
Plato - Part 2

Plato, only 12 years old, travels from Greece to Minsk for a job in the Nuclear Power Plant. He gets the opportunity to work there through an older friend Dmitri , who has already been working at the plant for a couple of years. He joins in as a transporter in the plant and befriends Sergey and Andrei who are also senior to him . And both Sergey and Andrei work in the same department as Plato. The Nuclear plant is headed by Mr. Peter , who was a former Bureaucrat in Moscow. The story is about how Plato climbs up the ranks in the nuclear power plant . Along runs parallely, the plot about the Nuclear power plant and how it harbours a secret that is not known to anyone. Dark and deep secrets that take the story forward to different parts of the Universe.

DaoistTO1iU9 · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

A true friend

<p>Plato walked out of the office with much happiness.
"Today we celebrate," he said to Constantine. "Let me call Elena first," he said. There was a conversation which happened between Elena and aconstsntine which did not really concern Plato so he was busy dreaming about something. Dreaming about himself being a traveler. Plato kept the phone down and Constantine was seen boasting that he was the chosen one, the one who will find the planet that humans would eventually settle upon. 
"Do not boast Constantine," said Plato. 
"I'm not boasting," said Constaine. "I'm only saying the truth. I'm only saying what I'm the chosen one."

Archimedes and his father were seated that night, with Zeno and the rest of the clan in heated discussion. "The Natives will come again, that is for certain," said Zeno. 
"When?" asked all the Marakese seated there. 
"That , I do not know," said Zeno. "And when they do, it will be much bigger in magnitude." 
"What do we do?" asked the Marakese. 
"The only thing that we can do now is to stay together," said Zeno.
"We do not stray, we do not travel anywhere and keep a tight watch on our children and women."
Everyone agreed except Archimedes who was distracted and was looking elsewhere. 
"Understood?" asked Zeno to Archimedes. 
"What about our farm?" asked Archimedes. 
"We have already lost our home, we cannot afford to lose our farm too," he said. 
"Is that so?" asked Zeno to the father of Archimedes. 
There was no response , from the father. Zeno now turned his full attention to Archimedes. "What do you propose?" he asked Archimedes. 
Archimedes stood up and said, "if they are willing to attack us then we have to be willing to end them as well."
"End them?" asked Zeno. 
"How do we do that? You say kill them all?" Zeno questioned still seated.
"We do not kill them," said Archimedes getting back to his senses. "But we attack them as sort of a warning." 
"Ok," said Zeno. "How de we attack them? we do not know where they live," said Zeno now talking to the whole crowd. 
"We have tried this before, haven't we," he said to everyone. 
"Could we find their location," asked Zeno. 
"No," replied everyone. 
"There, you have your answer."
"To attack them isn't it rather important that we find them," said Zeno looking at Archimedes trying to makemfun ofnthe young man's temper. 
Everyone seated there laughed. Archimedes was embarrassed and his face turned to red. 
"I will find them," he proclaimed .The crowd grew into bigger laughter. Archimedes stood there embarrassed. His father tried to comfort him but he snubbed him too and went far away from the crowd. 
"If I have to do it alone, I will do it alone,"he uttered.

Far Away

In the dark embers, in the deep end of the mountains. The barbarian leader Horkin seated in his chair, proceeded over the meeting. The council members were busy discussing on the matters at hand. Why have not the troops who have gone out, returned back? As this whole back and forth discussions were going on, Horkin maintained a very anxious presence. He seemed to be in deep thought, as though an unforgivable occurrence had occurred. Slowly the faces of the councilman turned to worrisome as well. 
"The son of Horkin went out to hunt," said one of them. "Yes," they all whispered between themselves. 
"Yes indeed,he has gone with them," murmured a few. 
"Do not worry king," said the senior councilman. "The people will return. Trobin has gone with them and Trobin always returns."
"Yes, yes, agreed the other councilman, he has and always with severed heads."
Yet with all the comforting words of the councilman, Horkin maintained a perilous look. Nothing anybody could say could cheer him up. He feared the worst, he feared that his son was no longer in this world. The murmurs continued among the council. Horkin got up from his chair, "enough?" he shouted to his people. "There is no time to waste, send the rest of the men out. Send the rest of them roaring with swords swinging in the air. Send them now to search for my son. And if the party is not to be found, kill everyone there. Kill everyone you find on the path. Kill everyone that is not us," roared Horkin. 
The councilman too shouted, "let us prepare for war. Call the warriors out, send them on their hunt,shouted the councilman. 
Horkin sat on his chair, he shouted, "these people come to our lands, take what they want, kill our people. This is what they deserve. This is a long time reckoning."
The warriors drove out of the cave in huge numbers swinging their swords!</p>