
Please Remember Me

Adam, a boy who fall in love with a girl from the elementary school, Ana. She was a tomboy that even beat the attitude of a boy. But even so, Adam still put his heart on her. until high school, he piled up the courage to confess to her. the girl forgot about him, leading Adam to just give up. Is this the end? Follow the stories of Adam and Ana throughout their love and tragic stories

Vainerd · Général
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27 Chs

Chapter 1

It's finally the day, I, Adam will confess to the girl I love, Ana.

As I put on my uniform calmly and slowly to make sure that everything looks good, I watch the clock. It's 9 in the morning.

"Oh my god! I'm 2 hours late!"

I run out of my room, sprinting to the school like a mad man. How could I late 2 hours, didn't my sister wake me up?. That's what I thought.

As I draw closer to the school gate, I took a breath as I panting for overrun myself.

Then I look back, I saw a girl with a long black hair, a little short than me running towards the school, panting and running like a mad woman.

Anna...I thought to myself.

Then I sneakily enter the school and into the class when the teacher not around. Sometimes I thought to myself, am I a ninja?. Wait, that because I'm an extra that nobody had noticed me.


without I noticed the school end, and that mean that my confess time has arrived.

As I walk toward her, I take my step slowly, as I admiring her beauty, and cuteness while talking to her friend. I'm joking, I feel very nervous that I walk like a robot.

As I arrived in front of her, her eyes staring at me just froze me up.



"Will...Will you...Go...G..."

"But before that..."


"May I ask your name?"


What an idiot I am. I'm just an extra. there's no way she remember me, let alone go out with me.

"Will you...Will you teach me English after this? I know you are good at it, if it doesn't bother you."

"No, not at all. I would be happy to."


I smile and walk out of the class. I'm so pathetic. I could not even ask a girl out.

The next day, I wake up early than yesterday to prevent the last trouble to occur.

"Brother, good morning."

"Shut up, don't talk to me unless you are the heroine of this story!"


well I think I did a good start. What do you guys think? Please comment and keep reading my work.

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