
Chapter Two

Fraya sat there with the white pup till she could no longer hear Ember and the warriors. She never did like this job and never really wanted to do it but the alpha only gave her two choices. The choices where to eaither accept the job or be cast out of the pack because she was infernal. Fraya shutters at the thought of being cast out of the pack and having to defend on her own. She knows she's not a good enough hunter and would starve if she was cast out. She knew she had to get rid of this pup and hurry back to the pack before long. Fraya sighed and gently picked up the crying pup and walked out into the chilly morning air. As she was walking she was looking for a good place to put the pup somewhere the woods it would give mercy to this pup quickly so she didn't suffer. Those that did manage to find there way back to the pack where omegas and where treated horribly. As she was walking she saw a spot on a well used trail by coyote's and foxe's she hope's one of them came along shortly.

As she gently placed the pup down she sat there for a minute. "I wish you luck in your life little pup may the gods guide your paws to safety little one" she said then turned away from the pup and walked off. She could hear it's crys for her mother's warmth but she knew she should be getting back to the pack and quickened her pace to get back to the camp. For some reason she had a feeling she would see this tiny white pup again.

It didn't take long for her to return to camp because she knew all the short cuts her mother had tought her when she was a little pup. Her mother made sure all of her pups knew thier way home. She sighed wondering if a Fraya was around when she was born if she would of been cast out like the tiny white pup. She hurryed to her den as she didn't want to be bothered by any other wolf (not like any wolf wanted anything to do with her anyways) for she always felt guilty after having to do what she did.