
One who was Blessed by Death God

Before I even asks, she said "There was a Legend, in 'that' place resides the strongest being, feared even by Gods and Goddessess. You already aware Otherworlders have their own respective Gods right? Who knows whats in that place, afterall legend are still a legend" She said.

I heard her talking but, It didn't enter through my ear because by the time I saw that place, I heard an incomplete whisper saying '—here'.

It wasn't clear if that whisper said is to 'come here' or 'stay away from here' but all I know is, I clearly heard its last word.

"That very place was the boundary of Demon and ours Human Continent, so long as I am here —with you— I will Kill any outsiders who have an ill Intention in this place. Our place." she said while playing her fingers and blinking towards me before looking at that thing again.

I Ignore her and lean my body infront of the city wall, narrowing my eyes while looking at that thing. No. I was looking the two separated green and dark scenery separated border.

Sheeessh— I sigh..

"By the way, our 'Guests' already arrived right? looks like you'll be busy after you've become a Soldier" She said and lean her head at my shoulder coming from my back at scuffle my hair, or rather my Helmet.

"Dont overwork yourself, you can count on me if anything happens and surely I'll kick the balls who bullied you. Also.. always report your status on me okay? there are more upcoming Subjugation Party's from now on with otherworlders at its center, remember, they are Immortal that they dont give any sh*t on what happen to our life. And one more thing. dont hit on any Girls you've pick from the road! hmpf~" She said while tickling my Body.

"he he, of course miss Lancer! I'm not a handsome guy afterall, theres no way I pick any girls" I response, theres no way in hell I raised a flag alright, but she murmured 'Nope, your a natural gigolo' but I didn't mind them. Oh. in this world, theres a saying by raising ones flag means you are collecting girls.

"hmp! just call me Eli-chan when only two of us huehue" She chuckled while wiping her mouth like theres already some drools that leaked.

— — — — —

After our talk and said my Goodbye, I hopped downward but not literally. I used stairs of course.

"Hmp! you didn't said she was your acquaintance!" Raljan crossed arm, poutingly said, after my return.

"yare yare~ you didnt even said she was your Idol, hm?" I said while copying his reaction and sneer.

"cheh— lets go" clicking his tongue, he started to walk away as I followed suit.

But not far away we saw leiutenant Frey walking as we passes at each other. But before we greeted him, he already said "I've finished your job" and he passed through us with cold eyes.

Am I have to stay away from her starting today? No, she'll get angry for sure. Is what I thought.

— — — — —

This time, we didnt enter at Slum area but instead we routed from southeast to south area and to southwest and then return to Central Plaza.

From now on thats our daily routine, so for now we dont have any business from North Gate area until the next schedule.

And not because we didn't enter at Slum area doesnt mean there doesn't have any ruckus, alright? Although many Guards are roaming freely in this city, they're just watching and observing from afar.

And not far away, many Otherworlders are gathering at South Gate and making noise, and because South was the safest area for Beginners as this was also our cadet life training area, majority of them gathered here to hunt. Hmm lets see, some of them already Blessed by their respective Gods:

a Fighters from God Jaa

a Warriors from God Espada

an Elementalists whose element came from Four Goddess of Encantasia which is: Wind— Goddess Wind Tempestra, Water— Goddess Umira, Earth— Goddess Gaia, Fire— Goddess Scorchia. And Twin God of Dark and Light: Death God Kranum, and White God Luther.

Though you can't distinguished what Elementalists element if one didn't show its skill, we can perceive it just by their Aura. And its already late noon, many them is already receive their blessing from their respective Gods I mentioned. For example, the twin God of Death and Light. God Kranum's blessing is Dark Element and there, I saw some of them are equipped with dark staff or wand and the same for God Luther which is wearing priests equipment.

According to [Akhashik Record], only Demi-Gods can be blessed by this 'Battle Gods' other than God Svina. And here I thought they've been summoned by our Goddess of Prospherity, but the same day they summoned, they already hailed other Gods. Heretics indeed. And as for us, the original residents of this world? Well, I don't know how, but Lancer was blessed by Goddess of the Wind, Tempest and the God of Death, Kranum

And according to Elementalist affinity, if one was a Light attribute he/she was a [Healer or a Priest]. thereafter if one was a Dark attribute he/she was a [Necromancer] or anything related to black Magic. though it was a Black Magic, so long only an otherworlders who was blessed by Gods are Dark Elements and not a Local People, they didn't judged by higher ups.

This is one of the Part as of why some people Detests this otherworlders because of this so called blessing the moment they came, Gods are racists. For them, Demi-Gods are all special, whereas if a local people wanted to be a Healer, he/she have to be cleansed, in short, no malice in once heart. Even a normal Element cannot comprehend easily by Locals, only Genius can: For Example Lancer, not only was blessed by elements, she's also a Warrior.

Thats why in this world, we or any Local people. One is either a Fighter or a Warrior with or without an element except if you are Lancer.

And that is why otherworlders is a mere tool for 'Prospherity purpose' for people of this world, nothing more. And Goddess Svina was afterall our one and only true God, an upper tier God. even though her looks is out of this world.

— — — — —


The Girl at very corner of South Gate lean her back at its wall while crossed armed, she look gloomy while watching others and thinking of what she have to do next, but was surprised to sudden appearance of a Soldier beside her "You don't seem to be in a Group. Is something the matter?" The Soldier asks her curiously.

Narrowing her eyes while checking his Status


Name: Yulin

Class: Soldier

Danger Level: ? ? ?


Unknown Danger level? She thought.

All of normal Soldier she encountered so far, was low to Intermediate danger level, she even try to test the nearest soldier near him to confirm.


Name: Raljan

Class: Soldier

Danger Level: Intermediate


She wanted to say "eh?" but none could see her reaction so she relaxed herself and replied "hm. Im the one they called Black Magician. low damage, could only cast cursed and can harm a party member so none wanted to team up with the likes of me" she said nonchalantly. But she isn't here just because there are not many who wanting her.

"I see, so you recieved God Kranum's Blessing, but in the long run his Blessing was the mightiest Blessing one could ever have you know? so for now, you just have to grit your teeth and do what it needs to be done" said by the soldier called Yulin while smiling.

Tilting her head of what he meant Blessing. But because she recieve some Pop up she replied

"hmmm! thanks Yulin-san, I better remember that"

"huh? I didnt introduce myself so, how—" surprised, she could see the '?' symbol above his head, she only reply

"Otherworlder's Secret he he" putting her index finger to her lips and give him a wink, she straight up her body.

He didnt pry any question and only said, "Sigh Good, Goodluck then, atleast you felt relieve, I Guess? then, until we meet again?" he nod, turning around and walk at the nearest guard but in his face she could still see a question mark.

Thereafter the girl walked out of the gate and equipped her newly acquired Dark Cloak, covering her Head and went out.


[Notification: You acquired the Clue about your Class!]


At the same time

How the hell did she know my name? Yulin thought, but with a DUGUN— on his head as he snapped back to reality.

"You.. tryin' to hit a Girl even though you already have Lancer!? you damn play boy!" it was Raljan, his buddy who thump his helmet

Yulin wanted to explained but was recieved with barrage of Lecture in return.


Yulin failed so he keep it to himself instead.

I challenge myself to Post once a day...

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