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When the spiritual barrier that has been intact for a hundred years is shattered by a meteor, spiritual energy that had disappeared starts to return. The mystical realm slowly begins its revival—magic, witchcraft, curses, supernatural lifeforms, strange and mysterious legends, monsters, and gods from other worlds… The old world order collapses, yet the new order is mystifying and chaotic. Just before the unprecedented reformation is here, Tang Qi awakens and finds himself hung on the cross, having turned into an inferior demon and in great pain and agony… With his special ability to see through the nature of all things from the mystical realm and a sly and crafty mind, follow Tang Qi as he develops new skills and powers—as well as making new friends and allies—to battle and protect himself from never before seen supernatural threats in an unfamiliar world!

Ancient_ · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

Chapter 114: Mysterious Seal and Experiment Log

In Abu's wooden house, Tang Qi not only completed the plan to destroy the family, but also obtained a lot of benefits.

Although the largest share had to be buried in the coffin because of Samra, Tang Qi was very satisfied with the remaining unmarked mystical objects.

In addition to the Bola Viper Drum and the fire oil secret medicine he had inspected before, Tang Qi also got some weird materials and some small mystical objects that didn't look powerful.

With the help of his special ability, he examined everything carefully.

Most of them were materials that could be used to configure secret medicines or create items. However, they were useless for the time being, and he put all of them away.

As a wizard, storage was a skill that must be learned.

After sorting through more than half of the inventory, Tang Qi realized that the biggest gain might be the snare drum and the secret medicine.

Just then, a strange thing appeared in his hand.

On his palm lay a round and exquisite seal.

It seemed to be made of copper, and at the bottom, there was a thin red mark engraved with a complex line of symbols, which seemed to be some kind of text.

When Tang Qi looked over, he found that there were dots of dim lights gathering over.

This seal was a mystical object.

[Mystical Object: Mysterious Seal. ]

[State: Consuming. ]

[Information Fragment 1: The mystical side of Moses City began to recover, and a group of mysterious forces decided to launch a supernatural marketplace that only conducts transactions with supernatural items. It only accepts extraordinary human beings or intelligent monsters. ]

[Information Fragment 2: The mysterious bazaar has just emerged. It does not even have a name of its own. Many people who have shown extraordinary powers have obtained the seal, but this seal can only be used once. Because soon, the initiator will verify the qualifications, and the losers will no longer be able to enter it. ]

[Information Fragment 3: The next meeting will be held two days later. ]


Looking carefully at the information fragments attached to the seal, Tang Qi froze for a moment, and then immediately smiled.

It was a pleasant surprise.

After participating in the night market of the Blue Bear Park, Tang Qi confirmed that there were opportunities and necessities for a market where "extraordinary transactions" could be conducted.

Tang Qi even considered that if there was no such market, could he be the initiator?

Of course, he quickly abandoned this idea.

He was all by himself now, running a market was not suitable for him.

But he didn't expect that someone would be of the same heart as him.

Perhaps, it was a group of mystical forces.

And it seemed that this force was very professional.

Tang Qi picked up the seal and examined it carefully. Soon, he found the site where the mysterious market was held in a hidden place of the seal.

According to the information fragment, this place should also be temporary.

For qualification purposes, you can get the verification opportunity by going with the seal. Once you fail, you will not be able to enter the next assembly.

"This extraordinary market sounds very suitable for me."

Looking at the seal, Tang Qi became very interested.

It could be even said that he was looking forward to it.

Ever since he fought against Old Morgan, Tang Qi relied on himself. Except for his quick encounter with old Colson and Jason last time, he hadn't communicated with any other extraordinary practitioners.

Unfortunately, because of Tang Qi's careful arrangements and his unwillingness to be tied to the official chariot. He was only left with a telephone number from old Coleson. Afterward, there was a short transaction, but there was no in-depth communication.

Tang Qi was eager to know everything about the supernatural side, but he couldn't place all his hopes on the officials.

This sudden appearance of the marketplace of extraordinary people was in line with Tang Qi's requirements.

As for whether it was a trap?

Tang Qi thought about it. If it was a trap, it should target Abu.

But from the two information fragments, it didn't seem like a trap.

"I'll check it out when it's time, if I have a bad feeling, I just won't show up."

Tang Qi soon made a decision and put away the seal. Relying on the "mist body", even if Tang Qi encountered a supernatural power on the level of Samra, as long as he didn't reveal himself, it was not difficult to escape.

After the mysterious seal, there was only one thing left on the workbench.

It was a notebook note. To be exact, an experiment log.

They used the cheapest notebook on the market, rough paper, very messy handwriting, and drawings.

Who would've thought of that? All the records were disgusting and strange witchcraft spells.

Just like the configuration of the secret medicine, the props, medium, and other things needed for black magic were not all natural, and needed to be made by the witches themselves.

Similarly, they also had different chances of success.

At this time, it was not surprising that the experiment log appeared.

In fact, every witch was a person with extraordinary talent, even if it was something like the black snake witch, which was completely from the evil camp.

Abu may be an uncultured man. After all, he was not well-educated, but he was taught by Samra, which proved his talent in witchcraft. Being Samra's favorite, it was not just because of his connection with Foska.

Tang Qi picked up the experiment log and read it page by page.

Although Abu's handwriting was scribbly and messy, and also contained some symbols unique to the Saha continent, it was not difficult for him to comprehend.

In terms of orthodox learning, Tang Qi was a really bad student. He was completely thrown off by a straight-A student like Sally. But in some obscure and mysterious knowledge, Tang Qi would absorb it faster than ordinary people.

Most of the records in the log were black magic from the Black Snake Cult.

Each of them was powerful.

But Tang Qi was not interested in it, not because of his morality.

It was because Tang Qi knew from old Morgan's Diary that there was a terrible rule in the Black Snake Cult. Every new disciple who practices the "Black Snake Witchcraft", no matter where he was, would be sensed by the current Black Snake Witch.

Because the practice of the black snake spells does not require as many harsh conditions as other magic schools, it was very easy to learn and one could obtain a strong fighting power in a short period of time.

And the price was to tie his life and soul to the Black Snake Cult, he would be spared even after death.

In fact, even the Black Snake Witch herself was the same.

The one who really received these "benefits", was the Evil God that the Black Snake Cult believed in.

Tang Qi still had a big trap, waiting to kill Samra. How could he leave something on him?

Therefore, even at this time, he completely ignored the terrifying black magic spells flashing in his eyes.

He was looking for some spells that did not belong to the black snake spell system.

Because of the uniqueness of the Saha continent, some powerful witches often grasp more than one school of black magic spells, even if they couldn't fully exert the power of other schools of magic, it was very convenient for making small things.

For example, the fire oil secret medicine in the hands of Tang Qi was definitely not the secret medicine of the Black Snake Cult.

It should be a secret pharmacy knowledge that Samra robbed from other tribes, and then she personally allocated a copy for her second son.

That was exactly what Tang Qi was looking for.

But seeing that the pages of the thick log were about to end, Tang Qi hasn't got any gains yet.

Until his finger turned over to the third page before last, and a smile suddenly appeared on his expressionless face.