

Multiple red warning signs transmitted across the cerulean-digital barrier that encircled the city. Speakers throughout the city screeched and crackled before saying, 'S Class Monster detected. May all non-players please evacuate to safer grounds. I repeat, may all non-players please evacuate to safer grounds.' In the heart of Arcdale, a massive timer ticked away the time before the monster's arrival.

Everyone from the elderly to children transformed into their equipment and prepared for battle. I stood in position at the front and seconds before the boss monster had appeared. An aureate constellation emitted around me and I came out dressed in a flowing hanfu in entwining shades of red, maroon and black; two swords attached to my hip. My fingertips brushed across my sword, engraved with gold and elevated it up on my right side seconds before it arrived.

There was a nulling void that fell upon the people with only the sounds of steady breathing, as thickening mist rolled over the battleground. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion but still kept my guard up. I observed the surrounding players with a look of pure disbelief. Their attack postures had already immediately loosened and had lowered their weapons. A cold chill ran through me. No, this wasn't right. I took another look and I made the connection. The other players didn't simply lower their guards down. They all had contracted weakness from the mist.

"You foolish players! Did you really think you could defeat me in my own domain?" the S Class Monster boomed. I squinted my eyes into the thick mist to see a large silhouette disappearing and reappearing. We were at a disadvantage with our vision and hearing being exploited.

There was fear and panic instilled in everyone as they tried to get rid of the curse; scrambling for healing potions while others swapping equipment that had some defence to the weakness debuff.

I knew I shouldn't take my eyes off of what was in front of me even for a second. An info hologram hovered over the monster's head. NAME: Nerissa, Queen of Withering Butterflies. CLASS: S ABILITY??

"How are we supposed to fight it if we don't know the monster's stats?" someone muttered himself and as he gripped harder onto his ax.

I glanced back at the boss monster. Lustrous pearl-white hair flowed freely like a smooth waterfall. Gold and black hair accessories were carefully placed throughout her hair and a gossamer cloth draped over her head. She wore a complimenting black and indigo dress that cascaded down to her body. A sharp purple fan radiated dark purple energy that was used to flutter in her face. A deathly aura was placed around the weapon, progressively worsened.

Nerissa's level was displayed above her head; a bold two hundred and seventy five with golden letters. I frowned slightly. The system was unfair. Levels determined everything: status, wealth and power. Thus, if a player had a high enough level, they received advantages in games. Including the revealing of stronger monsters' stats and abilities.

"Come at me humans, if you dare," the Queen of Withering Butterflies taunted, allowing a small smirk to slip.

The other players reluctantly, yet recklessly charged and proceeded to slash wildly and randomly at the monster; with some still with the weakness debuff. While the rest was occupied taking her down by force, I gazed at the health bar, it was declining much too quickly. The players that were present in the dungeons were around C/ B ranked with a few A ranked players. It was going to be difficult to take her down. The monster stood there and didn't fight back. It was normal for a monster to be aggressive and to attack both humans and players. So why was that the case? Many theories ran through my head. Adjusting back from my train of thoughts to reality, I noticed that Nerissa's health bar was in the lower yellow.

"Ha! Take that! The system must have gotten it wrong. There's no way you're a S class when your health is so low,"a person yelled arrogantly; as I saw his ego grow larger and larger.

The Queen of Withering Butterflies flew in closer, grabbed him up by his chin; lifting him off the ground and said,"Boy, listen up. I am showing you the difference between our power and yours. Let me warn you. There will be something coming for you all. A God of our species. Do what you can only do as humans, be afraid and only hope you'll come out alive."

With that, she carelessly dropped the boy back to the ground like a piece of trash and immediately the yellow health bar becomes 12 full bars of health. In a split second, Nerissa flicked once with her fan and purple butterflies fluttered around her, obeying her command.

This was bad, this was really bad. Every player was frozen with fear. Was this the power of a S Class Monster?

She, satisfied, eyed each and every player on the battlefield until she stopped at me. It felt like she looked through me. 'Interesting, your aura reminds me of Him. Oh well, I've done what I needed to do."

The monster faded into smoke, leaving only a swarm of butterflies.

"Wait, what does that mean?" I shouted to the butterflies but only the sounds of people talking and praying of the Great King Theseus replied back.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ciuunixeecreators' thoughts