
Playing as a Bender (Avatar: Last Airbender SI)

A young man finds himself waking up with new memories, and he only has the bending system to help him through his journey. --- patreon if you want to support. www.patreon.com/Blazuki Note: I'm posting this somewhere else under my other name, Yourikara3.

blazuki · TV
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83 Chs

Chapter 11

Time Skip: 3 weeks.

It was dawn.

In the backyard of his house, Haru was lying on his back, holding two huge dumbbells and pushing them up. They were large, and each weighed 300 kilogrammes.


His game-character-like stamina had been a great help for sure.

Unlike increasing his power with Affinity Points, the training gave him muscle mass. Haru had noticed that as his veins appeared on his muscles. Also, his recovery speed and stamina had helped him gain power fast.

During these three weeks of intense training, Haru gained a total of 5 points for his Physique. Luckily for Haru, Mike was a gym rat. It gave Haru the best method to train his muscles, which of course, increased his power.

His metalbending helped him create his training equipment.

After about an hour or so, Haru threw the large dumbbells to the side and swept the sweat on his back.

He had read a bunch of notifications that appeared.

[Health - 10]

[Health - 5]

[Health -3]

His muscles were sore, and he was hurt. Luckily, he had a solution for that. Opening his hand and summoning some bottles of water from the storage, Haru started drinking.

[Health +10]

"Time for the agility training."

Haru lifted his hands, and a 5 meters high wall appeared from the ground. He stared at it. He dashed forward, put his foot on the wall, and pushed himself up, running a few steps. Once he made 5 steps, he flipped backwards and landed on his feet.

This was one of the ways he used to train his agility. Sometimes, he would ask his father to shoot some rocks at him. Haru would flip on the ground and do everything he can to dodge. The only thing he learnt: it was too painful.

After repeating the run on the wall many times, Haru made a total of seven steps.

[Agility +1]

'Finally.' Thought Haru as he lifted his hands and clenched his fists as he flipped backwards. He waved his hands down, and the wall was buried under the ground.

This extra point didn't mean that Haru became just more agile. It also meant that he became faster.

His initial agility was 3 points. Now it reached 6, and his running speed doubled. His jumping limit and the speed of his punches also increased.

For the last three weeks, Haru had been training like a madman. He wanted to become strong enough to kick the Fire Nation army out of the Earth Kingdom, and he couldn't afford to waste time. There was one say that motivated him. "It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."With the penitentials that his game-character-like body had, Haru was very curious to know what's his peak.

Haru's morning routine wasn't over. He walked to a near tree in this backyard, sat below the tree, opened his hand, and a book appeared.

He started reading.

He found that one of the best ways to increase his Wisdom is by becoming wiser. He can also meditate.

[Wisdom +1]

That point, even if it was a single one, was appreciated. After all, he gained a lot of wisdom by using points. Surpassing the level he reached by the system needs a lot of effort.


Level: 13

Health: 675/675

Chi: 16000/16000


-Wisdom: 35

-Physique: 25

-Agility 6

Affinity Points: 8

Skill Points: 15]

"Haru, the breakfast is ready."

Haru closed the book as he heard his father's voice. He entered the house and found his mother and dad waiting for him. They seemed that they had a good sleep, unlike him.

"Still early as usual." Tyro, who was sitting at the table, said. "Son, you don't have to wake up early and sleep late. It's not very good for your health."

"It's the okay father. It won't last forever." Haru said as he sat down. "Once I'm strong enough I'll stop."

"It's not only that." Kara voiced her opinion. "You are not only intensively training, but you are training your fellow villagers. If you keep acting like that, I won't manage to find you a wife."

Haru smiled bitterly.

Haru's life, every day, was very busy.

Because he had been in this village and without enemies to fight, it was hard to gain experience to level up.

Luckily, there was another path he could take. He could gain experience by triggering quests. It's simple if you figure out the principle. This is a life that's like a game. In games, you talk to NPCs, and you get a quest. Or, you can trigger it when you decide to do something related to you and to your surroundings.

