy, but why did the woman occupy it?

Did Edgar have a special relationship with the girl so that he let her occupy the apartment that Edgar even deliberately bought for the late Emily.

Sean snapped out of his thoughts when his cell phone vibrated, he didn't even know why he was thinking about the girl who lived across from his apartment who he had only met a few times.

Sean lazily picked up the incoming call from the Mommy.

"Yes Mom?" greeted Sean as the call connected.


"Yes, I'm leaving now!"

Sean rushed off after getting a call from his Mommy, he even chuckled annoyed when the elevator suddenly felt slow for him.

Sean drove his car at high speed, he was deliberately speeding to cut time because he couldn't wait to get there, the young man really couldn't wait to go home even though he had been reluctant a while ago but is now so excited after getting a call from Mommy.


Sean braked his car when he arrived at the mansion yard, he even jumped out of the car impatiently.

When he entered his ear he caught the sound of a child's laughter that he missed so much.

"Daddy...!" shouted a girl who was about five years old when she saw Sean coming and made everyone turn their attention to Sean.

With a happy face, Sean approached the cute boy who had stretched out his arms asking for a hug from him.


Sean hugged, twisted and even floated the boy in the air making the little girl laugh.

"Daddy, it's done! Ara is tired!" said the boy named Ara, but Sean ignored Ara's words, he again threw a tantrum by kissing Ara's whole face, making the little girl almost cry.

When he saw Ara's eyes that were already teary, then Sean stopped acting with the little girl named Ara, he lowered Ara from his lap after teasing Ara until he almost cried.

"Daddy, Ara misses Daddy," said Ara after Sean put the little girl down.

"Daddy misses you too Ara! Why did it take so long to leave Daddy, here Daddy feels lonely and alone because no one wants to play with Daddy," Sean said like a child making Ara giggled at Felix's statement.

Mommy Sean hit his son's arm who kept teasing Ara.

"If you want to have a child like Ara, then you should get married as soon as possible to Frans, who this week will marry Beatrix." The Mommy brought up Sean to get married quickly while his son just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly without bothering to pay attention to what Mommy said.

Sean is reluctant to go home if all he hears is always about getting married, getting married, getting married and getting married because it is not far from what Sean expects if such a discussion must be tucked in every word of his mother.

Sean didn't want to bother, he was happy enough just to be called Daddy by his nephew Ara.

Yes, Ara is Sean's nephew who he deliberately asked to call him Daddy.

Ara is the daughter of her older sister. After ignoring Mommy's words about getting married, Sean now approaches his older sister, who has not seen each other for a long time, just to let go.

"Even after a few years I've been abroad to this day I still haven't received any happy news about you getting married, for example, I'm grateful that you have a child right away!" his brother said as Sean let go of his arm.

"I'm not a naughty man who always sows carelessly, my seeds are too expensive if they have to be wasted. Can you all be patient, don't be too pushy to get married when it's time I will definitely get married," said Sean.

Everyone in the room just nodded. They all knew that Sean had his own views on women. He even generalizes women as money-mad creatures except for his mother and sister.

Sean said goodbye to his family because it was late at night, he entered the room on the second floor, even Ara had been asleep since an hour ago.

Sean entered his room which had black and silver nuances, he lay down his tired body on his soft bed.

Trying to close his eyes with one hand to cushion and the other to cover his eyes, the image of Joana suddenly appeared, making Sean glared at him, he didn't expect that his apartment neighbor could come uninvited in his mind.

'What is wrong with me?' Sean wondered.

Sean took a deep breath before finally getting up to go to the bathroom to clean himself under the shower, feeling the cold sensation of water seeping into the pores of the skin.


Meanwhile at the nightclub, Joana really looks lethargic, coincidentally tonight Edgar came to visit the club.

"Hey, Joana, how are you, sick?" asked Edgar but Joana just shook her head.

"I don't know what happened to that girl, Edy, but since she arrived she looks lethargic as if she wasn't excited every time I asked her she answered if she was okay." Vincent walked over to Edgar who was sitting opposite Joana.

"Not going to tell me now Joana?" asked Edgar, taking a sip of the drink Vincent had just brought for him and Joana.

Joana, who had been looking down languidly, finally raised her head. "I miss Garry, even though today I was with him all day even when I left he was the one who brought me here," said Joana while supporting her cheek.

"You can exchange news via Joana's cell phone! Now that the times are modern and sophisticated, even humans from other parts of the world can communicate easily because of the sophistication of technology," said Edgar, feeling exasperated with Joana's behavior, which is exactly like a girl in love.

Joana nodded hearing Edgar's words as well as Vincent who smiled too when Joana regained the cheerful hue on her face.

While he was chatting with Edgar and Vincent, someone he didn't know came.

A tall and athletic man with strong jaws was looking around at Joana's desk. The man's green eyes met Joana's beautiful eyes.

The man approached Joana who from the beginning saw his arrival and did not take his eyes off even once.

When they arrived, Joana stood up to greet her guest.

"Can I help you, sir?" asked Joana, friendly to the visitor. While the man immediately sat down without being invited.

"I heard you can sort out some of the couple's quarreling issues, Miss?" asked the man, Joana just nodded as needed.

"I'm having a problem with my girlfriend can you help me, Miss?" asked the man with a straight face, Joana just smiled faintly in response to the man's question because she wasn't sure she could help each couple's problems because Joana herself didn't really know about relationships, it's just that Joana always tried to give a solution that she thought was good for everyone who asked her .