2 Do I Know You?

I think I'm starting to get a consistent schedule to get to school on time now. Not only did I wake up early, I made my own lunch this time, I had a proper breakfast meal, and I dressed a bit more nice today.


Ow ow ow owwwww! Not again! Déjà vu all over again!

"You again? How did you decide to go to school at the same time that I did again? I went earlier today as well?" It's only 7:05 a.m. right now. Does she have a tracker on my bike? Or my backpack? Maybe even my body?!

"Ah, sorry about that Lanathy! I decided to go to school early today as well since I know the schedule and layout of the school a bit more." Aw, poor girl. She must still be new around here. . . IS WHAT I WOULD SAY TO A TODDLER!

"Listen lady, tell me where you live real quick."

"I live on Parker Tall Avenue." As she said that, I tried to think up of some shortcuts from that route. Lets see, nowhere to cut through and the only one way to get here the fastest is . . . *sigh* I guess this is the only way she is able to get to school the fastest. "How come you wanted to know where I live? And also, did you forget my name?"

I told her before hand didn't I? I was going to forget her name.

"Was it Sherry?"

"Whaaat?! That's not even close." Her face pouted and she straightened her posture. "It's Zofia, okay. Do you need a last name to remember as well?"

"It sounds like your parents were in a mix between deciding to name you Zoey and Sofia so they just combined them together." I blurted out my thoughts as I heard her name again.

"I never thought of it like that, haha." She placed a finger on her chin while laughing.

What a weird person. Who does that?

I decide to walk to school shortly after that without replying back. I didn't bring my bike as I was already going to school early. However, she was walking right behind me.

"Hey, could you not make it look like you were trying to stalk me?"

"But I need to go to school as well. And this is the only other sidewalk I can be on to get to school." Oh yeah, but then again what a pain. "Should we talk while we go to school then?"

"What would there even be to talk about?"

"How about your posture? You look all slouched over when wearing your backpack and you look like a turtle, haha. Is your backpack heavy or something?" She placed her finger on her chin again.

"Why don't you try carrying this backpack then?" I taunt and reply.

"Okay, give me your backpack now." Her right arm extended out from behind me. I turned around and her face was smug. 'So you think you can dodge my taunt and then send a counter-attack?' I said to myself.

"No thanks. . ."

Come to think of it, I never really described what she looked like. Before I was in a rush to get to school and during lunch I was planning on what to do after school. I could just plan on what to do once I get to school but it'll probably be the same as everyday. Waiting until the bell rings and then attending class.

I take a glance back and look at her again. Her hair was short so it kind of looked like a boy's haircut. But the way she dressed and talked was a giveaway that she is a girl. She wore a striped black and white shirt with a jean jacket above it in a light sky blue color. She wore jeans for pants as well but they were black and ripped. Is that really the style nowadays?

We continued talking until we got to school and then she split to hang out with her friends.

I decided to go to a restaurant today. I decided while I was having lunch. The food I made was good but I still wanted to eat more. Plus, I wouldn't want to eat the school food either so I decided to go to eat ramen. This ramen restaurant is also incredibly delicious. My favorite bowl comes with spicy miso soup with corn, green onions, red pepper strings, and a fish cake. The best part about this bowl is the pork belly meat. Ah, how I wish I could make this myself. I have got to know how they make the ramen here.

Oh looks like it's here. The waiter brings out my bowl and I add some pepper as well. Alright! Time to dig in!

As I was eating my bowl of ramen a group of high school girls come into the restaurant as well. They're probably from Veera Hatch as well. Additionally, they are really loud. They gossip as they are seated and I am trying to enjoy my ramen in peace.

"And that why Jack and Bailey aren't together anymore apparently." I overhear their conversation. Man, I really wish I could have those hearing aids that can mute things around me or amplify the sound.

"If I were in a relationship then I wouldn't have done that."

"What do you mean Zofia?" Zofia? Wait she's here too? I was sitting on the couch seats and I wasn't looking behind me. They were seated at my 5 o'clock but not too far away where I can't see or not hear them. And also, why is she following me everywhere? I need to make sure there are no tracking devices on my backpack or clothes. Maybe even my hair too.

"I mean, Jack was constantly on Bailey and Bailey couldn't handle it right? Since they broke up it obviously meant they were not supposed to be together for a long time. I would have tried to do as many things with them before they start to feel that way."

"You must be speaking out of your ass right now Zofia, haha. You'd be no different from Jack if you did that."

I need to finish my food quickly and get out of here. I start to slurp up the noodles and drink the soup faster.

"But I said that because I've never been in a relationship before. If I were then I'd make as much time for them and talk to them as many times as I can. Even if I were to see them in public I'd want to talk to them just for a little."

*Cough cough* The soup is so freaking hot. I'll at least finish the pork belly last. I'm not even paying attention to what they're talking about but I can hear their conversation. The words are being processed in my mind but not the idea and imagery of their speech.

I walk up to the check and pay for my meal and make sure to leave at least a 10 dollar tip. As the cashier was getting the receipt ready, the girls started whispering.

Weird women.

I take my receipt and take a glance at their table before I leave. They all looked at me before looking at each other. This all happened in under a second.

Ah man, now I have to do homework when I get home. . . . . A relationship though huh.

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