Haru had been walking around, talking to his fellow villagers and trying to help them solve their troubles.

He had triggered a few quests that had a rewarding experience.

One was to build a metal wall around the city. The other was to teach people the principles of metalbending. Both were personal quests, and he managed to do them well. Other than that, he fixed houses, hunted beasts in the forest to bring enough meat to the village, and so…

Because of those quests, Haru managed to go up two levels.

There was one quest that it's lacking behind.

[Quest: Build a metal wall.

Use your ability and your fellow villagers to build a wall supported by metal to protect you when the fire nation attacks.


20.000 exp

Storage Box.

Risks: non.

Time limit: unlimited]

Haru sighed. "So you want to find me a wife."

"You are already old enough. Besides, some of the girls around find you attractive. I can find you an older bender, like yourself…" Kara said. "I don't want you to leave the village. At least leave me a grandson."

Tyro held his laugh.

Haru let a deep sigh. Because he was too busy, he couldn't focus on satisfying himself. He is a man who decided to become a strong conqueror in the future. He didn't have time.

But although it was harsh, the conqueror's path was also rewarding.

Genghis Khan, one of the most known conquerors on Earth, had 6 wives and five hundred concubines.

"It's okay Haru…" Tyro gave him an elbow. "You can have fun some time."

Haru just smiled, put the plate, and said. "Thanks for the food. But I have a school to teach."

"Oh." Tyro rubbed his bear. "But we already mastered the metalbending."

"I know… I'll take them to complete the walls."

"That would be a good idea."

The walls. During the last two weeks, Haru had convinced every earthbender in the villager to make defensive walls, especially in the sea's direction.

The earthbenders had been making very large and heavy bricks. It took at least 3 benders to move the large bricks. Haru could move two on his own. Moreover, Haru and his dad compressed the bricks. They then had put them around the village.

They were lucky that they are earthbenders, for such a wall would take years to build for a normal human.

As for the last week, Haru was making the metalbenders cover the wall with metal.

Out of the 40 benders that the village has, plus the 10 benders that Haru brought with him, only 12 could metal bend. 10 were from his village, and the others were from the bandits.

Upon mentioning the bandits. Haru had given them some water and said it had the antidote. They had gladly accepted. But they had frowned as soon as Haru said that they have one year to live and that they need the second antidote to be free.

Haru had believed that a soldier who isn't loyal to his kingdom can't be loyal to him. So, he had to force them to be loyal.

"Now, excuse me, I'll be meeting my students…"


Haru was standing at the shores. There were twelve people, including his father, standing up. Next to them was a large mass of metal, an unshaped one, which they had found at the bottom of the rig prison.

"You can start."

Haru stretched his arms. Even though he was standing from a far distance, a piece of metal floated toward him, shaping a surface, which was sent flying and stuck to the wall that was behind him.

The other benders started doing so, lifting up the metal. But unlike Haru, they had to be quite near the metal, and they needed more effort to shape it…

Haru crossed his arms and observed everyone, a proud smile was being drawn on his face. He felt proud when seeing his students doing well.

"Hey Haru…" said a feminine voice. Haru turned his face. A middle height black-haired girl with green eyes appeared, waving her hand. She had neck-length straight hair, flawless white skin, and an hourglass slender shape.

"What's up, Luna," Haru said, turning to the wall and waving his hand.

This girl was one of the earthbenders that had been prisoned. She was a childhood friend of his, a year older than him. But she was unlucky that she was taken to the prison rig as they had found out about her earthbending ability, unlike him.

Luna smiled. "Hey, don't ignore me… can't spend some time teaching me." She crossed her arms and stared into his eyes.

"You can't metalbend…" Haru said, not looking at her, but at the wall.

"But we can earthbend together." She said, obviously inviting him for some romantic time.

