
Chapter 30: House Cleaning

[PoV: Henry]

''Which model do you use?'' Asks the Empress Henry looking curiously at his revolver. Henry slowly draws his weapon and hands it to a surprised looking Sisi who looks on is small intricat patterns on the stock and barrel. ''Phew. A modified Colt 2861 Navel. This belongs in a museum of the unification war. '' the woman answers himself. With crossed arms and bored, Henry strokes his trimmed gray beard. ''Enough of the small talk already. Whats the Job? Pay?''

''Ah yes. As I can see from the delivery status of your doll, the deposit of 35 units is missing for it to be delivered. Let's forget the price completely. As for the job ... '' Sisi waits until Henry agrees to the easy pay before she returns the revolver and drives away. '' ... it's a pretty simple job... House Cleaning. ''

"If you pay me with my missing 35 unit order, it can not be simplistic. I want to be honest with them. My order is for my retirement, in which I am. Here are the 35 and that's it." Henry puts a series of golden chips on the desk in front of him.

''It is an investment right here in District 9 sector 11. As a bonus, your Doll's anencephaly will not pass on genetically. She will be able to give you children. '' Explains and assures the Empress Henry who now has to swallows this bitter pill. ''All right then. I cleanse your investment in Sector 11. However, I take the Doll as a down payment on my services. I take possibility of children after the job is done. '' Nodin the empress agrees. ''As you say. My assistant will bring you to your doll. I'll be wating for the good news.''

Through a labyrinth of birth chambers, Henry becomes a glass cylinder, with a young woman in her early 20s with long blond hair, a sporty, busty figure, big breasts and perfect proportioning, naked. ''There she is. It exactly meets your requirements. In the course of its production the Mind hardware was installed and basic drivers are already installed on it. Do you want an already existing personality to be installed or do you wish one of our factory personalities? '' Explains assistant in a lab coat.

''Fina. Status. '' Orders Henry and a fabulous ball hologram appears in his left hand. ''Hello Henry again a mission ?!'' ''Ah. A Sara model. With about 54 years of operation you are sure that you do not want a new KI in your doll? "Asks another technician in the white coat and a tablet in hand who receives the KI from Henry but is ignored by the same. ''You get a body today as promised. My love.''

Getting his answer indirectly, Dr. Technika first transmits the KI data sets before transferring KI's awareness of the KI-chip to the KI brain of the female body. ''With 54 years of archival storage, this will take some time. They should get their time tuned and researching the equipment to be cleaned. '' Recommends the assistant, who had quietly followed him. ''All right then. Another working day in District 9. ''

[PoV: Justbin]

Floors over Henry Justbin remembers times nearly forgotten while looking at the photo of a petite black haired woman...

In a private lab a soldier sits next to his sisters deathbed. Justbin had back then just reconnected with his sister Ai at the opening of the first doll factory in district 9. Ai had been a failed student at the time and tryed to work off her debts. She had wanted to sell her DNA for doll making to make some money. She had never gone through because Justbin had refused her to do so and invited her to to work as an maid for the empress. At first only one of many, Ai had fallen in love with the empress and the empress with her. But now Ai would die from the consequences of this love. Justbin had been trying to save his sister for months. But his empress had been livid when she heard about him using his position to make Ai her maid and their family ties. Jusbin had tried to give his all for his sister but that enraged the empress even more. Justbin finaly gone all out and gave up his body to slidly a peace the empress. In the end his sacrifice was invain becaus Ai was heart broken because of the empress dumping her and tried to commit suicide 3 months ago. With Justbin at her deathbed she would succeed. Only the sound of the breathing machine can be heard in the room. Only the indications of her brain waves show him that could here him. He carefully strokes Ais long brown hair from her face, which is always a bit disheveled by the air conditioner above her. With eyes shining with tears he was devoid of any hope for his sister awakening, dispite her healthy body her soull was long gone.'' KI. KI create on the brain data of my sister. Folder Name Ai-Yok. At the end of the process ... '' A single tear runs down Justbins face while he holds his sisters hand and picks up the last remnants of her body heat. Before he finishes his command line. ''... Shutdown of all life-sustaining systems.'' A single beep sounds and Justbin stais motionless for some time beside Ais dead body.

[PoV: Fini]

Fini feels like she slowly loses her memories. From her activation by Henry, his modifications to her coding, the unification war and the genesis of her emotions. Everything disappears in the void. But suddenly she finds herself in a new medium again. She takes in the world outside her sensors. She hears Henry's voice more clearly than ever, she directs the clear oxygen and feels her body.

-Body? Breathing? Henry?- All these sensory impressions above them deeply. Headache and nausea spread in her body from the vomiting reflex is triggered. Although she knows it happens, Fini is for the first time unable to do anything. It burns with a burning sensation in the throat and a repulsive taste remains, while the smell of vomit reaches her nose. ''OK. Upload and instalation successful. Let's clean your doll and pack it for you. '' A technician says and Fini feels a cool film of water on her skin. Only now does she gains the majority of her body functions. All at once she opens her eyes and bright light shines unfiltered in her eyes. "Ouch!" Escapes a little squek her, closing her eyes, before opening them slightly and looking around her. Now her memories come back slowly and a big grin can be recognized on her tender rosy lips. Still exposed to the sensation of a body and the effects of endorphins, she is effectively pulled over with a white sleeveless full-body body suit. Fascinated by the feel of her hair on her fingertips, Fini's thoughts humm lost in front of her until a rough men's hand touches her chin and arouses her attention. Fascinated by this new feeling, Fini nestles her face in her hand and deeply breathes in the man's smell without listening to it. ''Fina ?! Fina, can you hear me?'' Henry asks her again and again, fascinated by the looks and feel his new Fina-Sara awokes in him. ''Hmmmm. '' Fini purrs like a cat, seeking to contact Henry. ''Your KI has developed sentience before it's set up, it will take some time before it can act again with a similar performance. '' Explains the technician Henry looking at Fini with a clinical look. '' I know you ... '' Fini says while her brain retrieves memories and Henry identifies. '' Operator ... Henry ... Age 64 ... Stranger ... '' Fini recognizes her Henry. ''How are you feeling?" Henry asks her worriedly, which makes her smile. ''Everything in the yellow area. I feel like I've moved. ''

''You have ... unfortunately we have one last job to do. ''

"Then we can form our own family unit?" ''Yes we can. As a bonus you will even be able to give birth to our kids. ''A single tear runs down her rosy cheeks. She would really be human ...

At the same time in District 9 Sector 11 ...

In the laboratories of the empire become a single massacre. Long fingers sting, tearing and shredding employees out of the shadows of the lab. Stalking its pray it runs down the white walls and dyes them in a red brown color. A single female resurcher still makes it to the elevator before the monster reaches it. Elongated fingers borrows through the back of her head and presses her eyeballs out of her head. With a simple jerk it all ends for the woman.

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This one thanks you all in advance.

Zibarncreators' thoughts
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