
Chapter 1306 Hot Spring part 3

"And where will I go? There's nothing more convenient for newcomers like us than this place." Aizen went past the three men still standing and took the spot furthest from the group, "Hmmm... I've only heard about your White Bone Hell but it's as good as expected."

'Is this even remotely effective for someone like you?' Tenjirou asked himself, "How are you even coming in and out of this place? My understanding is that this place is part of Urahara's territory so I doubt it lacks the security to let you do as you please."

"Believe it or not but despite acting like children, those two are careful enough to not leave me alone. Although that also meant that I could access places where they are normally allowed to go." Aizen shrugged his shoulders in dismissal, "But enough about me. I'm more interested in your guests here."

Sirzechs smiled at him and introduced himself, "Pleased to meet you. I'm Lucifer Sirzechs, one of the Devil Kings."

"Sosuke Aizen, former Captain of the Gotei 13. I've heard about you from Sitri Serafall and indeed you give the same feeling as her and the man with green hair called Beelzebub Ajuka." Aizen scooped out a bit of the water and inspected it.

"Is that so? I see that you can see things that normal people can't." Sirzechs is doing his best to figure this man out. When he came to the Ouroboros Academy earlier, he already heard about the third individual who came with the guests and left. He used his network to find him but failed to do so. Out of the three, he's the most enigmatic and it seems that Yoruichi is on guard against him.

Although Sirzechs was trying to hide what he's thinking behind a small smile, Tenjirou and Aizen still managed to guess what he's trying to do as both noticed the curiosity behind his eyes.

Tenjirou was staring straight ahead and without turning his head, he suddenly said, "A friendly reminder here. Don't ever trust this guy. Aside from being cunning like a snake, he also has a nasty personality. He'll happily shake your hand as he burns your house behind you if it benefits him."

Sirzechs chuckled and said, "You two must be close if you can openly diss him like this."

But contrary to his lightheartedness, Tenjirou turned to his direction, "This is a fair warning... Well, you probably won't understand until you experience it." He lifted his right hand and from it, a black snake emerged which surprised everyone because that's a very familiar snake.

As soon as Tenjirou started gesturing, the snake to him flew at lightning speed and brushed past everyone, slightly touching them with its tail before returning and disappearing where it came from.

The men didn't defend themselves because nothing about the snake is dangerous. However, the moment it touched them, they felt that something was wrong but couldn't immediately tell what it was.

"I'll ask you this. Just where were you looking just now?"

At that moment, they finally figured out what was bothering them and upon realization, they all shuddered, and that included Sirzechs and Crom.

Aizen, who was happily talking from the remote corner of the hot spring, was now sitting opposite of Tenjirou. What's strange, however, is that they are very sure that he didn't move even an inch from his spot.

"W-w-wait... WHAT!?" Gasper raised his voice.

"H-he never moved, did he?" Yuuto asked while gulping.

"...If my senses are not failing me, he didn't. There's not a bit of ripple in the surroundings." Vali answered while staring daggers at Aizen.

Sairaorg still couldn't believe it so he suggested, "Maybe it's an advanced stealth movement?"

"No." The corner of Sirzechs' mouth is twitching, "He never moved... We all just thought that he was sitting in that corner... When in reality, he's been this close all this time."

At Sirzechs' confirmation, the others instantly flared their aura up with the exception of Crom.

"My, I was hoping that they'd figure it out on their own." Aizen was still casually sitting on his spot, "You just had to ruin the fun." But as soon as he finished his words, a purple glint lit up his body before he disappeared and reappeared behind the men who were still standing on the side of the hot spring. Aizen wrapped his towel around his waist and started walking away, "It seems that I'm not welcome anymore so I'll be taking my leave first. Enjoy your stay."

The group could only remain stunned as he left the premises. But even after his presence was gone, the aura the men were releasing only intensified.

Sirzechs frowned, "Was that instant teleportation? But what medium did he use?"

Upon feeling the wind kicking up, Tenjirou sighed and said, "Don't bother. You wouldn't be able to stop him."

Crom finally reacted feeling a bit insulted even though he was not really thinking of chasing after Aizen, "Ho? That's an interesting thing to say. You don't know us, do you?"

Tenjirou leaned back, not intimidated by the aura that Crom is now releasing, "I don't. And I actually think that you guys are ridiculous people who are around the level of that guy in red armor. Hyoudou Issei was it? Seriously, if that's the norm, I'd be too afraid to get out of my house."

"You know Issei-senpai!?" Gasper hurriedly asked while approaching excitedly.

Tenjirou nodded, "He's one of the people who fought against a certain monster in our world. But you see, even if there are five of him it may still not be enough to catch him. Even Urahara had to work around him just to seal him."

"!?" All of them didn't know what to say and it was only after a few seconds of silence that Sirzechs managed to squeeze out a wry smile, "I see... Then he must be around Ophis or Great Red's level in their heyday."

'The Dungeon world didn't have any Transcendents anymore after Kisuke Urahara defeated Tiamat and Chaos, but this time, it's a walking, talking Transcendent... This isn't good, is it? If his existence is revealed, it's going to be another messy phase that may actually start a big war.' Sirzechs thought to himself before suddenly standing up, 'The Ouroboros Group will probably welcome that chaos considering the situation they are in so they probably won't do anything to hide him. But that won't do. We're still fractured and unprepared. Even if the DxD Team is a good deterrent, those bastards will do anything to pull this man to their side.'

Sirzechs gave Tenjirou a small smile and bid him farewell, "Thank you for this wonderful experience but something came up so I have to go."

He didn't wait for Tenjirou to say anything and just directly went to the dressing room before teleporting away.

Tenjirou watched him leave for a moment before turning to the three men that's still standing, "Nothing will change even if you stand around and wait. Or are you actually not confident?"

That question instantly lit the fire in their heart and they all simultaneously jumped into the hot spring. However, unlike Gasper, Crom, Sirzechs, and Aizen, they could only last for 2-5 minutes before their skin and flesh started burning. It was then that they realized that they were all the barely passers.


28th00: Aizen enjoys stirring up chaos.

Goyya: As someone trapped in darkness for a long time, I guess he’s a bit hungry for some entertainment.

Goyyacreators' thoughts