Haru wasn't your harem protagonist, and by that, he meant the usual type. He liked harem. But he wasn't someone who was so oblivious to the signs that girls give.

With Mike's memories, Haru knew that he was attractive to the girls in the world. In the other timeline, he made the little version of Johnny Sins, Aang, jealous.

'He worked here as a monk. Is there a job that man didn't get into?'

"Sure, if you only defeat me." Haru lowered his head and smiled.

Probably, since he is planning to leave tomorrow, he wouldn't mind sparing time with a fellow girl, who hadn't seen him for 4 years.

She smiled, squatted, and kicked on the ground, sending a wave through the earth, which created a spike that headed to Haru's face.

Haru took a step to the side, titled his head to the left and dodged. "Easy girl, I didn't even say start."

He could block with his earthbending, but his agility helped him here.

"Your fault." She put her hand on the ground, sending a wave through the ground, which made it soft.

Haru took two quick steps to the side and threw his shoes off. He now could sense the earth with his foot alone, and technically, he could predict every movement around him.

Haru raised his hand, and the ground around Luna was lifted along with her. Haru twitched his hand, and Luna fell down. He then bent to the ground, shackling her hands to the wall behind her.

"I lost." She let a sigh and smiled. "You are way stronger than the last time I had seen you. Good for you."

"So, will you challenge me again?" Haru walked toward her, put his hand on her chin, and asked.

It's not the first time that happened. He had been challenged quite numerous times, and it's obvious why.

She went silent for a moment, her cheeks colours changing to pink for a moment when she made eye contact.

She seems to be into this.

Haru had one idea, 'Cute.'

"If you don't mind, I'll try." She turned her head and said.

Haru released his grip on her. "Yeah, but that has to wait."


"I'm leaving the village…" Haru said.

"Huh? Why." She asked, lifting her head and she seemed to be unwilling.

"Because our lives aren't easy," Haru said. As a fellow earthbender who had been prisoned for four years, she should understand what he meant. They are in times of war. Haru was a powerful man, and his kind isn't bound to form a family in a village in such times. Even though she is cute and pretty, Haru had his priorities in order.

"Mmm…" she put her hand behind her back, stared between her legs, and said. "I understand. I haven't thanked you enough, would you like to come for dinner. Mom will be happy to invite you…"

She and her mom both were in that prison.

"I'll be having dinner with my family, so I'll decline," Haru said.

"How about, you come after that, middle night, for a parting gift." She said, her cheeks colour getting redder.

Haru understood. Put his hand behind her back, bent a little, and approached. She stared at his lips as if signalling for him to come.

Haru kissed her deeply.

Although he was a man focusing on his goals, he didn't mind slacking. Besides, he wasn't holding himself.

The girl blushed more when she stared at Haru's face. "We'll meet by my house." She then turned and walked away.

Haru stretched his arms up, feeling a bit light. The dopamine released by kissing surely gives a lot of pleasure.

It was his habit that he would train after training the others. In the morning, he trains his attributes, and after a day of dealing with the village and its people, he would practise his skills.

In the last three weeks, he made all of his skills reach the tenth level. And he had developed some of his own. He had been saving the Skill Points to choose which skill to level up.

But tonight, since he is leaving tomorrow, he decided not to train.


He heard Tyro and turned. "Yes, father."

"Would you like to have the last touch?"

Haru stared at the wall. It was clouded by iron, except for one spot.

He stretched his hand to the left. From 20 meters, a heavy piece of iron floated and came flying to him. He then put it on the wall. Then, he and the other benders welded the iron with their bending, making it one sturdy piece.

[Ding, quest is completed]

[+20.000 exp]

[Storage: +Storage Box]

[You levelled up]

[Level 14]

Haru crossed his arms and smiled. Technically, if the Fire Nation attacked them from the sea or from the sides, they will have this wall to protect everyone. And the best thing is, this wall can be used as a weapon in the hands of his students.