
Chapter Sixteen

Luna got nudged awake by an elder. "It's time for your second trail." Said the elder who quickly walked out. Luna followed her to clearing where the other elders and her Alpha was. "Today you will show us your hunting skills. Catch what ever you think would be able to feed a pack. This trail is important to know. You may begain" The elder said. Luna took a deep breath in and she smelled elk heard to the north of them. She set out quickly, tracking the smell of elk threw the hills till it was extremely strong.

She crouched down low and moved slowly till they where in her line of sight. She stay there down wind of them observing the herd. She noticed two young calf's who were staying close to their mothers. "I could go after one the them" she thought to herself. She continued to scan the hear as her eyes landed on a much older elk. It was limping, probably from old age or got hurt when running. "That's gonna be my best chance to catch something. I know if I go after the young with out a pack the mothers will attack me." She thought.

She stayed still till the older elk moved closer. It wasn't even aware that she was there. She knew her timing had to be perfect to bring down this big of a pray by her self. The elder elk was just a few steps from her when she lunched her self from the bushes she was hiding in. She went straight for the throat. The whole herd spooked as she lunched, but before the elder elk had a chance to run Luna dig her teeth in his neck and held on as tight as she could. He started to thrash around as the rest of his herd ran off. Soon he dropped to the ground not moving. Luna knew he was gone as she didn't feel his heart beat in her teeth no more and she let go and stood in front of the elder elk panting. She walked in front of him and crouched down and whispered to him " thank you".

Luna heard foot steps approaching it the sent told her it was the alpha. "Not a bad catch for a wolf hunting alone" Alpha said to Luna. She felt pride swell in her chest as she knew she impressed him and the elders. He helped Luna drag it back to the elders who where very pleased with what they saw. They all shared the elk Luna cought and the elders looked at her and spoke "Tomorrow you will be doing the test of courage. So get some rest." The elders walked to their dens. Luna walked to her temporary den and smiled to her self she knew what her mother Connie told her was right she have no issues passing these trails. Luna climbed in to her nest and settled down for the night. She drifted of to sleep quickly as she had used a lot of energy hunting.

sorry it took so long to write this next chapter promise to do more soon

Luna120creators' thoughts